City Dragon System

Chapter 45 The Mosquito Ugly Mutated

Chapter 45 The Mosquito Ugly Mutated

Lin Hao first piled up the prepared herbs.

Then, using his finger as a brush, he used the dragon energy to outline lines.

The pattern of dragon aura surrounds the medicinal materials, criss-crossing and implying mysterious meaning.

In the end, the 'Burning Spirit Formation' was formed.


The spiritual array was activated, and bursts of flames of spiritual light emerged, appearing red and jumping erratically.

Long Ling'er reminded at the right time.

"Master, the color of the spiritual flame represents the rank of the Burning Spirit Formation.

Red, belonging to the first order.

After your alchemy improves, you can arrange a more advanced burning spirit formation.

At that time, the spiritual flame will turn orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple..."

Woo... will it make a bottle of Skittles?
Lin Hao chuckled, with curious eyes, he continued to observe the changes in the Burning Spirit Formation.

'Hoo hoo—'

The spiritual flame rose and gradually engulfed all the medicinal materials.

The medicinal materials were not burned to ashes, but turned into dots of spiritual light, flying up and down like fireflies.

A light point of light that rises slowly.

The dark spots of light fell rapidly.

"It's amazing, those light spots should be the essence of medicinal materials. And the dark spots are mostly impurities of medicinal materials.

Linger, am I right? "

"That's right, master is very smart!"

After Long Linger's explanation, Lin Hao finally understood.

Those light-colored light spots are the spiritual power particles of medicinal materials, also known as the 'spirit of medicine essence'.

The Burning Spirit Formation can extract the spirit of medicinal essence, and exert 100% of the efficacy of medicinal materials.

At the same time, the spiritual flame will also burn the harmful components of the medicinal materials, reducing side effects.

Of course, Lin Hao's alchemy is at the 'apprentice' level.

The first-order burning spirit array he arranged can only extract 70% of the efficacy of ordinary herbs.

"It seems that I have to work hard to improve the level of alchemy. Because refining centuries-old herbs requires a third-order burning spirit formation."

Lin Hao secretly made up his mind.

After a while, those rising 'spirits of medicine essence' began to gather, fuse, and condense into a ball...

In the end, the two piles of medicinal materials turned into ten pills.

'Ding, harvest five Peiyuan pills, and the master gets 5 points of alchemy experience. '

'Ding, harvest five Huarong Pills, and the master gets 5 points of alchemy experience. '

Lin Hao was a little dumbfounded.

"I go!
7000 yuan, plus 50 points of dragon energy.

In the end, I got 10 pills... so small! "

Each elixir is like a pomegranate seed, very small.

Lin Hao picked up the pill carefully, and the detailed description of the pill appeared in his mind immediately.

【Peiyuan Pill】: Tonic elixir, fourth grade.Consolidating the foundation and cultivating the vitality and enhancing the vitality can enhance the vigor of the warrior and help to break through the realm.

【Hua Rong Pill】: The elixir for retaining beauty, the fourth grade.Whitens skin, delays aging, invigorates and rejuvenates.

"Fourth grade... I remember that the Chixia Pill of Taiyuezong is the fifth grade." Lin Hao muttered to himself.

Long Ling'er: "Master, according to the grades of the earth's pills, there are nine grades. The worst is the ninth grade, and the best is the first grade."

"Hey, not bad!

The first time my brother made alchemy, he produced the fourth grade, which is one level higher than the top elixir of Taiyuezong.

Haha, when I improve alchemy, I will definitely be able to make a first-grade pill. "

Lin Hao smiled happily, and put the ten pills into the storage space.

At this time, he saw the props in the space - 'Tiger Pill'.

On the Blue Shark before, Lin Hao turned into a dragon and devoured a tiger king, so he got this item.

The Tiger Spirit Pill has been stored in the space, and he hasn't had time to study what effect this pill has.

"Take it out, Tiger Spirit Pill!"

Just as Lin Hao finished speaking, there was an extra black pill in his hand.

