black emperor

Chapter 48

The five hundred Yellow Forbidden Army led by Chiwu just gave way, and now they gather together and continue to follow His Royal Highness, but Chiwu did not make a sound when they passed by Bai Xuantang. Handle, but to be able to stand side by side with Bai Xuantang, who is known as the God of Killing, still makes him feel pressured, and in addition to the incident just now, anyone with a discerning eye can see that such a big battle is not just for seeing off, Bai Xuantang, the God of Killing who never came out of the mountain all the year round, led a group of cavalry to see him off for dozens of miles. No matter how late Chi Wu was, he knew what the prince was thinking, and what Bai Xuantang was thinking.

Although Chiwu has been the second-in-command of Tianzihao in the past few years, he has not had much contact with Baixuantang. Even if the generals of Zhongtianzihao feel a little uncomfortable, of course Chiwu will not go to make trouble for himself, and do his own thing well. After several years of accumulation, he has his own certainty in Tianzihao prestige.

In terms of prestige in the Forbidden Army, Chiwu thought that he was not inferior to the Four Heavenly Kings, but in terms of military power in his hands, the gap was more than three levels in the official rank?Chiwu laughed at himself, lifted the long sword in his hand, slowed down, and pulled away half a mile as requested by His Highness the Crown Prince.

Of course, the group of cavalry who followed Chiwu still paid homage to the hero in their hearts every step of the way. Bai Xuantang, the God of Killing, was like a legendary existence in the Forbidden Army. How could they not be excited to see it face to face today? If not for His Highness the Crown Prince On the sidelines, or restricted by military regulations, they have already started whispering at this moment.

From the beginning to the end, Wan Fu only glanced at the crown prince and Bai Xuantang when they were confronting each other, and never looked at the legendary god of death again. Fifth Luo waved his hand to let him come forward and walk alongside him. Wan Fu was still a little bit Reserved, but unable to withstand Fifth Luo's gaze, he could only ride parallel to the left side.

Fifth Luo asked, "You play with swords, why don't you play with swords?"

Wan Fu said: "I like the smoothness of the knife."

Fifth Luo nodded and said: "Who gave you the name, when did you become a soldier, why did you follow me?"

Fifth Luo's questions made Wan Fu, a rough man, not know how to answer. Maybe he was afraid that the order of the questions would be wrong. After thinking for a while, he said: "My mother gave me the name when she was dying. Soldiers can have food to eat. This name also allows myself to be used by thousands of people. As long as I work hard, I will be respected by others. When my mother dies, I will serve as a soldier. When I see His Royal Highness, I know that there is meat to eat with the prince. And I also want my mother to know that riding a horse can serve as a soldier with the prince, but when my mother died, she said that even if she was a soldier, she should be a soldier who is respected by others, not in the black camp."

These words revealed too much information, there is nothing wrong with this sentence, even if you don’t follow the prince, with Wu Luo’s character, as long as you make him look good, you can’t say a word’ Reward', ten thousand husbands, ten thousand husbands, one husband is the gate, and the other is not open, the meaning of his mother is very clear. As for why it is not possible in the black camp, Fifth Luo didn't ask carefully. There is no need to think about this at all, a newcomer No ghost would believe that he wanted to be looked down upon in front of a group of soldiers who were born and died.

He understands a truth very well, heroes are born in peaceful times, heroes are made in troubled times, and a scuffle is about to usher in the heavens, so standing in line is very important.

Fifth Luo asked: "Why don't you watch the myths in the army? You must know that he is a figure that everyone in your army yearns for and admires. Don't you get excited?"

Wan Fu thought for a while and said: "I want to, but I know it's wishful thinking, so I don't need to look at the untouchables. Protecting the prince is my top priority. It doesn't matter to me." Fifth Luo smiled and said:' You don't want to be like him. '

Wan Fu thought for a while and said: "I just want to take my own imperial army to my mother's grave one day to show her. Her son is very promising, and it is enough for others to look up to him." Fifth Luo looked at this The dark-skinned man did not speak.

On the other side, Yaoran, who was a bit fat, spit on the snow while riding a horse, and said contemptuously: "General, this prince is so frightened that he doesn't even dare to give up. He just killed Zhao Zhong." That kid was majestic at the time, but now he’s like a mouse, it’s better not to let him go, I’m still not willing to put his face on his cold ass, all the imperial guards in our place are killing people on the battlefield I can't afford to lose this man."

Although the four heavenly kings are also generals, they still bow their heads in front of the killing god Bai Xuantang, so it is not an exaggeration for the four of them to call Bai Xuantang a general. Normally, the four generals also have selfishness and compare each other. A little estrangement is inevitable, but when they come together to face the same enemy, they feel like a family.

The wolves said at this time: "You know what a fart, the prince was driven out of the palace three years ago, and he was exiled outside for three years with an old cripple alone. Prestige, of course I don’t like us, a group of gentlemen who only know how to fight and kill, stealing his limelight from the sidelines, you are such a rough guy, how can you understand the romance of His Royal Highness, you will just lie on the bed and think about it when you are fine. A widow."

