Chapter 38

He Hong frowned and stared angrily.

"Lin Hao, Miss Yu has already stepped down the steps for you, don't be ignorant of flattery!"

Don't know how to flatter?

Lin Hao shook his head and sneered, looking cynical.

Of course he understood that what He Hong did was out of good intentions.

However, he doesn't need this kind of kindness!
Lin Hao didn't bother to explain more to He Hong, so he spoke lightly.

"I'm determined to eat this roast pig."

Although the voice was flat, it was full of warning!
Yu Nan laughed back angrily.

"Haha, Lao He, you've seen it too. It's not that my old lady doesn't give face, it's the kid surnamed Lin who is making progress!"

He Hong was so angry that his face was livid: "Lin Hao, you really want to die. I... I don't care about you anymore."

After saying that, he turned his head and left.

Since, Lin Hao doesn't appreciate it.Well, let him learn a lesson.

Yu Nan said: "Lin Hao, since you have chosen to eat roast pig, then, please start!

However, if you can't eat it.

I will kick you off the boat and let you swim back to Qinglan Harbor by yourself. "

The Blue Shark is now at least three hundred nautical miles away from the port.

Swimming back, it must be a dead end!
Everyone looked sympathetically at Lin Hao.

'This kid is really a master of death! '

Lin Hao, on the other hand, gave a narrow smile and asked, "What if I ate the roast pig?"

"Then I will apologize to you in public." Yu Nan replied.

Lin Hao shook his head: "I lost, so I have to swim back to Qinglan. You lost, but you apologized verbally?
Don't think that just because you have big breasts, you can do whatever you want. "

The others laughed secretly when they heard this.

This kid really did a good job...

No matter what time, he still dares to tease Yu Nan.

Yu Nan held back her anger, gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'm a big deal... swim back to Qinglan too."

Of course, she didn't believe that Lin Hao could win.

The meat of wild wild boar is difficult to digest. Adults will be full after eating a leg of pork.

And the whole piece of roast pig weighs close to two hundred catties.

Lin Hao is so thin, can he eat meat heavier than himself?

"Cut the meat!" Lin Hao said lightly, with absolute confidence on his face.

Chef Liu glanced at Yu Nan, then picked up the knife and started cutting the barbecue.

'Hmph, I'll cut off the most indigestible tendon first and give it to him.

This kid can eat at most a pork leg. '

With this in mind, Chef Liu skillfully swung the blade.

Pieces of grilled meat, like snowflakes, fell onto the plate.

Lin Hao put on disposable sanitary gloves, grabbed the barbecue, and chewed it.

Chef Liu's knife skills are exquisite, and the meat slices are cut very quickly.

However, Lin Hao ate faster, which can be described as 'wind and clouds'.

Those wild boar tendons were very tough, but under Lin Hao's steel-like teeth, they were quickly chewed to pieces.

in the crowd.

The chubby Chen Yang couldn't help being amazed when he saw this scene.

"I'll go, Yakou surnamed Lin is fine! In less than half a minute, he ate up a pork leg.

This speed is too fast! "

One pork leg is finished, and the second...

Lin Hao never refuses anyone who comes, and the more he eats, the more he eats.

Seeing that Chef Liu was sweating from work, the two chef brothers came over.

"Master, we will cut the meat for you."

Pork legs, pork belly, pork ribs, pork back...

Lin Hao grabbed the barbecue and ate it faster and faster.

In the end, he didn't even need to chew, he threw the meat slices into his mouth and swallowed them directly.

At the same time, Lin Hao practiced the "Xuantian Hualong Jue" silently.

Under the action of the mental method, his body, like a sponge, frantically absorbed the spiritual energy of the piece of meat.

'Ding, absorb the earth aura of wild boar, and the owner gets 0.2 points of dragon energy. '

'Ding, absorb the earth aura of wild boar, and the owner gets 0.3 points of dragon energy. '


The eyes of the people around, from the initial sneer, gradually changed to amazement, shock, disbelief...

"Mom, this kid eats really fast. Three chefs cut meat at the same time, so they can barely keep up with his speed."

"Fuck, he can't be the reincarnation of Taotie, can he?"

"It's delicious, it makes me hungry."

Someone also raised a mobile phone and started recording a video.

"Live broadcast... a pig for a meal. Veterans, get up, double-click 666..."

Most of the guests on the Blue Shark are wealthy and social elites.

Among them, there were also well-informed people who vaguely guessed a possibility after seeing Lin Hao's vigorous performance.

