black emperor

Chapter 6 He's a Badass

Fifth, Luo Xin thought that today was not a good day, so he forgot to ask Lao Wang when he came out, and asked Lao Wang to do the fortune telling for him.

The entire lobby was silent, the corner of Wu Luo's mouth was beaten with blood, and everyone dared not make a sound, Wu Wu Luo wiped the corner of his mouth lightly, turned around and was about to go out, the chopsticks in Lafayette's hand fell on the ground with a loud bang. On the ground, stood up, picked up the rosary beads that had been used for a lifetime on the table, and smashed them on the emperor's body. The rosary beads scattered, one by one, bouncing on the ground, "No one is allowed to leave, you don't want me to live a good old age. , Let me die early, right? ' Lafayette cursed in a trembling voice.

Fifth Luo bent down to pick up the rosary beads one by one, the emperor turned around helplessly and said: "Mother, don't be angry, if you don't teach Nizi a lesson today, how can I, the emperor, explain to everyone, not to mention just now Nizi kissed you." Holding a sword and killing people at Zhengyang Gate, this kind of behavior without discipline, can I have any light on my face, look at what he has done over the years, which one is reassuring, and which one makes me feel better? Don't worry, if I don't teach him a lesson now, I don't know what will happen in the future, and one day I will die, and he will turn the world upside down."

Lafayette said heavily: "Kneel down"

'Mom, you~~'

'I asked Yuan Xian to kneel down, and Yuan Xian wanted to recognize me as my mother. "Lafayette made Yuan Xian kneel down, but not the emperor. If he kneels all the time, he will still be Lafayette's son. If he doesn't kneel, he will still be the emperor. Lafayette hopes that the father and son will be well, but from When the child was born, the two of them were like old enemies. No one could understand the other, the cold and serious father, the child who was afraid since childhood, gradually learned to stay away from power, and gradually moved away from his father, because his father was No.1 in the heavens, the political power is the symbol of his father, no one dares to shake it, this man who makes everyone awe is called Fifth Yuan Xian, since he ascended to the top of authority, no one has ever called his name .

With a plop, Wu Wuyuan first knelt down and shouted 'Mom, I was wrong'. There are only two people in the palace who can call Lafayette so casually, one is Wu Luo, and the other is the emperor. They have always been Yi Niang and grandma. address, but others dare not.

Lafayette said: "I solemnly declare today that Luo Er is my grandson from today onwards. I will discipline you and I don't need your discipline. You should be busy with your business and busy with your business. We don't need your preaching. You If you have time to preach to your bowed ministers, we don’t like to hear it. If you want to eat here today, it’s delicious. If you don’t eat, you can leave. Whoever wants to lose his temper, I didn’t play for him.”

"Three years ago, you told him to go, but I didn't stop him. Do you know how regretful, distressed, and missed I am? You were born by me, but you don't need me anymore. What you need are your ministers." , but my grandson needs me, he is uneducated, that means I am uneducated, and you will drive him away three years later, I will follow him. 'Lafayette burst into tears when he said in his heart.

Fifth Luo silently picked up the rosary beads scattered on the ground. I still remember that this rosary was the first time that Fifth Luo asked his father for it when he was a child. Fifth Yuan was not free, so he asked his confidant to go to the Great Buddha Temple to get it. A bunch of prayer beads came back and placed in front of Fifth Luo. Fifth Luo spent a day and a night picking and picking from hundreds of prayer beads, and finally found 54 that he was satisfied with, and strung them with threads. After being consecrated by the host during the process of the Great Buddha Temple, it was sent over on Lafayette's birthday.

Lafayette was happy not to let go, and this wear has been worn until now, and it has become the most precious thing of Lafayette. At this time, a figure walked over, bent down and picked up the beads with Wu Luo, and the woman put the beads in the When Fifth Luo held it, seeing Fifth Luo's eyes, she felt a sudden heartache, as if something had hit her heart, which made her feel uncomfortable.It is none other than the woman standing on the left of Lafayette. Lafayette gave her the name "Phoenix". Originally, Phoenix refers to the queen of the dynasty, but no one dared to question the name given by Lafayette. In the final analysis, the fifth yuan comes first Majestic, he is still a filial emperor who is afraid of his mother.

Everyone also stood up and picked up the beads scattered on the ground together. The queen came to the fifth yuan to make amends to Lafayette first. If it is said that the current queen is really good at life, otherwise she would not be able to be a queen for so many years.

The next thing logically turned into a quiet family feast, with dancers invited to sing and dance in the center, a bunch of family feasts were no fun to eat, only Lafayette and Fifth Luo kept talking homely, As if the others were accompanying guests, all the brothers greeted him during the period, but the second child did not move, and the fifth Luo was not a stingy person, but he didn't want the scene just now to happen again, so he got up and came to the second child, holding up He made a toast to the wine glass, and only said that the second brother has been sitting comfortably for so many years, did he ever think about the elder brother, seeing the two drinking and talking, Wu Yuan first raised the fine wine poured by the queen with satisfaction, and drank it in one gulp go down.Because of singing and dancing, everyone can't hear them.No one knows what the two said.

