A while ago, they had been inquiring about Lu Chenghong who was traveling abroad, and in the blink of an eye, they seemed to have forgotten Lu Chenghong all of a sudden...

Caring Yu was really surprised, but it was his private matter after all, and she didn't want to ask too much.

Of course, Guan Yu did not agree to the suggestion made by Sikong Jingqiu and his wife.

First of all, let alone Shangguan Rui's absolute impossibility to agree, and secondly, both her and the child's health have just recovered, and it is really not suitable for running around.

The most important point is that she and Sikong Jingqiu and his wife were not related, so they suddenly went to live in other people's house, it was too strange.

Sikong Jinglai and his wife were very disappointed when they found out about Caring Yu's thoughts.

However, they all expressed respect and concern for Yu.

Caring Yu is very grateful for their understanding.

However, Sikong Jingqiu and his wife moved directly into Shangguan's house, saying that they could take care of themselves and their children nearby, which made Guan Yu a little embarrassed and confused...

And their sons and daughters, Sikong Jinglue and Sikong Chuyan, were obviously a little too close to themselves.

They are so close that sometimes, Caring Yu even has a certain illusion, thinking that Sikong Jingqiu and Song Haiyue are his parents, brothers and sisters...

It's really weird!

The attitude of that family.

The more Caring Yu thought about it, the more she frowned——

Could it be...they are really related?

But didn't Sikong Lingge already find it?

Could it be that...Sikong Jingqiu and Song Haiyue also have a missing daughter?

Caring Yu became more and more entangled in thinking about it, her mind was completely in a mess, and she simply didn't want to think about it.

Close the book, turn on the computer, browse the web, read the news or something, and pass the time——

After moving to Shangguan's house, many people helped to take care of the little one. Every day, she was responsible for feeding the children, so she had a lot of time.

Seeing that she was bored, Shangguan Rui gave her a laptop to pass the time.

However, the time when she goes online is strictly regulated——

One hour per day, divided into four periods.

In other words, every time I care about Yu, there is only 15 minutes.

In 15 minutes, there is no way to browse through even a web page.

Shangguan Rui made it clear that she was still restricting her actions.

Guan Yu didn't touch that computer——

15 minutes at a time, she might as well not go!

However, Sikong Jingqiu and his wife didn't come today, and Shangguan Rui also went out. After the little guy was full, he was taken to the baby room...

People suddenly disappeared, Guan Yu was really bored, so she turned on the computer.

Not much time, Guan Yu didn't plan to do anything, went to the online store to check the situation, downloaded a few very small stand-alone games, and was about to go offline.

Just as she was about to close it, a window popped up, reminding her that she had a new email, and the subject was a string of English letters——

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