black emperor

Chapter 60

Statement three points:

First point, if readers read this book as an alien fantasy work, there will be no dyslexia at all, because this book tells a story, there are no special characters and history for everyone to look up information, aside from DNF The game, this is just a fantasy novel, it has nothing to do with the game.

The second point, if you are an NDF player, you will not have trouble reading this book. If you see someone has questions about the period of the heavens, please explain the calendar of this book. The paragraph I wrote is still in the early days of the heavens. During the period under the rule of Bakar, that is, the period when the empires on the Arad continent were still the Perus Empire, there were only three countries in the Arad continent at that time, the Perus Empire, the Kingdom of Bier, and the Kingdom of Calamity.

The Industrial Revolution period in the Celestial Realm only appeared after Bakal ruled the Celestial Realm. Please take a look at the DNF information encyclopedia.

My earliest idea was to let the protagonist lead everyone to watch this huge world from the perspective of a bystander, and there are many historical events, such as mentioned in the introduction, but now I want the protagonist to participate in it, from the heavenly world to the demon world, and then to the dragon clan , and then to the continent of Arad.

From before the destruction of the heavens to witnessing the destruction with my own eyes, to the transfer of the demons from the planet Titan to the continent of Arad, to the demise of the Perus Empire.

I hope this is a wonderful and perfect story, and the huge world view and character relationship in my mind will be shown to everyone one by one.

The third point is that I just got home and I’m coding. I’ll upload it soon after the coding is done. If you can’t wait, go to bed first. There may be many friends who will visit relatives tomorrow.

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