black emperor

Chapter 14

In a room at the corner of the eighth floor of the Moon View Building, a man in a long gray coat was leaning on a couch, holding a glass of wine in his hand and looking outside, wondering what he was thinking. The woman in the long robe wears a pair of red bound shoes, has a ponytail, and holds a long sword in her hand. No matter how you look at it, she feels extremely energetic. This is what a chic heroine should be. Come in, come to the man's side, and whisper, "Master Long, I just ran for a while. The dancer from the Phoenix Tower is on stage today, and the other three chiefs are also on stage. I heard that the old lady took a lot of people out today." So, all the good ones who could be called were called away. I didn't dare to call the young master because of the strangeness. I probably didn't like the young master, so I didn't call. Look at this? '

The man called Young Master Long didn't even look back, he took out a bank note from his pocket and picked it up, the man was about to reach out to pick it up, but Young Master Long dodged and said, "Help me find out where everyone is going, I'm here today You must see the four oirans, do you hear me?" The clerk nodded hurriedly, reached out with the bank note and went out, sweating, thinking that the money was not easy to get, mainly because the dragon who had never seen it today The young master is too ruthless. When I first saw it, because I was a newcomer, I was arranged to go to the third floor. I didn't know that this young master directly killed the guy who led the way on the spot. In the end, it was the landlord who came forward to calm down. Please come here On the eighth floor, you must know that if you have money in the Shangyue Tower, you may not be able to go to the highest level. This guy who was called to go to the Phoenix Tower to find a girl, was going there with trepidation, and he is very happy to be out of danger now.

After the man went out, the red-robed woman beside Young Master Long said: "Master, is it necessary? What if he doesn't like it? We don't need to please him. He may not be the master of this place in the future. He is too ruthless but doesn't want to stay." There is a little leeway, and I heard that the old man in the harem doesn't like him too much."

Young Master Long said: "I heard that he's been troubled recently, and it's a good time to approach him now. I've investigated it before, and he likes older mature women. Besides, if he is not cruel, how can he get a position among a group of brothers? It is an unchanging law, only because he is cruel and merciless, so he will use all means for the purpose, don't you think he is very similar to Dragon Qilin, and more like my cruel and merciless Dragon King father." said Young Master Long When he got here, he looked out of the window, probably thinking of something he hated so much, his right hand pinched his thigh, the long nails had dug into the flesh, but he didn't show any expression.

The red-robed woman beside her looked at the man in front of her with distress. An ambitious dragon son, but because of his mother, he was designated as an illegitimate child and was excluded by the family. He wanted to prove that he was like the Dragon King. was defeated by the dragon unicorn and kicked out of the Dragon Clan, and now the countries draw on their own strength and want to regain the Dragon Clan.

Luo and the brothers on the tenth floor frequently toasted together. After a piece of music was finished, the princes who had already hoped to see it through hurriedly let them out, revealing their true faces. This appearance surprised all the brothers. Such a clear expression The beauty is holding a pipa in her arms, and a pink butterfly makeup belt is tied around her waist in a long white dress. Her long hair is draped over her shoulders, and behind her long hair is a small bunch of long hair tied with a small pink ribbon. The long hair is parted.After the beauty bent down to see everyone, she sat down on a side seat, and a long-awaited ancient song played from the beauty's hands again.

Immediately afterwards, behind the screen, a thin-waisted woman danced with a long sword in her hand, bending over, splitting and turning around. Every movement was extremely soft and beautiful, and the long sword in her hand made people have the urge to go up and dance swords together. After a while, the beauty danced from outside the screen to the center, and danced swords in front of everyone. The woman was wearing a tight red dress, her hair was pulled up, her skin was slightly dark, but her facial features were very beautiful. This may be due to her martial arts practice, which led to The skin was a bit dark, the woman stabbed the fourth child's table with a sword, the fourth child picked up the wine glass and gently put it on the sword, the woman slowly retracted the sword, and the wine glass came to the woman's mouth firmly on the narrow sword At the side, the wine in the wine glass entered the beauty's mouth with a raised head, and then the wine glass returned to the fourth brother's hand intact. Amid the applause of everyone, the fourth child poured himself a glass of wine from the wine glass, and walked along Just now, where the beauty was drinking, she drank it in one gulp, and everyone who watched was teasing her for a while.

Next, a bewitching voice sounded from behind the screen, and a song "Matchmaker Match" familiar to the heavens was sung from the mouth of the beauty. The beauty came out from behind the screen, Fifth Luo was startled, isn't this the Mei Niang of the Phoenix Tower, or is it that her voice is still good, and she can sing a feeling that makes people feel physically and mentally, probably every man is thinking about this If the woman in bed yelled at you for a while, she would have disarmed and thrown her guns too early.

The beauty probably didn't expect to meet Wu Luo, a madman here. When he came here, he only knew that the people here were big shots. As for who they were, they didn't know who they were, but it was definitely not small, because Phoenix Tower had never been like it is today. At once, all four oirans were dispatched, and the red-headed cards from other brothels also came. I heard that someone paid a big price for the wallet, and it was the big boss of Shangyuelou who personally came to talk.It seems that if someone is in the Bada Hutong today, they will be disappointed, because all the good girls are wrapped up in the Moon Tower, so the sisters are also cautious.