Yao Ran spat again and scolded: "Fuck the wind, flowers, snow and moon, I am a few months ago, a hundred Qingqi imperial troops went straight to the wild land, robbed a general's daughter, and on the way back, I was directly on the horseback. Stripped her clothes off, stabbed her to death and hung her on the spear after finishing the work, this is my romance."

When the first emperor passed away, Fifth Yuanxian was conferred the title of emperor. Fifth Yuanxian, who had been leading troops all the year round, did not know how to govern. The vassal king led the rebellion, Wu Yuan first led his own soldiers to quell the rebellion, this peace lasted for three years, and after three years of war, a group of troops willing to follow Wu Yuan to go through life and death came out, and Bai Xuantang's title of killing god was in At that time, he broke through and single-handedly went to Jinzhou to single-handedly challenged the five great generals under King Zhao of Jinzhou. All of them were stabbed to death by spears on their horses. Back then, they were called the god of spears. Why Bai Xuantang lost the spear on his horse and replaced it with a green sword. It is said that this green sword was given by an old god. As for what happened later, everyone knows that he chose to hide in the imperial capital. , there is no independent sect, and there are rumors that the idea came from the legendary old fairy.

As for the three years of that war, there were many heroes, but the most prominent ones were Bai Xuantang and the four four heavenly kings. When Wu Yuan first encircled and suppressed the last vassal king, because Bai Xuantang led an army The troops defended the city. Fifth Yuan personally took command and led thousands of heavy troops to encircle and suppress. In the end, only more than 100 people were ambushed and killed. The four heavenly kings stood out from these 100 people and killed more than 1000 enemies. The fifth yuan first broke through the encirclement and returned to Ghent, and when he went south again, it was the four heavenly kings who led the encirclement and suppression in person.

Although the four vassal kings were killed, there were many evils left. The emperor sent the four heavenly kings to guard one side each. I can look up to these sons who are gentle and gentle all day long, so what if you are His Royal Highness, there are so many important rulers and ministers in the heavens, and I don’t know how many generals and tigers have been thrown into their barracks for drills throughout the year. There is no strength, so that in the end, these generals only have military orders from the upper and lower levels in the minds of these generals, and there is no instruction from their father.

Ask them to talk to you about romance, it’s all nonsense, in their opinion, romance like the prince’s is nothing but groaning, that is, because of his good family background, if he throws it on the battlefield, I don’t know how many times he pissed his pants , the ghost on the side smiled and said: "I know that, you said you are too rude, at least you can do things in the wild, just do things on horseback, only you can do it, put it on our mountain It really can’t be done. I remember the boss at the top told you to freeze in the ice and snow all night naked. It is said that the stick under you is frozen hard and can fall off with a light touch. You To be honest, it is not available now, if you need to use it for anything in the future, call me, I will help you, hahaha."

The wolves also laughed and said: "Yeah, you said that you were fine and bragging all day long. Could it be that you have been unable to conduct human affairs for a long time, and if you couldn't, we wouldn't laugh at you, hahaha"

Yaoran scolded: "Fuck you uncle, I am in good health, I can be soft and win, I can be long or short, if you don't believe me, pull your daughter out, I will make gestures for her, let her know my length, I promise Let her be submissive."

"Shake the egg, let me tell you, if you dare to plot against my daughter, I won't be called Zhu Dalang unless my five thousand blue battalion knocks down your white battalion." The wolves cursed at Yaoran road.

Yaoran shouted: "The pig is farting again, and we have to return the five thousand blue battalion. If we have the ability, let's come alone, one-on-one, just you group of brats, all shouted to come to the school ground, and you who don't beat you cry I don’t call you Da Dan if you call your father your mother.”

The two started to quarrel, only Wang Mian didn't participate in it just now, he was [-]% inferior to the confrontation with the crown prince just now, he thought that a romantic crown prince could make some troubles, but he didn't expect to be so serious Ruthless, it doesn't match the rumors from the outside world at all. It's a shame to throw my lieutenant at home today. I have someone kill my lieutenant in front of my face. It's a big joke no matter what. If he was killed by the emperor, it's justified. It turned out that he was killed by a fledgling prince. He couldn't swallow his breath. Although the other three heavenly kings didn't say anything, they already started laughing in their hearts, and they would become a laughing stock when they went back. Angry, Wang Mian couldn't help whipping the horse he was riding fiercely.

Bai Xuantang, who did not participate in their discussion from the beginning to the end, rode beside him on a white horse. He neither stopped them from satirizing His Highness the Crown Prince, nor told them to be cautious in their words, and of course he would not echo the unpopular man. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, he was still so lonely after leading troops out of the city for the first time in so many years.

Just looking at the flying snow all over the sky, he said softly: "The sky has changed."

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