Chapter 47

fool around?

What a mess!

Lin Hao frowned, heartbroken.

I was just... someone threw a flower pot and sprinkled my head with pollen.

"Luo Xiaoyi, you are enough!
This is a floral scent, not a woman's perfume.

I just... accidentally fell into the flower bed.

If you don't believe it, smell it again, there is still the fragrance of soil! "

Luo Xiaoyi said bitterly: "Che, my sister cares about you, okay? I'm afraid you will be cheated by a bad woman.

You are really...a dog biting Lu Dongbin, you don't know a good heart. "

"Well, thank you for your concern, Lu Dongbin." Lin Hao shrugged and walked to the bathroom.

Luo Xiaoyi pouted: "No thanks, little milk dog!"

After washing up, Lin Hao returned to the living room refreshed.

He took out a 'Flower Pill' from the storage space and sent it to Luo Xiaoyi.

"Look, the Chinese medicine beauty pill I made, do you want to try it?"

Luo Xiaoyi chewed the popcorn in her mouth, creaked loudly, and blinked her big eyes.

"Are you're not kidding me?"

"Please, why am I kidding you.

This 'Huarong Pill' is made from pure Chinese medicine.It not only nourishes the skin and maintains youth forever, but also has no side effects. "

Luo Xiaoyi looked suspiciously: "But I's just a rainbow candy! Moreover, it seems to have been licked by you."

After all, this 'Hua Rong Pill' is too small, not much bigger than a bean.

It is very different from the traditional Chinese medicine honey pill in Luo Xiaoyi's impression.

"See what you said, am I such an unreliable person?" Lin Hao was speechless.

"You are a consistent pit sister, okay?"

"Would you like to eat it or not..." Lin Hao pretended to be angry and put away the pill.

Luo Xiaoyi, however, had quick eyesight and quick hands, snatched the 'Huarong Pill' and stuffed it into her mouth.

Oh, woman!

He said no, but his body was honest.

Luo Xiaoyi smacked her lips and said, "Well, the taste is slightly sweet and slightly sour...

Cut, this is obviously Skittles!
Lin Hao, you are a big liar! "

"I..." Lin Hao broke down in his heart.

Horse eggs!

The dignified fourth-grade elixir was regarded as rainbow candy.

Where are you going to reason?

At this time, Luo Xiaoyi suddenly said a word.

"Xiao Hao, do you still remember Meng Yi's son—Meng Xiang?"

"Well, what happened?"

"He died, the day before yesterday."

Lin Hao's face was calm, but he secretly smiled in his heart.

Reverse bone boy, die well!
Of course, Lin Hao had expected this result.

Meng Xiang was bitten by Mosquito Chou, leaving ecstasy toxin in his body.

Ordinary doctors can't detoxify this toxin at all.

Meng Xiang, who was poisoned, would be tortured painfully for three days and three nights, and eventually his internal organs would fester and his seven orifices would bleed to death.

As for Meng Yi...

This guy is behind the murder of his adoptive father.

Lin Hao planned to let Meng Yi bear the pain of losing his son for a few days, and then kill him with his own hands.

"Sister, how did you know about this?"

Luo Xiaoyi said: "This incident has gone crazy in the circle of friends.

They all said that the young master of Haixiang Group was dragged into the grove by a dozen big men.

Then, a violent... violent beating.In the end, he died without treatment. "

"It deserves it!" Lin Hao smiled faintly.

At this time, he saw a promotional material on the coffee table.

On the cover, it was impressively printed - Yunlan Mansion.

Yunlan Mansion?

Isn't this the place where Xu Zhenshan invited me to a banquet?
"Sister, what is this?" Lin Hao pointed to the brochure and asked.

Luo Xiaoyi said: "Oh, the etiquette job I just took over, I will go to Yunlan Mansion tomorrow night.

It is said that it was a press conference held by Qinglan Fu's family.All the big figures in the Qinglan business circle were present. "

"Sister, you don't have to work so hard. In the future, I will make money to support you."

"Haha, Xiao Hao, you don't have to worry about me. I just hope that you can get into a good university this year."

