City Dragon System

Chapter 54 The So-Called Famous Family

Chapter 54 The So-Called Famous Family

Ren Feiyu!
When Chen Yang heard this name, his face changed, pale as paper.

He didn't know Ren Jian, but he was familiar with Ren Feiyu's deeds.

Ren Feiyu is the most promising son of the Ren family.

Because of his excellent aptitude, he was accepted by the Taiyue sect.

At the age of ten, he began to practice authentic ancient martial arts.

At the age of 15, he won the championship of the junior group of the Qi Provincial Martial Arts Competition.

, was recommended to Zhong Hai University.

Ren Feiyu has practiced martial arts for many years and is a true ancient martial artist.Its strength is more than ten times stronger than that of Ren Jian.

With Lin Hao's ability, how could he win him?
Chen Yang couldn't help smiling wryly.

"It seems that I kicked on the steel plate today, and the bones are about to break..."

The more he thought about it, the more worried he became. He didn't know what to do, and he was completely stupid.

in the field.

Ren Feiyu looked cold, with his hands behind his back, full of arrogance.

He was satisfied with the reflections of others.

Those eyes full of jealousy, envy, and awe fell on Ren Feiyu, which made him feel very happy.

This is the attitude a strong man should have!
"Lin Hao, do you know what to do?" Ren Feiyu's voice was as cold as a knife.

Looking at Lin Hao again, he sat there indifferently as if nothing happened.

He didn't even lift his eyelids.

Hu Li watched coldly, and couldn't help but sneer.

"Lin Hao, why are you pretending to be confused? Apologize immediately before Young Master Ren gets angry!"

"Apologize? Give me a reason." Lin Hao shook the orange juice in his hand with a straw in his mouth.

A cynical look.

Hu Li looked sinister and snorted, "Do you still need to ask why?
It's because you overreacted and beat Ren Shao's younger brother.

Lin Hao, wake up!Recognize who you are now.

You are no longer the young master of a rich family, you are a shabby, poor dick.

A lowly person like you deserves to challenge the Ren family? "

Hu Li was full of bitter and mean words, which made Lin Hao's complexion turn cold.

However, Ren Feiyu felt very comfortable after hearing this.

"Lin Hao, this young master is an upright disciple of a famous family, and I don't bother to do anything to rubbish like you.

How about this, you kneel down to my cousin and apologize.

Then, you cut off your right hand as a punishment! "

Kneel down and apologize, break off your right hand!
So cruel!

So poisonous!

How domineering!
When the people around heard this decision, they all showed indignation and shook their heads secretly.

However, no one dared to speak out to refute.

Everyone could only look at Lin Hao with sympathetic and pitiful eyes.

"Hey, poor bastard, I can only accept my fate!"

Not far away, Su Zhi was so angry that she stomped her feet.

"Ren Feiyu, how can someone cut off his own arm? too unreasonable. No, I want to call the police."

"Xiao Zhi, don't do stupid things. Ren Feiyu is an ancient warrior, they have their own rules."

Lu Guan looked sternly, and said again: "In the world of ancient martial arts, the strong are respected, and the weak can only submit.

If you want to blame, you can blame Lin Hao. He acted too wildly and ignorantly, offending people who shouldn't be offended.

Xiaozhi, do you know?
Ren Feiyu's teacher is Taiyuezong.His master's name is Chao Peng, and it is rumored that he will be the next suzerain. "

Taiyuezong... Chao Peng... the next suzerain!
Su Zhi heard these words, her eyes flickered, and she sighed helplessly.

She doesn't understand the rules of the ancient martial arts world, but she knows Taiyuezong.

Taiyue Sect is the top three ancient martial arts sects in Qi Province.

The Scarlet Cloud Pill they refined is famous all over the world, and it is the top pill that warriors scramble for.

Ordinary people can also strengthen their bodies and bones and prolong their lifespan if they eat it.

Su Zhi's grandfather had brought many gifts with him many times, and wanted to join the Taiyue Sect and learn the ancient martial art of alchemy.