This young man named Lin Hao must be an ancient warrior.

Only ancient warriors who have practiced ancient martial arts have such an astonishing appetite.

Yu Nan is a mid-level martial artist who knows the inside story of the ancient martial arts world.

She knew that the food intake of warriors was about the same as that of ordinary people.

Warriors, due to their full blood vessels and high basal metabolic rate, can eat seven or eight roast chickens in one meal.

A martial artist is even more powerful, he can eat a roast sheep.

But only Wu Zong could eat half a roasted wild boar.


Wu Zong is like a dragon!

In the entire Qi province, Wu Zong did not exceed five people.

They are all well-known overlords, and they are all in their fifties.

Yu Nan shook his head secretly, puzzled.

She looked at Lin Hao repeatedly, but she could not see a trace of vigor in him, let alone the might of a warrior.

Just looking at his appearance, Lin Hao is not like an ancient warrior, but just an ordinary boy.

But how did he do all this?

Yu Nan really wanted to take off Lin Hao's clothes and see if there was a black hole in his stomach.

After ten minutes, the charcoal roasted wild boar left only a skeleton.

"Oh my's amazing!"

Chef Liu stared, his hand holding the knife was trembling.

He has been in the business for more than 30 years and has met many diners who can eat.But I have never seen a person who ate half of a roast pig in just ten minutes.

As the saying goes... so terrifying!
Chen Yang touched his chubby belly with excitement.

The gaze he looked at Lin Hao was no longer contempt, but worship.

Last year, Chen Yang represented Qinglan City and went to the United States to participate in the World Big Eater Competition.

As a result, he didn't even make it to the rematch.

"Haha, this brother is too powerful, if he goes to participate in the Big Eater Competition, he will kill his opponent in seconds!
You know, in addition to 100 million gold, the champion also has the privilege of enjoying Michelin food for one year for free. "

After Lin Hao ate the last piece of meat, the expression on his face was still calm.

"The taste of the roast pig is not bad, it's barely full!"

[-]% full?
Everyone looked at Lin Hao's flat stomach, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

That's... close to two hundred catties of meat!

He ate everything, but his stomach remained unchanged...

This guy is definitely a freak!

"Yu Nan, I finished eating the roast pig, you should keep your promise.

I'm curious, how will you swim back to Qinglan? "Lin Hao had a playful face and laughed wickedly.

Under the eyes of everyone, Yu Nan was speechless, her pretty face turned pale with anger.

However, she is someone who has seen the world after all, and she quickly changed her smile.

"Hehe, little brother, you are so talented, you really opened my sister's eyes!
We are not acquainted with each other.

How about this, my sister will take you to the Colosseum later, and arrange a VIP seat for you to have fun all about it? "

As he said that, Yu Nan twitched the corner of his eyes and deliberately cast a wink.

I go!

This woman is really fickle!
Before, you looked aggressive and fierce, but now you lose but don't admit it.

Where is your face?

Lin Hao shook his head and sneered: "What's the meaning of fighting beasts? I just want to see how you swim back to Qinglan."

Beside, Chef Liu stood up and scolded.

"Boy, don't be ignorant of good and evil. Miss Yu is an ancient warrior. If you dare to speak nonsense, be careful that she throws you into the sea."

Ancient warrior?
Many people were stunned and looked at Yu Nan in awe.

No wonder, this woman is the gold medal host of the Colosseum, she has no real skills, and she really can't do that job.

"A mere mid-level martial artist, isn't he awesome?" Lin Hao sneered.

Yu Nan took a deep breath, his eyes flickering.

"I guess, the little brother is also an ancient warrior, right? My sister was wrong about the previous thing.

Now, I sincerely apologize to you.

In this way, it should be fine! "

Yu Nan said, bowing deeply.

I don't know if she did it on purpose, the white greasy at the neckline is very attractive.

Lin Hao was unmoved, and shouted in a cold voice.

"Are you deaf? I told you to swim back to Qinglan!"

As soon as he said a word, everyone was shocked!
"Fuck, this brother is crazy!"

"Miss Yu has apologized, but the one surnamed Lin still refuses to let go. I really don't know what he thinks."

"This kid's head is broken, if he dares to act wild on the Blue Shark, he will die!"

Yu Nan's suppressed anger finally broke out.

"Damn, do you really think I'm afraid of you? Kid, the Blue Shark can't let you be presumptuous!"

After saying that, she flipped her palm, and there was an extra dagger.

"go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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