Where did this man get the news from?

Who leaked the news?

Agni Group has a traitor?

Shangguan Rui narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Go ahead!"

The man described Sikong Lingge's appearance in detail——

Features, details... all he knows, he said it all.

As Shangguan Rui listened, his brows became tighter and tighter——

The man said that he listened to songs when he was a child, which is worthy of him.

But when he became an adult, he was nothing like Sikong Lingge at home...

Shangguan Rui narrowed his eyes slightly.

Jiang You immediately called up the photos on the tablet and placed them in front of the man——

"The person you're talking about, but her?"

"It's her!" The man pointed at the 13-year-old photo, "She is the girl doll I saw ten years ago!"

Shangguan Rui nodded.

Jiang You changed a photo and called out Sikong Lingge's current one.

"This is?" The man showed a puzzled expression.

Shangguan Rui's eyes were sharp, "Sikong listens to songs when he becomes an adult."

The man froze slightly, his expression extremely puzzled, "Sir, did you take the wrong photo?"

"..." Shangguan Rui frowned slightly.

"This person is not the girl doll I saw back then."

"..." Shangguan Rui's thick eyebrows furrowed deeper and deeper.

They have already confirmed the identity of Ling Ge, and it is impossible to make mistakes——

Sikong Jingqiu and his wife have identified it, and they have also done a DNA test, so they are absolutely unmistakable.

The current Sikong Linge is Sikong Linge.

But the man in front of him said no?

Shangguan Rui's eyes were gloomy, and he glanced coldly at the blood on the table, "I think you should be very clear about the fate of lying."

"How dare I cheat?" The man smiled wryly, he didn't want to lose all ten fingers.

The veins on Shangguan Rui's forehead were twitching, his face was more ugly than ever, and he might kill someone at any time.

The man was trembling with fear, cold sweat kept dripping down,

"How dare I cheat? She has no wound here." The man pointed to somewhere in the photo and said.

Shangguan Rui's dark eyes flickered coldly: that was the place where Dai Tianshu was listening to songs.

"Back then, I saw with my own eyes that the man tore things off from here. The wound was deep and bloody. But this girl didn't have any ear injuries. This is not the girl doll from back then! Sir, Are you testing me? Is that why you gave me a fake photo?"

Shangguan Rui's pupils shrank slightly, "You said, she is not from back then?"

"Absolutely not! I guarantee it with my life!" The man affirmed.

Shangguan Rui stared darkly at the man, pondering.

Even the best liar in the world will have flaws when he lies.

But this man didn't have it at all.

There was nothing unusual about his expression, and his eyes were even clearer...

A liar, that's not how it behaves.

Could it be... as this man said, the current Sikong Lingge is not true?

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