City Dragon System

Chapter 13 Debt Collection Liu Huhu

Chapter 13 Debt Collection Liu Huhu
Qin Yao was startled, her beautiful eyes flickered.

She knew that if ancient warriors wanted to develop 'external strength' and 'internal strength', they had to rely on the assistance of elixir.

And the elixir grows in the deep mountains and big lakes, and feeds on spiritual energy for a living.

In today's earth, spiritual energy is already very thin.

The elixir is naturally very scarce.

If, the earth is really 'spiritual recovery'.

Then, there will be a large number of elixir medicines on the market.

And in Huaxia, more ancient martial arts masters will emerge.

Qin Yao sighed.

'The revival of spiritual energy will surely open a new era of martial arts.Every warrior will face more opportunities and more challenges!
Think about it, it's really exciting! '

Elder Qin paused for a moment, and continued to narrate.

"In ancient China, there was a wonderful book called "The Classic of Taoism".

It is recorded in the book that the aura in the world rises and falls, just like the waxing and waning of a bright moon and the withering and flourishing of vegetation.

Every five or 600 years, Reiki will be revived.

During the Three Kingdoms period, the aura was revived for the first time, and many famous ancient martial arts generals who were able to fight well appeared. "

Qin Yao nodded.

In the Three Kingdoms era, heroes emerged in large numbers.

Guan Gong holds the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, and he can be the head of a general among ten thousand troops.

Zhao Zilong single-handedly went seven in and seven out of Changbanpo, killing Cao Bing without anyone dared to fight.

Ordinary people read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and think that these stories are the author's exaggerated descriptions.

In fact, fierce generals such as Guan Yu and Zhao Yun are all ancient martial arts experts with profound cultivation.

Qin Laodao: "During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, spiritual energy recovered for the second time, and many martial arts masters were born.

For example, Li Yuanba can make a golden hammer weighing [-] jin.Han captures the tiger, one punch can shatter the black iron shield.Also, Luo Cheng, the 'Cold Face and Cold Spear', Cheng Yaojin, the 'Devil Lord of the World'...

These people are all martial arts masters who can break through tens of thousands of catties and fight against thousands of people alone. "

"Afterwards, there was a third spiritual recovery in the Ming Dynasty.

Zhang Sanfeng, once enlightened to Taoism, became the leader in the world, and founded the Wudang School...

Now, it is the fourth spiritual recovery. "

"The fourth time... the spiritual energy has recovered!" Qin Yao couldn't help feeling overwhelmed by hearing her grandfather's narration.

Elder Qin said again: "Yesterday, I received a top-secret document. It was a video taken by astronauts who landed on the moon.

The video shows that there is a huge dragon descending on the earth. "


Come down to earth!

Qin Yao's eyes widened, and she couldn't close her mouth in surprise.

She knew that only a very small number of high-level officials could access the top-secret information that grandpa said.

Ordinary people have no right to know.

"Grandpa, what does the coming of the dragon mean?"

"Yaoer, the birth of the dragon marks the revival of spiritual energy! The world of ancient martial arts is about to usher in a brand new era.

It belongs to you young people! "

Qin Yao's eyes flickered, feeling deep in his heart.

"The future world of martial arts is bound to be splendid, full of opportunities and challenges!

By the way, Lin Hao is now a martial arts master.

Once the spiritual energy recovers, wouldn't he be even more powerful, and his strength will become..."

Thinking of this, Qin Yao finally understood.

Grandpa condescended and surrendered to Lin Hao.

His decision is not muddled, but foresight and great wisdom!

Huixianlou Hotel.

Lin Hao held a canvas bag with 20 cash in his right hand, and a plastic bag containing dragon scale fish in his left hand, and walked out of the hall.

"Mr. Lin, please stay!" Boss Xu shouted while running, panting.

With his chubby belly, he ran three times, it was hard for him to keep up with Lin Hao's footsteps.

"Meatball, what's the matter?" Lin Hao grinned.


After hearing Lin Hao's teasing words, the beautiful welcoming girls beside them all pursed their lips and laughed.

Xu Zhenshan's height is at most 1.6 meters five, but his weight is more than 200 catties.The whole person looks like a meatball.

Moreover, it was an extra-large Sixi meatball.

However, apart from Lin Hao, no one dared to call him that.

"Haha, Mr. Lin is really humorous." Xu Zhenshan laughed a few times.

For Lin Hao's teasing, let alone being angry, he didn't even dare to wrinkle his eyebrows.

