City Dragon System

Chapter 57 Profiteer Jin Zhongzhao

Chapter 57 Profiteer Jin Zhongzhao (third update, please vote~)

Lu Guan's voice was as cold as frost, and there was an inexplicable anger.

Su Zhi was slightly taken aback when she heard that, and stuck out her tongue.

She tilted her little head, and said to Lin Hao in a low voice: "Hey, Sister Lu seems to be in a bad mood. Usually, she is not like this."

"Yeah." Lin Hao smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously.

Chen Yang touched his belly, his eyes flickered.

As a senior 'emotional expert', his intuition told him that these three people had a story!

The fire of gossip in my heart is burning blazingly!

Not long after, Xu Wenbin, the nephew of Old Crocodile Xu, came to the front of the stage.

He was of medium build, with good features, wearing a bright colored shirt, and a gentle smile on his face.

"Hi everyone, my name is Xu Wenbin.

I grew up abroad, and now I return to China to help my uncle do things.In the future, please give me more advice! "

Xu Wenbin bent at ninety degrees and bowed to the audience.

His humble attitude won applause from everyone.

With a smile on the corner of Lu Wan's lips, looking at the radiant Xu Wenbin, she felt a little balanced in her heart.

'Lin Hao, no matter how hard you fight, what can you do?
In the future, you will join a wealthy family, be an enshrinement, listen to others' instructions, and live in the shadow of swords and blood.

And the real son of a family, who controls the lifeline of the family, manages billions of dollars of property, is gentle and elegant, and is respected by others.

In comparison, a man like Xu Wenbin is more promising and more suitable for him. '

Su Zhi also saw Xu Wenbin on the stage, and then looked at Lin Hao next to him, muttering in her heart.

'Well, Lin Hao is still more handsome!
Look at his side face, with sharp edges and corners, and his eyelashes are so long, I really want to take a picture and use it as a screensaver. '


Xu Wenbin's eloquence is good. He first interacted with the people in the audience before inviting the important guests tonight.

"Please allow me to introduce, the partner of the Xu family and also my good friend - Mr. Jin Zhongzhao.

Mr. Jin is the first-level agent of the 'American Extraordinary Group' in Korea.

Today, he brought us the energy potion developed by Chaofan Group. "

Accompanied by warm applause, Jin Zhongzhao waved his hands and made his debut.

He is in his 40s, has single eyelids, is slightly fat, and wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He looks elegant.

"Hi everyone, I'm Jin Zhongzhao, please give me your advice."

As soon as Mr. Jin opened his mouth, everyone was astonished.

No one expected that this Korean native could speak Chinese so fluently.

"I lived in Huaxia until I was 13 years old, and then I returned to Korea.

Therefore, I can be regarded as half a Chinese. "

This kind explanation won the applause of everyone.

Jin Zhongzhao didn't talk too much, and went straight to the point.

"Everyone knows that the Extraordinary Laboratory in the United States is the top medical institution in the world.

The energy potion they developed has won three Nobel Prizes in Medicine, and was even named "the greatest invention in a century" by "Nature" magazine.

Many scientists have publicly stated that in the future world, human beings will be divided into two types.

One is people who have taken energy potions.The other type is people who have not taken energy potions. "

Jin Zhongzhao's speech was full of emotion and emotion, which was very contagious, and many people were fascinated by it.

At the same time, a piece of video data appeared on the LED display on the stage.

It was a perspective video of a human body under ultrasound.

Jin Zhongzhao introduced loudly.

"Everyone, please look at the VCR. After taking the energy potion, the blood flow in the human body will speed up, the muscle cells will expand, the heart will beat more powerfully, and the blood clots in the blood vessels will also begin to dissipate...

For some lucky ones, after taking the potion, the bones will be attached with a large amount of calcium ions and become harder.The vitality of red blood cells is improved, and the oxygen-carrying capacity is increased several times...

In this case, we call it 'strength surge', 'stamina surge'...

Of course, the probability of this happening is relatively small, only 5%.

However, the biggest role of energy potion is to get rid of pain, maintain health, and prolong human life.

According to statistics, the maximum life expectancy of people who take energy potions has reached 127 years. "

These words won the approval of the elders present.

They have worked hard for most of their lives and accumulated inexhaustible wealth, and they are no longer interested in 'power surge'.I just want to be free from disease and disaster, and spend my old age in good health.

Jin Zhongzhao nodded, and several staff members walked to the front of the stage carrying the safe.

The box opened to reveal neatly arranged glass bottles, like Coke bottles.

"Look, everyone, here are 30 bottles of first-generation energy potions.

We stipulate that each person can only buy two bottles at most, and the base price of each bottle is 15.

Now, start bidding..."

All of a sudden, many people picked up the bidders and began to increase their bids.

On the electronic screen, the amount of bidding is also rising rapidly...

Su Zhi stuck out her tongue: "It's crazy, the price rose to 2 in less than 30 minutes."

Lu Guan smiled lightly and explained.

"The raw material of the energy potion is a new species of gene synthesis, and it is cultivated without soil in outer space, and the cost is very high.

Moreover, this technology is exclusively monopolized by the United States.

Huaxia also expressly prohibits the sale of energy potions.

So, it's expensive, and for good reason. "

Su Zhi nodded, and turned to ask Lin Hao, "Hey, aren't you going to participate in the bidding?"

"I don't need this thing at all. I came here today just to have a look." Lin Hao replied.

Lu Guan listened, but curled his lips and smiled secretly.

"Hmph, why are you pretending to be calm? You can't afford it!"

Lin Hao noticed it, and Lu Guan gave a sneering look.

However, he was too lazy to talk to that woman.

His gaze was fixed on the energy potion on the stage.

"Ding, found 30 bottles of energy potion, alchemy system, start analyzing..."

'After the analysis, the ingredients are as follows...'

[Energy potion type I]: Eight-grade potion, which can increase the growth of muscle cells, strengthen muscles and bones, and improve strength.

Ingredients: 10 Xinglan grass, 20 arrow bone flowers, 5 blood spirit vines, 6 green python ginseng...

[Energy potion type II]: Eight-grade potion, which improves the efficacy of blood cells, nourishes qi and activates blood, and enhances endurance.

Ingredients: 20 cherry red blood lotus, 10 kapok phalaenopsis, 5 silver jade grass, 3 celestial vines...

[Energy potion type III]: Eight-grade potion, improves the vitality of the brain nerves, refreshes the mind and strengthens the brain, and improves mental strength.

Ingredient: 20 stalks of dark grass, 6 stalks of crimson bead, 5 stalks of red fire ginseng, 10 pieces of Tianlin fruit...

All information at a glance!
Lin Hao rubbed his chin and smiled.

Damn it, it's the eighth grade potion!
The Peiyuan Pill I refined is the fourth grade, which is four grades higher than the energy potion.

'Hey, what a slag! '

Lin Hao lost interest in the auction after knowing the ingredients of the potion.

He took out his mobile phone, logged into Longwu Forum, and opened the trading section.

Enter 'generation energy potion', click to search...

In an instant, tens of thousands of related information appeared.

Lin Hao browsed briefly, and suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

I go!

The first-generation energy potion sold on the forum was sold for only 10 yuan, and it was delivered to your door...

This Jin Zhongzhao, seemingly honest, is actually a profiteer!

 For the new book issue, I really need everyone's support, please recommend tickets~ o(∩_∩)o

(End of this chapter)

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