Agni Group: Good Morning Black Boss

Chapter 1453 Lock the door

"Zhixing didn't grasp the properties of medicine at all!" Sikong Lingge shouted excitedly.

"You have a rich imagination." Shangguan Rui sneered.

Sikong Lingge Lingge trembled all over, like a drowning person, almost unable to breathe!

She doesn't understand, it's this time, why is Shangguan Rui still in the mood to talk to himself about something?

Did he know that the medicine Fang Yiren injected into the child would cause unbearable pain even for adults, let alone children, when they had an attack?

Thinking that the child would be like Fang Yiren when he was in pain, Sikong Linge felt cold all over his body, could no longer collapse, and knocked on the door excitedly——

"Stop! Shangguan Rui, stop!" She wanted to go back to Feng's house and find Li Ye to get the antidote!

Shangguan Rui remained indifferent and concentrated on driving.

Sikong Lingge slammed on the door, trying to open it.

But Shangguan Rui locked the door, no matter how hard he twisted it, he couldn't open it.

The car was driving on the road, Sikong Lingge didn't dare to make a scene, shouted for a while, then stopped.

Leaning there powerlessly, his face was pale and his expression was ashen...

There is no antidote, and the child will suffer from seizures...

Whenever Sikong Lingge thinks of that scene, his heart feels as painful as being cut by thousands of knives.

How could Shangguan Rui lie about this kind of thing...

Shangguan Rui glanced at her and curled his lips coldly, "Do you know what it's like to be deceived?"

Sikong Lingge froze, inch by inch, and slowly turned his head, his voice was dry, "What... mean?"

Shangguan Rui slightly hooked his lower lip and remained silent.

"Shangguan Rui, what did you mean by what you said just now?" Sikong Lingge rushed towards him excitedly.

The next second, I thought that Shangguan Rui was still driving!

My chest felt cold, I hurried to stop as soon as possible!

But it was too late.


When Shangguan Rui turned the steering wheel, the tires spun and screeched across the road, making a sharp sound.


Sikong Linge swayed from side to side, and slammed into the window of the car heavily, staring at his eyes, his internal organs were violently churned, and he almost vomited out on the spot.

"Idiot woman! You don't want to kill yourself?" Shangguan Rui cursed, turned the steering wheel sharply, and adjusted the car.

Sikong Lingge was dizzy and frightened by his behavior just now.

She got so mad that she forgot that Shangguan Rui was still driving.


With a cold snort, Shangguan Rui turned the steering wheel, ready to stop to see if Sikong Lingge was injured.

In the next second, his face suddenly froze and became extremely serious.

Sikong Lingge had never seen such a stern expression on Shangguan Rui's face, he was startled and had an ominous premonition.

"what happened?"

Shangguan Rui frowned and remained silent.

In order to prove that it was not my illusion, I stepped on the brake several times in a row——

out of order!

No response at all!

Someone tampered with the car!

Pounding hard on the steering wheel in a circle, Shangguan Rui spat out an English word beginning with the word F——


He was too careless to take Sikong Lingge away.

When Sikong Lingge saw Shangguan Rui's movements, he probably guessed it, his whole heart went cold, and his voice trembled, "Shangguan Rui..."

"The car has been tampered with." Shangguan Rui said in a low voice.

"Then... what should we do?" Sikong Lingge's face turned pale.

Breathing deeply, trying to stabilize my flustered emotions——

It is impossible for Shangguan Rui to go out in a car with a broken brake.

In other words, the car was tampered with at Feng's house.

who is it?

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