Agni Group: Good Morning Black Boss

Chapter 2797 [East] Married into the palace 10

Holding clothes and jewelry in his hands.

"Second miss."

The servant girls lined up respectfully in two rows in front of Wenrou.

Gentle squinting eyes, vigilance in the heart: well, if you give yourself clothes and jewelry, there must be something wrong.

"What's the matter?" The gentle voice was cold.

"The lord specially ordered the servants to prepare this, please ask the second lady to dress up." The steward said.

"What does he want to do again?" When Dongfang Aoshi was mentioned, Gentle reacted very excitedly, and immediately jumped up from the chair.

That beast!

It's only been a few days since Ansheng, and he wants to play a beast on himself again... Desire?

The first time was being drugged, and the second time was when she was sick...that's why she had no ability to resist and was succeeded by Dongfang Aoshi.

This time, Meek Death will not be taken advantage of by that scum again!

"Take it away! I'm not interested in accompanying that scumbag! Tell him to find someone else! Isn't Wen Wan his princess, tell him to find Wen Wan!" Wen Rou yelled out of control.

Just thinking about those images makes me sick.

Actually serving a husband with my own sister——

In this world, there is really nothing more disgusting than this kind of thing!

Gentle retched a few times and almost vomited.

"Second Miss, are you okay?" The servant girl hurriedly poured tea for her.

Rourou took it, took a few sips, and felt much better, "Take the things away! I don't need it! Go back and tell you the beast Ninth Prince, let him let me go immediately! Otherwise, one day, I will kill him!"


"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and take the things away!" Wen Rou had a dark face, even looking at the things Dongfang Aoshi sent, he felt that his eyes would be dirty!

"Second miss, the prince has no intention of asking you to serve him."

"Really?" Gentle sneered, not believing it at all.

What else can that beast do to find itself besides venting its... lust?

"There are guests in the palace. The lord wants the second lady to dress up and accompany the lord to meet the guests." The steward explained.


Wen Rou was taken aback: What kind of guests can the palace have?Didn't I hear that Dongfang Aoshi is a poor person and doesn't even have a single friend?

How could he have guests.

Besides, even if Dongfang Aoshi has guests, what does it have to do with her?

Why did he ask himself to dress up and accompany him to meet guests?

"I'm not interested, you let him find Wen Wan."

"Second Miss, it's better not to make the prince angry..." the steward looked perplexed, and tried to persuade him.

Gentle ignored her, just lay on the bed... went to sleep.


After so much torture, she's still afraid that Dongfang Aoshi will be angry?

Gentle sneered in the bottom of my heart.

What else can that man do besides bullying others?

The steward took the order, and if he didn't complete it, he would lose his head.

So, he led a large group of maidservants, stood by the bed, and waited.

Gentle did not fall asleep.

The steward led a large group of people, watching intently, how could she not fall asleep?

What's more, Wen Rou's heart is also in turmoil.

With fifteen buckets on his chest, he was up and down, and it was even more impossible to sleep.

While the steward and the maid were waiting, Rourou was also thinking——

In good conscience, the steward and the maid have treated her very well these past few days, taking care of her in every way.

Although, they did this under Dongfang Aoshi's orders.

But in my tender heart, I am still very grateful to them.

Without their careful care, it would be impossible for me to recover so quickly.

However, no matter how much I thank them, Ruan couldn't take the initiative to accept Dongfang Aoshi's abuse for this reason!

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