[Tiger Spirit Pill]: The demon pet elixir, after the demon pet takes it, it can increase the combat effectiveness.There is a 10% chance that the pet will produce a 'Heibiao' mutation.

Lin Hao was overjoyed.

Really sleepy, someone sent a pillow!

He has always felt that although Mosquito Chou is quite strong, his not domineering enough.

It would be great if it could mutate.

"There is only a 10% chance of mutation...

Take a gamble, my luck is always good. "Lin Hao looked forward.

He spread out his palms to greet Mosquito Chou.

"Come here, Dad will show you something nice."


Mosquito Chou whimpered and flew over.

When it saw the Tiger Spirit Pill, its red eyes suddenly widened.

"It smells so good..."

"Haha, you little thing, you know how delicious it is. Eat it, this is for you."

Lin Hao chuckled.

After hearing this, Mosquito Chou rushed to Hu Ling Pill impatiently.

Three mouthfuls and two mouthfuls, gnawing on it.

After a while, the elixir that was several times bigger than Mosquito Ugly was eaten by it.

'Ding, Mosquito Chou devoured the Tiger Spirit Pill, mutated, and evolved into a black blood mosquito! '

'Ding, Mosquito Chou has learned a new skill - Hei Biao's transformation! '

Haha, I won the bet!
Mosquito Chou not only successfully mutated, but also gained a new skill!
Kill two birds with one stone, cool!
[Hei Biao Transformation]: Mosquito Chou transforms into a 'Black Biao' state, which lasts for 10 minutes and cools down for 6 hours.

Hei Biao...

What is it like?

"Quick, show dad a change." Lin Hao was full of curiosity.


Mosquito Chou snorted, and his small body emitted a golden light.

In the blink of an eye, a black tiger appeared in front of Lin Hao's eyes.

The tiger is two meters long, with hair like ink, sharp claws and sharp teeth, and cold eyes.

The most amazing thing is that it also has a pair of wings.

The wings are translucent silver, with red cloud patterns on them, flickering and full of mystery.


"Go, take Dad to the sky for a ride!"

Lin Hao laughed and jumped onto Hei Biao's back.


Mosquito Chou let out a tiger roar, stretched out on all fours, and jumped out of the window.

Taking advantage of the darkness, it carried Lin Hao on its back and quickly flew into the sky.


Riding a horse, riding a donkey, have you ever ridden a tiger?

Moreover, it is still a mutant Heibiao with wings!
Lin Hao grabbed Hei Biao's neck hair, feeling secretly refreshed and extremely happy.

Mosquito ugly flying speed, like a normal car.

Soon, it flew over the park.

In the park, a group of uncles and aunts are dancing.

A certain uncle exclaimed: "Oh my God, a tiger just flew over."

"Don't be funny, why don't you say that there is a cow flying in the sky?" The aunt curled her lips.

The uncle insisted: "I didn't lie to you, it's really a tiger with white wings."

"Forget it, I'll take you to the hospital tomorrow to see if the cataract happened again."


Lin Hao rode Hei Biao, flew higher and higher, and could see the vast Yunze Mountain.

At this time, a reminder sounded in the ear.

'Warning, Hei Biao's transformation is about to end!




Nima, extreme joy begets sorrow!

I forgot, there is a time limit for transforming.

By the way, system, can you stop being so skinny?

Countdown, can't you call earlier?

Hey, count down from 5... I'm panicking!
"Land down quickly, hurry up!"

Lin Hao yelled and directed Mosquito Chou to fly towards the nearest building.

It was a high-rise residential building with about 30 floors.

When the countdown reached 0, Lin Hao leaped vigorously and grabbed the balcony on the tenth floor.

"It's dangerous, brother almost fell!"

Lin Hao grabbed the balcony and breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking up suddenly, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

I saw a young girl looking at him in surprise.

She was wrapped in a bath towel, with fair skin and wet hair hanging on her chest.

Exactly, that delicate girl from 'Baozhitang'.

(End of this chapter)

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