black emperor

Chapter 52 The Structure of Heaven

After the fifth Luo came out of the barracks, he stood alone in the snow, with a visual range of less than 100 meters. After a while, his body was covered with snow. At this time, Wan Fu came out. Wan Fu in Wuluo's clothes is completely like a different person. He was slightly taller than Wuluo, but he was dressed in Wuluo's clean clothes. A bit of a scholarly temperament, but his dark skin makes him a bit incompatible with that clothes. Overall, Wan Fu is not that handsome man, but gives people a kind of deterrent force. If he stands with the four heavenly kings and wears This outfit will never be compared. Fifth Luo said it was good. Next time I go to the city, I will buy a few more sets for him and use them on different boats so that I won’t have any clothes to wear in the future.

It may be the first time for Wanfu to wear clothes made of such a good material. He couldn't even walk. He held the hem of the clothes with his hands, fearing that the snow underneath would get dirty. Fifth Luo smiled and didn't speak. The details change a person, and the way of life is different. It is unrealistic for you to let a beggar walk around the street like the young master, so Fifth Luo will not force others to be like himself. Similarly, what kind of people live in what kind of world, this is the law of nature.

Wan Fu stood behind Fifth Luo, Fifth Luo didn't speak, and Wan Fu didn't want to talk too much. In his mind, if he can talk less, he should talk less. He believes that talking too much will lead to failure. Besides, he doesn't know how to communicate with others.The two of them just stood there looking at the vast expanse of whiteness in front of them. Of course, Wan Fu didn't know what the prince was looking at, but it was not surprising that the thoughts of superior people were always much higher than theirs, and the whiteness of snow was in their eyes It is estimated that it has changed.

Fifth Luo suddenly thought of something, asked Wanfu to go to Chiwu, and asked him to write down the characteristics of all the soldiers. It would be best if he could give a detailed list, the more detailed the better, Wanfu hurried into the tent In it, Fifth Luo asked Wanfu what level he is now practicing swordsmanship when he was on horseback, and who learned the swordmanship. Fourth grade, he said that when he was free, he would practice a little of the mental methods taught in the military camp, and he didn't understand it very well, but he felt that it would not be overwhelming to learn more skills.

Swordsmanship is the same as swordsmanship, from a swordsman to a swordsman, and the cultivation in the body is still from the ninth rank to the first rank. This is a bend that martial arts cannot bypass. Those who combine martial arts with great success are all double cultivators. If only the swordsmanship has arrived Sword God, but the cultivation in the body has not reached it, it is almost impossible to go up to the next stage, but if the cultivation in the body reaches the first rank, even a single swordsman is fine with swordsmanship, and it is much easier to practice swordsmanship or knife skills According to the old Wangtou, the emperor's internal cultivation is only second grade, but his swordsmanship is at the stage of the Juggernaut Sect. There is a big difference between the two, but his swordsmanship is actually practiced on the battlefield. So don't look at the level of Jianzong, if you meet someone of the same level as him, the emperor can instantly kill him.

Fifth Luo also said that Old Wangtou's flattery was a bit too much. Old Wangtou smiled and said, "You don't believe there is no way. The emperor's swordsmanship can become a first-rank swordsman, but he gave up. If he wants to practice swordsmanship, he will waste the government. , for him, the political power is even more obsessed, and kendo is just an extra addition.

When there is nothing to do, Fifth Luo likes to ask Old Wangtou about the achievements of swordsmanship. In the heaven, or in the whole space, all martial arts practitioners can reach the level of first-rank swordsman, but there are two ways. The first is Proving the Tao with strength is like Qi Wufu on the list of gods. He relies entirely on fighting to support the battle, and finally achieves the level of sword fairy. After so many years, no one can shake the No.1 position.

The second is the mental method of Taoist cultivation. In their eyes, the cultivation in the body is more important than others. As long as the body can reach the first-grade state, no matter what tool is used, it can be used to the extreme. But the disadvantage is that Taoism The purpose of practice is not to fight to become a first-rank immortal, but to learn from each other as the main rule. Follow the point until the end, and you will not kill until the sky is dark and the earth is dark for a victory. Therefore, there are many Taoist swords and immortals, but the real strength can be with Qi There may not be one or two martial arts masters, and there have been a few Taoists who have challenged Qi Wufu over the years, but they all stop at the point.

Another kind of practice is the Confucian mentality. It is said that there is a golden house in the book, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book. Or because the Golden House and Yan Ruyu stand in front of scholars, who would be willing to immerse themselves in learning all day long, so Confucianism is the least respected in martial arts, after all, the power in the minds of scholars is greater than all martial arts achievement.

In the final analysis, the practice in the body is still far greater than the practice of skills. As long as the character is achieved, it is the same whether it is practicing swords or swords. However, in this space, everyone admires swordsmanship most, because swordsmanship can reach the highest level, that is, The first-grade celestial beings are immortals, but the sword skills are not good. The memory of the sword is too bloody in everyone's memory. It is a weapon only used in battlefields and slaughterhouses.

Every time when this is mentioned, Fifth Luo scoffs, and the old Wangtou persuades Fifth Luo not to waste his talent, he should practice swords, so that he can be regarded as an inheritance, and Fifth Luo will spray him in the face, asking It’s like giving the old Wang’s head after practicing, it’s better to kill yourself, every time the old Wang’s head shakes his head and says it’s a pity, it’s a pity, why such a good talent falls on a prince of a country, who has the name of a prince No worries about food or clothing, who would practice sword hard.

From the moment he was born, the fifth Luo already had a first-grade diamond body that everyone envied. Others still have to practice step by step from ninth-grade to first-grade. This process would take more than ten years for a genius , Some people who are not geniuses will not reach the first-rank realm in their lifetime, so the old Wangtou said that Fifth Luo was a waste of resources and a waste of the talent given to him by heaven.

Of course, the orthodox martial arts is the most respected in the heavens. Magic is regarded as a side door. It was first called a wizard. There are differences between wizards, wizards, and fortune-tellers, but most people still don't understand these three, so there are still very few people who learn magic since childhood, unless there are very few geniuses or born with Talented people will learn magic, and the highest glory of magic can only be the imperial master of this country, or a regular member of the magic alliance. There is no such thing as martial arts or official way that can be crowned with the highest glory by this country, and you can also enjoy The worship of the people.

Therefore, the crowd structure in the heavenly world is that scholars serve as officials to govern the country, martial artists practice swords to defend the country, and magicians practice magic to strengthen their internal strength.

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