City Dragon System

Chapter 60 The Heart of the Ghost-faced Spider

Chapter 60 The Heart of the Ghost-faced Spider (Second update, ask for tickets~)

As the saying goes, blocking people's money is tantamount to killing their parents!
In a rage, Jin Zhongzhao completely tore off his hypocritical face, and walked towards Lin Hao viciously.

"Boy, you fucking dare to slander me, believe it or not, I'll beat you up!"

"Stop, it's important to save people now. Mr. Jin, please don't make things difficult for this little gentleman." Hong Gang said in a deep voice.

Like a King Kong, he stood up and stood in front of Lin Hao.

Jin Zhongzhao's eyes flickered, and he sneered: "Okay, after Boss Xu wakes up, I will settle the score with you slowly."

Facing his threat, Lin Hao didn't care at all, and asked, "Who will rescue first?"

"Boy, you come first." Jin Zhongzhao pretended to be generous.

He didn't believe that that humble pill could save Xu Zhenshan's life.

"If I come first, you will have no chance." Lin Hao smiled narrowly.

Jin Zhongzhao laughed back angrily: "Hehe, stop talking big.

If the ancient martial elixir can save Boss Xu, I will kneel down and apologize to you.

From now on, I will never step into Huaxia again! "

"Okay, Lin has remembered your words. When the time comes, I hope you don't renege on your debt."

Lin Hao smiled lightly and said no more.

Walked to Xu Zhenshan's side, held up his head, squeezed the 'Peiyuan Pill', and fed it into his mouth.

Jin Zhongzhao crossed his arms and looked at the excitement, full of sarcasm.

"China's ancient martial arts elixir is boiled, and the workmanship is poor.

The super potion in the United States is purified and condensed by modern technology, and strives for perfection.

Comparing the two, a fool also knows that the medicines made by Americans are better.

Brat, just wait, I will definitely hit you in the face in public! "

However, Jin Zhongzhao would never think of it.

Peiyuan pill is not an ancient martial arts pill.

It adopts the secret medicine refining method of the dragon clan, which is by no means comparable to modern pharmaceutical technology.

The elixir entered Xu Zhenshan's mouth, turned into a warm medicinal liquid, and flowed into his stomach.

Lin Hao's eyes are bright, like ultrasonic searchers.

He could clearly see that the medicinal spirit of Peiyuan Pill spread to the whole body through Xu Zhenshan's blood.

And those poisonous qi, dispelled by the spiritual energy, gradually disappeared.

At this time, the Gu worm lying on the heart artery also felt warm yang energy.It was so frightened that it trembled all over, and hurriedly crawled towards its lungs.

Xu Zhenshan's originally pale face immediately turned livid.

His chest fluctuated up and down, as if something was sneaking inside.

Then, he trembled even more, and his breathing became short and disordered.

When everyone saw this, they were all surprised and didn't understand what happened.

"What happened to Boss Xu?"

"Although Xu Zhenshan was unconscious just now, his breathing was very steady. Now, his condition seems to be getting worse."

"Yeah, looking at his face, he looks very aggrieved and about to suffocate."


Lin Hao ignored the other people's doubts.

With scorching eyes, he stared at the Gu worm, watching it crawl from the alveoli to the bronchi.

At this time, Xu Zhenshan opened his mouth and let out a series of screams.

'Ah... ah...'

The screams like howling ghosts and wolves made everyone's hair stand on end in fright, and they retreated involuntarily.

Su Zhiqiao's face turned pale, and she hugged Lin Hao's arm, her voice trembling.

"Woo... What's wrong with Boss Xu? His cry is so scary!"

Lin Hao raised his hand and put it on Su Zhi's shoulder, comforting him softly.

"Don't be afraid, this is not Xu Zhenshan's voice, but the hiss of that Gu worm.

Wait for a while, and the Gu worm will crawl out.At that time, Xu Zhenshan will be saved. "

the other side.

Looking at the backs of the two intimately, Lu Guan felt inexplicably angry.She clenched her fists so hard that her nails sank into the flesh.

'Ah... ah...'

Xu Zhenshan let out a shrill scream, which became louder and louder.

His face was sallow, his expression was extremely painful, and his opened eyes were terribly bloody.

The crowd ran away in fright.