Luo Xiaoyi paused, then said: "Look, the current housing prices are really expensive.

The low price of Yunlan Mansion is as high as 38880 per square meter, and the smallest villa costs tens of millions!
Of course, let's just take a look.In the future, we will work hard and just buy a small apartment from the city. "

Lin Hao looked at the brilliance in Luo Xiaoyi's eyes, and smiled without saying a word.

It seems that Sister Luo likes it very much, the house in Yunlan Mansion!
My current savings are already more than 4000 million.

Buying a villa is enough!

Or, buy a set tomorrow?
At this time, Luo Xiaoyi suddenly put down the rice flower tube and covered her stomach.

Her beautiful eyes flickered, her expression painful.

"What's wrong, sister?
Auntie early? " Lin Hao asked.

"Big head ghost, it's not that... Woo, my stomach hurts... I can't do it!"

Luo Xiaoyi clutched her stomach and trotted into the bathroom.

"Uh... it can't be because you ate the elixir I made, right?" Lin Hao was alert.

In the bathroom, Luo Xiaoyi's drinking was heard.

"Lin Hao, you bastard!
Just now, you said that the pill has no side effects... Hey, it hurts me to death..."


Lin Hao smiled wryly and asked Long Ling'er.

"Ling'er, what's going on? Could it be that 'Huarong Pill' was destroyed by me?"

"Master, the Huarong Pill can clean up the dirt in the blood vessels and rejuvenate people. Its medicinal effect is equivalent to the weakened Body Tempering Pill.

Practitioners like you, because the meridians are opened up, the dirt can be discharged through the pores.

For an ordinary person like Luo Xiaoyi, he could only pass through the intestines. "

"No wonder, she has a stomachache."

Lin Hao suddenly realized.

"Come on, before my sister gets mad, I'm going back to the house to sleep!"


It was late at night and cold.

Meng's house, the living room.

Meng Yi looked haggard and sad.Looking at the portrait of his son, his heart felt like a knife.

The only son, gone!

How can a white-haired person send a black-haired person without making him feel heartbroken!
"Master Chao, you must avenge Meng Xiang!"

Sitting on the sofa was a strong man with a short head and square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Looking at his age, he was only in his early thirties, but he was imposing, with the proud attitude of a master.

This person is called Chao Peng.

He is the third master of Taiyue Sect and also the most proud disciple of the Sect Master.

After listening to Meng Yi's words, Chao Peng remained expressionless.

"Patriarch Meng, this time I came to Qinglan not to avenge your son, but to investigate the whereabouts of my Uncle Feng.

Uncle Feng came to your Meng family to make offerings, and within half a month, he disappeared inexplicably.

The suzerain was very angry when he heard this! "

Meng Yi had a frightened face and quickly explained.

"Yes, yes, I was wrong. Meng has also investigated Master Feng's disappearance.

This matter is related to a boy named Lin Hao.

Lin Hao is Luo Feng's adopted son. "

"Luo Feng's adopted son...

Chao Peng frowned, and snorted, "How is it possible? Isn't that kid only in his teens? How could a young child kill my Uncle Feng?"

Feng Zhihong is a middle-level martial artist, and he can be considered a high-ranking figure in Taiyuezong.

Of course, compared to Chao Peng, he is much inferior.

Chao Peng is the most talented disciple of Taiyuezong in the past 30 years.

Now his cultivation base is a high-level martial artist!

Meng Yi thought for a while and explained in a low voice.

"As far as I know, Lin Hao learned ancient martial arts from somewhere, and his kung fu is not bad.

Of course, no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible for him to beat Master Feng.

I guess, it was Lin Hao's Gu Wu master who killed Master Feng. "

After hearing this, Chao Peng frowned in thought.

Recalling Meng Xiang's tragic death from poisoning, he felt a chill in his heart.

Is it...

Master Feng was also poisoned?

Only people from Miaojiang can do such despicable killing methods.

Lin Hao's master...

Most likely a Miaojiang Gu master!

(End of this chapter)

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