As a result, they were turned away every time.

It is conceivable how high the threshold of Taiyuezong is.

"Hey, Lin Hao has provoked a disciple of the Taiyue Sect, how can he escape?" Su Zhixiu frowned, extremely anxious.

Lu Guan sneered.

"This matter is also a lesson for Lin Hao.

You deserve it! "


Lin Hao touched his nose, his cold eyes fixed on Ren Feiyu.

"Just, a broken hand?"

"Of course not. In this case, it's too cheap for you kid."

Ren Jian jumped out and said viciously: "Brother, let him break another leg.

I want to tell him that he will never be able to walk normally! "

"Lin Hao, did you hear that? You, break another leg." Ren Feiyu ordered casually.

Brothers of the Ren family, sing together.

Their expressions were relaxed, as if they were discussing an ordinary matter.

"One leg, one hand...Okay, I understand." Lin Hao smiled.

Ren Feiyu snorted coldly: "Forget that you know the current affairs, cut yourself off!"

Under the gaze of everyone, Lin Hao put down the orange juice and stood up calmly.

There was always a faint smile on his face.

Calm, gentle, indifferent... like the breeze in May.

However, at the moment of getting up.

Lin Hao's indifferent expression disappeared.

Instead, he had a cold face like a frosty sword, and eyes like a bloody knife.

There was an evil sneer on his lips.


With a shout, Lin Hao's figure shook and disappeared instantly.

In the next second, he came in front of Ren Jian.

He raised his foot sharply and stepped on it heavily.


Before Ren Jian could react, he felt a severe pain in his right leg, as if he had been hit by a heavy truck.

Then, he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

At this time, Ren Jian found that his right leg had been broken, showing a strange bend.

At the knee, blood gushed out, staining the lawn red.

"It hurts so much, it hurts to death!"

Ren Jian screamed, screaming like a pig being killed.

Because of the severe pain, his pale and ferocious face was unbearable to look at.

"What's going on, Lin Hao actually... stepped on and broke Ren Jian's leg!"

"If you say change face, change face! This guy is too scary!"

"He's a devil!"

"In this way, Lin Hao completely offended Ren Feiyu.

The two of them will never die! "

Ren Feiyu was stunned by the sudden situation.

Looking at his brother who was crying in pain, his anger finally broke out.


Lin Hao, I killed you! "

Before he could finish speaking, Ren Feiyu's sleeves burst open with a 'squeak', revealing his arms with knotted muscles and bulging veins.

He exerted force on the soles of his feet and jumped more than four meters high.

Like a giant ape soaring into the air, he clenched his fists and punched down with all his might.

'Taiyue overwhelms the top! '

All of a sudden, the strong wind swelled, causing the surrounding people to feel chills to the bone, and their faces changed.

"Wow, it's scary! Is this... the murderous aura of a warrior?" Chen Yang's face was pale, and he was trembling even though he was holding on to the table.

In the distance, the scar-faced man named A Biao took a step forward and stood in front of Mr. Wu.

"Ren Feiyu is indeed a disciple of the orthodox ancient martial arts. This Taoist boxing technique is really as towering as a mountain, which is admirable!

Lin Hao, I'm about to lose! "

Look at Lin Hao again, standing where he is, motionless.

It wasn't until Ren Feiyu's fist approached that he slowly raised his right hand.

Between lightning and flint.

The fists of the two collided.


The sound of bone cracking resounded throughout the audience!
"Haha, Lin Hao's bones are broken..." Hu Li shouted happily.

However, when she saw the scene clearly, that happy expression disappeared.

It turned into shock, astonishment, and disbelief!
Not only Hu Li, but everyone present was stunned with a dumbfounded expression.

I saw Ren Feiyu kneeling on the ground.

Pale complexion, distorted facial features!
His right arm, bent down, presents a perfect ninety degrees.

Completely, broken!
And Lin Hao picked up the orange juice and took a sip.

His face was extremely calm, as if nothing had happened.

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(End of this chapter)

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