Chapter 8

Qin Yao dropped the canvas bag and threw it at Lin Hao's feet.

"20, count it yourself!"

Then, with a cold face, she sat down on the chair beside Grandpa.

Lin Hao looked indifferent, glanced at the canvas bag, and secretly smiled in his heart.


Back then, brother also had a 'trench' too!

20, just pocket money for a month.

However, time has passed, so why mention the past...

"Let's eat together?" Lin Haoyun smiled lightly and asked Qin Yao.

"Not hungry!"

Qin Yao raised her chin, looking proud and charming, like a peacock.

Her big watery eyes were icy cold, like a dagger that wanted to pierce Lin Hao.


Lin ate up a table full of dishes, even the plates were licked clean!

Is this kid a reincarnation of a starving ghost?
He also pretended to be generous and invited me to eat together.

Damn... let this girl eat the plate, or the table?
The more Qin Yao thought about it, the more angry she became, her chest fluctuated.

She said in a low voice: "Stinky boy, eat, eat, eat, eat you!"

"Yao'er, don't be rude." Qin Lao said harshly, glaring at his granddaughter.

"Grandpa, why are you facing outsiders..." Qin Yao felt wronged and pouted.

After such a show, she hated Lin Hao even more.

In the bottom of my heart, I cursed him hundreds of times.

Brat... a disciple...

Hunger... hick...

'Ah Choo—'

Lin Hao sneezed loudly.

He rubbed his nose and looked at the casserole on the table.

The casserole is dark purple, and the surface is embossed with exquisite flower and bird patterns, which is magnificent.

"What kind of dish is this? It smells so good!

I don't know how much experience it can give me..." Lin Hao lifted the lid of the pot curiously.

Inside the casserole, the milky white soup was still boiling and bubbling.

A thick mellow aroma, tangy, tempting appetite.

Qin Guangxun picked up the spoon and introduced.

"Lin Xiaoyou, this is Huixianlou's signature dish, it's called 'Jiaolong Naohai'.

This dish uses deep-sea electric eel as the main ingredient, hence the name 'Jiaolong'.With [-] kinds of seafood as auxiliary materials, it is "Naohai".Then simmer slowly, and it took three days and three nights to boil.

Come, let's try it. "

Two people each filled a bowl of fresh soup.

Qin Yao was sulking and refused to eat.

"Yes, this soup tastes very delicious, and the meat is so rotten that it melts in your mouth." Qin Guangxun took a few sips and was very satisfied.

However, Lin Hao put down the spoon and his expression changed suddenly.

It wasn't that the fresh soup didn't suit his taste, but that he heard a warning from the system.

"Warning, the owner has been poisoned. The toxin comes from the 'Jiaolong Naohai' soup!"

Depend on!
This soup is poisonous?
Nima, this is all right...

'Jiaolong' didn't make a fuss about the sea, but made a fuss about my brother's stomach first!

Lin Hao secretly asked in his heart.

"Ling'er, is my poison serious? Do you have any way to detoxify?"

"Master, the earth belongs to the seventh universe, and the medicine here is not developed. You only need to consume a small amount of dragon energy to quickly detoxify."

"Okay, detoxify immediately!" Lin Hao kept his expression on the surface and secretly ordered.

'Ding, the master has consumed 10 points of dragon energy, and the toxins in the body have been removed! '


Hearing these words, Lin Hao immediately calmed down.

He felt that there was a warm current penetrating into his body, and his originally drowsy mind instantly became clear.

Lin Hao's eyes turned cold, and he secretly analyzed.


Actually poisoning Lao Tzu's food, I'm really tired of it!
Could it be... Manager Wang deliberately took revenge on me?
No, not possible!
Manager Wang is a timid person, and with Mr. Qin present, he would never dare to poison him.


Who is the poisoner?
At this time, Qin Guangxun also showed signs of poisoning.

He threw away the spoon and covered his chest with his hands. His originally rosy cheeks gradually turned purple.