None of the brothers have ever been to Bada Hutong. After all, their identities are there, so it is impossible to go to prostitutes ostentatiously, but there are also some like the fourth who invite important people to the mansion, so they have not seen many, even if they have. The four oirans have all seen each other, not to mention that not only the ones from the Phoenix Tower are here today, but also several other families. Among the many princes in the heavens, the fifth Luo has been to the Bada Hutong. It is estimated that other princes have heard of it too. When the fifth Luo was invited back, he was invited back in the Phoenix Tower, so this is why the fourth brother deliberately let all the four oirans of the Phoenix Tower be invited, one is that the brothers have a lively look at the famous A famous prostitute, secondly, is to fall in love with Fifth Luo.

At this moment, Lao Ba, who had not spoken for a while, said: "I heard that our ninth younger brother has an unclear relationship with our oiran. I heard that when the imperial army went to invite the ninth younger brother, our ninth younger brother wanted to rob someone behind the back of the oiran." The beauty is not here to toast everyone." Everyone laughed, and it is better to show Wu Luo's ugliness in public than anything else. In their opinion, there is no more scandal about the crown prince, and no less, so they just joked It doesn't matter either.

The fifth Luo picked up the wine glass and came to Meiniang, handed it to Meiniang, and then got another glass, the two touched each other and drank it down, then turned around and said: "Mynah is so keen on this matter, is it also I want to have a drink, if not, then mynah once spent a good night with our oiran, do you want me to name mynah, I am just doing it clearly, but you come secretly, that one is more shameless, I don’t think so Let me talk more." Lao Ba's face turned blue and red after he said these words.

In fact, Fifth Luo doesn't know if Lao Ba is looking for famous prostitutes in Bada Hutong. How can there be cats that don't eat fishy food, but some eat cleanly, and some eat uncleanly, so Fifth Luo screams , It really shocked Lao Ba, if it were to be revealed that he had raised a few famous prostitutes in the mansion, it would be a scandal, don't look at these princes and princes who are not short of women , but men have this lowly problem, Wu Luo has a deep understanding in the previous life, no matter how fragrant the family is, there is no charm like the gang of famous prostitutes in the scene, what attracts men is not the body, but the despise The title of "famous prostitute" for thousands of years is what men like, and it is in demand.

Fifth Luo returned to his seat, Meiniang and the two from just now stood together, and the fourth child stepped forward and said, "You are making too much of a fuss, eighth brother, which of our brothers has never really found a woman before? What is it for, it is for us men to refine it, tell me, who hasn’t looked for it, let me see, no one needs to pretend today, let’s move on to the next one, don’t let the good mood stop.”

Quite a few of the younger princes wanted to say that they really hadn't looked for them, but none of them dared to open their mouths. Let's go with the flow. Anyway, today I have a chance to take a look at the famous courtesan whom I have longed for in my heart.

At this time, the old lady ran out and knelt down on the ground with an anxious face, making everyone jump. What kind of trouble is this? Could it be that one of the four oirans in the Phoenix Tower is the old lady, and the old lady replied without daring to raise her head: "Tell the master, wait a moment, the little novel just had a stomachache, went out for a while, and hasn't come back yet, and I haven't found it after searching. I will let her make up for the mistakes of the master in a while. I'm here Let’s apologize to everyone first.”

At this time, the fourth child threw a wine glass over and said loudly: "What are you doing? How can you be a mother? I don't know why you are here today. Get out and find it for me. Immediately, hurry up, can you find me?" You don't want to be alive anymore." The old lady scrambled, mouthed one by one, and ran out, never looking up from coming in to going out.

Let everyone else come in, the fourth child shouted unhappily, and then only saw a group of beauties walking in from outside the screen, all kinds of postures, all kinds of clothes, a hundred flowers competing for beauty, "Everyone chooses, and if there is not enough, then shout", This is like being sold by the fourth child like a business in the vegetable market. It is estimated that he spent a lot of money for this one.

At first everyone didn't dare to choose, but slowly the fourth child pushed them over one by one, and everyone finally let go of their restraints, each picked one, some seemed to be old acquaintances, the fourth child asked the fifth Luo Dao : "Ninth brother, which one do you choose?"

The fifth Luo opened his mouth and said, "Can I have these three?" After speaking, he pointed to the three oirans in the Phoenix Tower, the fourth child was surprised at first, and then laughed loudly: "Sure enough, you have a fight with me, and it's all yours. "Everyone also laughed, Fifth Luo Xin said that since you held this banquet, half of it was for Fifth Luo's reputation, so Fifth Luo, a vagabond, can't let everyone down .

When the three beauties were about to walk over, Fifth Luo smiled and said, "The three of them are mine now, so I have the right to control them."

The fourth child smiled and said of course.

The fifth Luo said: "Then this sword dancer will go to accompany my fourth brother. I saw you two flirting with each other just now. You pretended I couldn't see it. You drank all the wine in your mouth. I can't take away the beauty of others and serve my fourth brother." Alright." The fourth child pointed to the fifth Luo, and gave a thumbs up, well done.

Then Fifth Luo smiled and said: "Seeing that the second brother didn't like any of them for a long time, it means that we have a special liking for our temperament beauty with a pipa in his arms. Go and accompany my second brother."

Then the rest is Mei Niang, and Fifth Luo pulled her over. One of the beauties didn't stand upright, and fell into Fifth Luo's arms. Yes, today I will see where you are going." Everyone laughed in satisfaction, and then a few beauties jumped up in the middle, the music started, and the feast officially began.

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