At the end, the emperor announced one thing, that is, he planned to establish the fifth prince of Luo in the early court. Everyone heard it, but they didn't expect it to be true. Prince, people have a lot of questions, questions are questions, but they can't really ask, because this is established by the emperor, who dares to question.

Fifth Luo said that he didn't want to be the prince, Wu Yuan first said a word and the conversation between the two collapsed, and the atmosphere dropped to a freezing point. 'He is always so arbitrary, and always puts the father and son in a state of giving directly, while the other is unwilling to take but still has to take.

Lafayette said: "It's okay, this is what he owes you. Do what you should do. If there is anything you can't do, there is still your master, and me. Don't worry." All good things are given to this beloved grandson.There are so many royal heirs in the palace, but Fifth Luo was brought up by Lafayette alone.Of course, this decision is also a decision that the old man also hopes for, and the power of Lafayette is also indispensable.

Lafayette is also right. This is what the emperor owes him. Back then, Fifth Luo Niang was kicked out of the palace because of her birth. Later, she was invited back to the palace when she found out she was pregnant. When Fifth Luo was born, the national teacher Watching the sky on the spot said that there was an evil star descending on the backyard of the palace, and it was the fifth Luo, who first clashed with the fifth yuan, and then was kicked out of the palace again with his children. Fifth Luo lived outside for three years. In the end, after my mother died of illness, she was taken back to the palace and lived and grew up with Lafayette ever since.

Fifth Luo helped Lafayette to go to the Jinghui Hall, Fenghuang followed on the right, and the two supported Lafayette on the left and right. When they reached the door, Lafayette said you go and see your master, I am going to rest , I am too tired today, and my body will not work anymore when I am old, so I can just have Phoenix to accompany me.

Fifth Luo agreed, then turned around and suddenly squeezed Phoenix's buttocks with his hands, and then swaggered away like a normal person. Fenghuang's face was flushed and he didn't know what to do. At this time, Lafayette said in a low voice: " He is still so naughty, please forgive him, he has been bullied by him for so many years, you are still afraid of this time, sooner or later you will be one of his people." It's okay if Lafayette didn't say anything, this point made Fenghuang feel ashamed Find a place to drill in.

He could only coquettishly say: "He is a bad guy, Lafayette knows how to spoil him." Lafayette smiled and shook his head and walked inside.

A few of the better brothers in the lobby just now hadn’t left yet, and they shouted unconvinced: "Why, why can he be the prince as soon as he comes back? What has he done and learned for so many years? What kind of qualifications, which one of the things in the heavenly court was not done by us, we are not convinced." Several better brothers fought against the second brother.

The second brother's name is Fifth Changyang, and he sat there alone, drinking the wine in his hand, and said in a low voice: "Go back, I will be alone." The brothers kept calling With that, Fifth Changyang shouted loudly: "Get out, get out."

Now the brothers calmed down, and then said that the second brother left, leaving the second brother alone in the room, drinking the wine in the glass alone, drinking faster and faster, and finally punched the table , with a strong wave of his hand, all the things on the table fell to the ground, the roar of "Why, why, it's not fair" resounded throughout the lobby, and the voice gradually became smaller and smaller, Fifth Changyang's whole head lay on the table Above, the fist kept beating the table back and forth, and the sound of sniffling slowly came from the table.

Outside the door, a woman in a gorgeous palace gown slowly walked into the lobby. The woman came to Fifth Changyang and gently stroked Fifth Changyang's head with her hands. Fifth Changyang raised his head and looked at the woman in front of him like a child The fifth Changyang burst into tears, the woman hugged the fifth Changyang's head, and buried it deep in the middle of the twin peaks, the fifth Changyang nestled in his mother's arms like a child, the woman lovingly stroked the man head.

Fifth Luo came to a small house in the back garden alone. Fifth Luo knocked on the door. After a while, a woman came out. rested.The palace lady asked if she wanted to go in and wake up Mr. Fifth Luo stopped her, waved her hand and said that she would come back tomorrow, let her rest earlier, then turned around and walked back. The old man made a request after entering the palace, that is, no Living in a palace, but living in the most remote small house in the back garden, makes everyone puzzled, and gets used to it after a long time.

Fifth Luo walked around the back garden by himself, instead of heading for his own residence, he headed towards Lafayette's residence.

After serving Lafayette for a rest, Fenghuang exited the room and slowly came to the side room in the courtyard. Fenghuang pushed open the door, probably because he was too tired, and went straight to the back room. Just after entering the back room, a pair of big hands called out, Fenghuang almost cried out, who knew that the visitor covered Fenghuang's mouth with one hand, and then slowly slid down the neckline of Fenghuang with the other hand, oh~~~~~~ silky and smooth.

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