Beside the stretcher, no one dared to approach except Hong Gang and Xu Wenbin.

Xu Wenbin raised his wrist to look at his watch, and couldn't help but question it.

"Uncle just fell asleep just now, and his breathing and complexion were normal. But now, he looks like he is in a state of dying.

Could it be that there is something wrong with that kid's ancient martial arts pill? "

"Brother Wen Bin, Jin has already said that that kid is unreliable.

Everyone could see that Boss Xu's condition had worsened.If it was delayed any longer, the energy potion might not be able to save him. "

"Hey, Mr. Jin, I have to ask you to do it yourself." Xu Wenbin smiled wryly.

At the same time, his hateful eyes turned to Lin Hao.

This kid... is really unreliable!

Wait a while, I will settle accounts with you again!

Jin Zhongzhao smiled smugly, thinking of the 5000 million reward, he felt very happy.

"Boy, keep your eyes wide open to see how I will save people."

With his hands in his pockets, Lin Hao showed a narrow sneer.

'This idiot, brother, it's almost like seeing you make a fool of yourself! '

At this time, Jin Zhongzhao had already walked to the stretcher with the energy potion.

Suddenly, Xu Zhenshan sat up from the stretcher.

With a fierce expression on his face, he stretched out his two arms and grabbed Jin Zhongzhao.


Ten fingers like hooks, fierce like electricity!
Jin Zhongzhao was taken aback and jumped back hastily.

Even so, Xu Zhenshan scratched his shirt, leaving a few bloodstains on his chest.

"it hurts……"

Jin Zhongzhao's eyes showed surprise, and he clutched his chest, not understanding what happened.

Looking at Xu Zhenshan again, a black spider crawled out of his big mouth.

"Oh, what a big spider, bigger than my fist. Strange, how did it get into Boss Xu's stomach?" Su Zhi looked suspicious.

Lin Hao explained: "This is the culprit that made Xu Zhenshan unconscious - the Gu insect 'ghost-faced spider'."

"Woo... the pattern on its back looks like a ferocious ghost. No wonder it's called a ghost-faced spider. It's really scary!" Su Zhi grabbed Lin Hao's arm and pressed it tighter.

Hong Gang and Xu Wenbin were also taken aback, and they took a few steps back, their eyes wary.

"Brother Hong, it seems that the ancient martial elixir has worked. The Gu worms in my uncle's body have been driven out."

"Yeah, I didn't believe it at first. It turns out that there really are Gu arts in the world, it's so evil!"

The ghost-faced spider jumped to the floor and crawled unsteadily, as if looking for its next target.

Everyone retreated one after another, and some even jumped onto the tables and chairs, for fear of being bitten by the ghost-faced spider.

"Ah, it's here!"

"Run, don't be bitten by it."

"Little Mister, what should I do with this Gu worm?" Hong Gang felt his scalp go numb and didn't know what to do.

The others also looked at Lin Hao, as if they were looking at the savior, their eyes were asking for help.

After all, everyone is an ordinary person, and no one understands Miao Jiang Gu art.

Lin Hao smiled lightly.

He whispered an order to Mosquito Chou lying on his shoulder.

"Hehe, Mosquito Chou, it's time for you to perform!"


Mosquito Chou heard the order and quickly attacked.

That ghost-faced spider is a Gu worm in the psychic realm.

It didn't wait for Mosquito Chou to approach, it sensed the danger, let out a hiss, and fled out of the hall quickly.

However, Mosquito Chou is the demon pet of Kaizhi Realm, and the blood of Tiger King has been integrated into his body.

Its speed is as fast as electricity, so fast.


In less than three seconds, Mosquito Chou pounced on the ghost-faced spider's back, stretched out its sharp fangs, and bit down directly.


The ghost-faced spider wailed, and was sucked dry of blood, turned into a plume of black smoke, and disappeared without a trace.

'Ding, Mosquito Chou absorbs the blood of 'Ghost Face Spider', and the owner gets 2 points of Dragon Qi. '

'Ding, congratulations to the master, the harvest item [Spider Heart Gu] has been stored in the storage space! '

 In the new book period, everyone's support is very much needed.

  I beg for a recommendation ticket~ o(∩_∩)o

(End of this chapter)

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