Agni Group: Good Morning Black Boss

Chapter 1866 [Asia Division] How about Shangguan Asia Division 15

Struggling to get up, but not strong enough to go to Asta.

After trying several times, Yanhua couldn't break free, so Yanhua had no choice but to give up, and sat obediently——

With Shangguan Yasi's appearance, he might not be able to do much.

Probably because her knees were completely soaked, so she took off her pants.

*******************************Shangguan Yasi's special dividing line************** *************************************

An hour and a half later, the helicopter arrived at the castle in London.

It was already past six o'clock in the morning.

The rain hasn't stopped, and it's even getting bigger and bigger, but it can be seen that the sky has begun to light up.

The servant was already waiting with an umbrella.

"Boss, we are here." The pilot first knocked on the glass to remind, and opened the hatch after 1 minute.

As soon as the cabin door opened, cold air poured in with raindrops.

Yanhua shrank subconsciously.

Shangguan Yasi frowned, took off his coat and wrapped it around Yanhua's body, making sure that she would not be blown by the wind, then carried Yanhua and quickly returned to the bedroom.

The heater was turned on high.

As soon as the door was opened, Yanhua could feel the heat rushing towards her face.

Shangguan Yasi put him on the bed.

Yanhua came here for the first time, and quickly looked around, and found that both the decoration and the layout of this place are similar to Shangguan Yasi's room in S City.

There are several packs of medicine on the bedside table on the left.

Judging from the date on the outside of the medicine package, Shangguan Yasi should have never taken it once.

On the cabinet on the right, there are unfinished drips.

Yanhua reckoned that Shangguan Yasi was halfway through the drip, so he dialed it and left...

With this appearance, it is no wonder that he has a high fever for several days.

Yanhua sighed, "Where is the bathroom? You go take a bath first to get rid of the cold on your body, and I'll help you look."

Shangguan Yasi stared at her with deep and dark eyes, like two big black holes, ready to swallow people into it at any time.

Yanhua is not an idiot, how could he not know why he was staring at him like this.

"No matter what, let's talk about it later, go to the bath first, I don't want to be infected by you." Yanhua directly pushed him into the bathroom, filled the bathtub with hot water, and helped him to test the water temperature before turning it up again Come on, clothes are ready.

"Take off your clothes and go in."

Shangguan Yasi stood there, motionless, showing no intention of obeying.

A pair of pitch-black eyes locked directly on Yanhua's face.

"..." This man!When is the trouble going to last?Yanhua really wanted to hit someone, but thinking that he was a patient, he held back, took a deep breath, and tried to make his voice sound the same as usual, "Shangguan Yasi, take off your clothes inside."

Shangguan Yasi still didn't move, just like a statue, directly ignoring Yanhua's words.

Yanhua: "..."

What a hassle!

Totally no different from a fussy kid!

Yanhua sighed, so he had no choice but to walk over and strip off Shangguan Yasi's clothes, "Satisfied? Can we go in?"

Shangguan Yasi did not speak, and sat in silently.

"After half an hour, get dressed and come out. I'll take a look for you." Yanhua turned up the heater and checked the windows to make sure there was enough ventilation before turning around and going out.

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