Xu Zhenshan said: "Mr. Lin, you saved Mr. Qin just now, which is equivalent to saving me. This bank card is given to you, and there is 500 million rewards in it.

Not a respect, please accept it! "

As he spoke, Xu Zhenshan bent down, held a business card in his hand, and respectfully sent it to Lin Hao.


Hey, meatballs are really good!

Lin Hao smiled and accepted the bank card calmly.

Seeing this, Xu Zhenshan was finally relieved.

He also said: "Mr. Lin, besides Huixian Tower, Xu also runs several entertainment clubs. Let's taste red wine and sing ditties.

In the clubhouse, a group of girls from the Western Regions just arrived, with fair skin and long legs, they are so beautiful!

Hey, are you free tonight? "

Xu Zhenshan is well versed in the world and knows that young people are full of firepower and like a life of feasting and feasting.

He wanted to do what he liked and took the opportunity to get closer to Lin Hao.

Unexpectedly, Lin Hao smiled coldly.

"No time!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Hao left Boss Xu, who was in a daze, and walked straight away.

Brother, a man who wants to be a dragon god, how can he be greedy for that kind of broken flowers and willows, vulgar and vulgar fans?
Moreover, Lin Hao found a mysterious wooden box from the white crow.

He was anxious to go home, wanting to see what treasure was hidden inside the wooden box!
"This Mr. can't figure it out!"

Xu Zhenshan watched Lin Hao walk away before he dared to straighten his back.

In his early years, he went underground and offended many people. He knew that once he retired from the world, those enemies would definitely swarm up and carve up the Xu family's property.

"Mr. Lin is the most powerful and youngest ancient warrior I have ever seen.

If you can make good friends with this person, I believe that the Xu family can still prosper for another 30 years. "

Thinking of this, Xu Zhenshan hurriedly ordered the secretary.

"Notify the managers of each branch and come to the hotel for a meeting immediately.

From now on, no matter who it is, if they meet Mr. Lin, they will take good care of them! "



Lin Hao walked into the Tonghe community.

Passing by the gate of the community, he bought fried twists by the way.

Four twists, five yuan, this is Luo Xiaoyi's favorite snack.

Before he got downstairs, Lin Hao saw many people blocking the entrance of the building, as if they were arguing about something.

"Hey? It's Sister Luo's voice, not good!"

Lin Hao frowned, and walked over quickly.


Luo Xiaoyi was surrounded by seven men.

She couldn't go home, and her pretty face was full of anxiety.

"Liu Meng, what do you mean? I have paid off all the previous debts, why are you here to collect the debt?"

It turned out that when Lin Hao was in a coma and was hospitalized, he was in urgent need of medical expenses.

Luo Xiaoyi once went to Liu Meng's loan company and borrowed 5 yuan.

According to the contract, she quickly paid off the debt.Even, an extra 1 yuan in interest was paid.

Who would have thought that after half a month, Liu Meng came to the door again and asked her for 10 yuan.

This is obviously extortion, Luo Xiaoyi is of course very angry!
Liu Meng squinted his triangular eyes, looking at Luo Xiaoyi's pretty annoyed face with cunning eyes.

"Miss Luo, last time you paid back the debt, this time I want interest.

You are overdue for half a month, according to the contract, the interest is 10 yuan. "

Luo Xiaoyi scolded: "It's unreasonable, your subordinates clearly said that the interest is 1 yuan, and I paid it all.

How did it come to you, and the interest became one hundred thousand? "

Liu Meng grinned, showing a rogue face.

"Before, my subordinates miscalculated the accounts, and the interest was not [-], but [-].

Miss Luo, it's only natural to pay off debts.

Today, you must pay back the money! "

Liu Meng's words and deeds are very rascal, and it is clear that they are extorting money.

Residents in the surrounding community all defended Luo Xiaoyi.

"Miss Luo is so pitiful. I heard that she went to 'Liu Tiger' to borrow money for her younger brother's medical treatment."

"These guys are disgusting. Borrowing [-] yuan with interest of [-] yuan, it's a money grab!"

"Shh, don't let 'Tiger Liu' hear you. This guy is cruel and will take revenge on you."

"Hey, we ordinary people have no power or power. When we meet this kind of villain, we can only be bullied!"

For a time, the crowd was furious.

However, everyone dared not speak out because of the notoriety of 'Liu Tiger'!

(End of this chapter)

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