black emperor

Chapter 54

Fifth Luo and his group continued to move forward slowly. On the way, Fifth Luo asked the old Wangtou about the top ten masters in the heaven. The old Wangtou said that the three masters were all in the palace. Wang Tou smiled and said: "It's not bad, it's only fifth." The fifth Luo asked how much he could rank in the god list with a surprised expression. The old Wang laughed and said that he hadn't challenged anyone on the god list for so many years, so it was normal to lose the list, and he had been in the palace all year round, and he had never accepted challenges from others. Fifth Luo still despised him.

The fifth Luo asked who was No.1 in the martial arts list of the heavenly realm, and where was Bai Xuantang ranked. The old Wangtou said that the younger generation in the heavenly realm has not been very outstanding in recent years, and almost all the geniuses came from the Arad continent. No. 1 in the martial arts list of the heavenly realm .[-] is called Liu Tiangong, who has been alone in Chongyang Building these years and has never left the mountain. He just went to the Arad Continent the year before last and fought Qi Wufu once. It seemed that he lost. As for the situation of the battle, I don’t know People know, only know that Liu Tiangong said that the mountain will be closed for ten years, and he will go to Arad to challenge Qi Wufu again in the next ten years.

As for the old Wangtou Baixuantang, he didn't go into details, but said that he could hide in these years. After the rebellion was put down, Baixuantang was on the list for the first time. At that time, he was already ranked sixth in the heaven. After the emperor's good intentions, the palace was hidden, that is, from that year on, Bai Xuantang's name disappeared from the martial arts list. These years, the old Wangtou didn't know his details. The second thing is The emperor's personal entourage is a young man, probably not much older than Fifth Luo. Fifth Luo said he had never seen him before. The old Wang smiled and said, "If you can see it every day, it's still called personal, isn't it?" Ordinary Ouchi guards?

If I'm not wrong, that person should accompany us when the prince travels this time. Fifth Luo was taken aback and looked left and right. There was no one. The line of sight is 100 meters, and people stand 100 meters away. You can't see it even if you open your eyes wide. He probably won't show up, you know he's the emperor's entourage, not yours.

The people walked to a valley, with cliffs on both sides, and only a road in the middle to pass through. The road ahead could not be seen clearly in the heavy snow, but the more they walked forward, the more they felt that something was wrong. Slowly, a black shadow appeared in front of everyone. , a dead body stood in the middle of the fortress, with a huge sword stuck in the ground in front of him. The dead body held the hilt of the sword with both hands, without a trace of expression fluctuation, staring straight at the fifth Luo on the right.

Fifth Luo held the spear he had just obtained in that battle, Wan Fu and Chi Wu immediately stood in front of the carriage, Wan Fu was about to kill him with a knife in his hand, when dead bodies emerged from the ground, Luo Neng could feel that the level of the corpses was obviously much higher this time. On the fifth day, Luo ordered Chiwu in front to let him lead a team of troops across the canyon to guard the front, and then see if there were any ambushes or if there were any living people commanding them. , because Fifth Luo believed that this group of dead bodies could not have come here by themselves, if someone hadn't been pulling them from behind, it would have been impossible for them to be so obedient.

Chiwu was a little hesitant, after all, if he leaves here and takes away a team of people, the number of people here will be much smaller, and the consolation of the prince will increase a lot, but Fifth Luo insists on letting him go, Chiwu has no choice but to take him with him. The 200 people directly killed the past, and the dead body in the middle of the road did not stop him, because his goal was very clear, that is, fifth Luo alone, and the dead body and Wan Fu who had just appeared went further and further away. The figures of the two people who could see clearly were already far away from the line of sight. After all, the line of sight in the heavy snow was only 100 meters.

Fifth Luo asked Fenghuang to stay in the car and not come out. The old Wang said to tell Fifth Luo not to move. He will solve this. It seems that this time he did not choose to fight in groups, but appeared one by one to kill Fifth Luo. According to what the old Wangtou said, this dead body should have reached the level of Jianzong,

The old Wangtou took out a sword from the car, and limped directly towards the dead body in the middle. The two rushed straight up when the distance between the two was less than five meters away. The old Wangtou's sword was obviously rubbish. , is no different from the swords held by the group of people behind him, but the huge sword held by the dead body can be seen to be a hard thing at a glance. Judging by the weight, ordinary people should not be able to pick it up. As expected, the two swords When they collided together, the old Wangtou's sword broke directly from the middle, but the old Wangtou didn't retreat, and when he stepped on the ground, the snowflakes on the ground melted immediately, and Wu Luo could feel the sword aura in an instant. Even the horse under him took two steps back, and the dead body held the giant sword firmly against it. The old king clasped half of the sword with both hands, and gently broke it with both hands. The little fried pieces, like flying knives, all went towards the dead body.

This is the first time that Fifth Luo actually saw Lao Wangtou fighting with others in front of him, and he was shocked by Fifth Luo. He usually just brags, and the two have been together all year round. Trouble is also a small trouble, and the old Wangtou will not use his full strength, because it is impossible for ordinary people to encounter these masters and people in the world, at most they are some gangsters, bullies and the like, so the two Sometimes when you fight with others, it’s just like normal fights. If you fall and smash, you’ll run away if you can’t beat them. Occasionally, when you meet someone strong, Fifth Luo will run first or has already fallen down. Wait until Fifth Luo opens his eyes every time. At that time, the old Wangtou had already settled down, so he didn't feel how powerful the old Wangtou was.

This time, Fifth Luo really saw the strength of the old Wangtou. All the broken swords turned into small broken swords flew over. The dead body used the giant sword to block the ones in front of the eyes, but couldn't block the ones from the side, and all pierced into the body. There, the dead body was grim, and only a roar was heard, and the thick snow layer on the ground was blown up. For a while, the snowflakes filled the air, and people could no longer see clearly. The snowflakes blocked everything. He only heard a cry from behind to protect the prince, and everyone surrounded him.

Due to the lack of sight, I couldn't see it. When I touched it with my hand, there was no one in the prince's car. Phoenix didn't care about the people in the car, and rushed out, but he couldn't see clearly at all, and with the roaring sound, The surrounding sounds were completely inaudible.

Anxiety and uneasiness made Fenghuang violent, and he flew straight into the sky with his feet on the ground. When he flew out of the thick layer of snowflakes, he heard a voice from below.

All I heard was a soldier shouting, "The prince is gone."

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