"No, Yao'er, someone poisoned the soup. I... have been poisoned!"

"What? The soup is poisonous!" Qin Yao's expression changed suddenly after hearing this.

Qin Guangxun said: "This poison is colorless and tasteless, very vicious, even the old man didn't notice it.

I have sealed the acupuncture points on my chest to prevent toxins from invading my heart.So... for the time being, there is no serious problem. "

The two turned their heads and looked at Lin Hao opposite.

This guy fell headfirst onto the table, his body limp and unconscious.

"Hey, brat, what's wrong with you? Wake up, you... don't scare me!"

In a hurry, Qin Yao ran over to check on Lin Hao's situation.

However, this guy rolled his eyes, no matter how she called, he didn't respond.

"Yao'er, stop shouting. Xiaoyou Lin must have been poisoned too." Qin Guangxun sighed.

The grandfather and grandson didn't know that although Lin Hao was poisoned, he had already removed the toxin by using the dragon energy.

The reason why he pretended to be unconscious was to attract the poisoner!

"Hey, although the tigress is fierce, she still cares about me!
Next, brother will continue to play dead and wait and see what happens!I want to see which bastard poisoned it. "

Lin Hao lay his head on the table and held his breath.

In order to pretend to be real, he rolled his eyes on purpose, almost sticking out his tongue.

"Ling'er, how's your acting skills?"

"Master has worked so hard just to pretend to be dead!" Long Ling'er complained.

Qin Yao is a lady from a famous family and has seen many big scenes.

Soon, she calmed down and walked in front of Qin Guangxun.

"Grandpa, how are you feeling now?"

"Except for being unable to move his hands and feet, there is no serious problem." Qin Guangxun replied.

He has practiced martial arts for decades and is a high-ranking martial artist.It is not easy to kill him just by poisoning him.

What's more, he didn't drink much fresh soup.

"Grandpa, I'm going to find Manager Wang now to find out. He actually dared to poison the dishes, must he be tired of work!" Qin Yao said angrily.

Qin Guangxun shook his head: "Don't be impulsive, this matter probably has nothing to do with the hotel. I'm afraid it was... the enemy of the Qin family. You call immediately and call your loyal uncle."

Qin Yao nodded, and immediately took out her mobile phone, ready to dial.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind 'swish' across the room.

The phone shattered!
" hurts!" Qin Yao clutched her sore wrist, dumbfounded.

Only then did she realize that it was a coin that smashed the phone.

The blow just now was at least powerful.

The person who tossed the coin is a martial artist!
Qin Yao's pretty face turned pale, and she finally believed her grandfather's words—the enemy of the Qin family is coming!
"Hmph, Ming people don't do secret things. Since you want to seek revenge on this old man, you should show up!" Qin Guangxun's eyes were like lightning, and he shouted.

"Hehe, Qin Guangxun, you have been hit by our 'Ruan Jin San', and you can still hold on. It's amazing, it's amazing!"

As soon as the words fell, there were two middle-aged men in the room.

A tall, thin man in a gray night suit.The other was stocky and wore a black night suit.

Both of them wrapped their heads with cloth scarves and covered their faces with masks, dressing up like killers in movies.

Lin Hao lay on the table, thinking to himself.

'Hey, the accents of these two people are so strange, aren't they Chinese? '

Qin Guangxun saw the visitor clearly and smiled coldly.

"Who am I, it turns out to be the 'Black and White Double Crows' of Korea!
You are here to avenge Pu Yanchuan! "

Park Yanchuan is the mentor of Black and White Crows.

Ten years ago, Park Yanchuan sneaked into China with the black and white crows in an attempt to steal the national treasure.

As a result, their whereabouts were discovered by the Huaxia military.

As a result, the military used all their tricks and set up an ambush, smashing their plan in one fell swoop.

In the end, Pu Yanchuan was killed by Qin Lao's son.

The black and white crows escaped by luck.

After ten years, Shuangya came to Huaxia again, it must be for revenge!
(End of this chapter)

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