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Chapter 17 The Collapsed Balcony

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He Tingyu drove the car to the door of a mid-range restaurant and found a parking space. The two were about to get out of the car for dinner when He Tingyu's cell phone rang suddenly.

Taking out the phone, He Tingyu glanced at the number, his face changed slightly.

Seeing this, Zheng Zhi quickly opened the car door and got out of the car first. He is the captain of the criminal police, and some official affairs are confidential and cannot be leaked.

"Hello? What, three armed policemen died... ran away... what did you do, okay, I'll go back to the police station right away..."

Standing outside the car door, Zheng Zhi heard He Tingyu's roar like thunder in the car. As soon as the sound fell, He Tingyu rolled down the window and said anxiously: "Something happened in the police station, we I have to rush there immediately, I won't invite you to dinner today."

With that said, he backed the car out of the parking space it had just parked.

"It's okay, you wait first." Zheng Zhi left a sentence inexplicably, and ran outside. In less than a minute, he ran back again, panting, and took a bag of hot buns out of the car window. I stuffed it into He Tingyu's hand, and said with a smile: "I don't know what kind of stuffing you like to eat, but I bought a few, and if I can't finish it, I will give it to my colleagues."

It turned out that Zheng Zhi saw a small noodle shop not far away in the car, and there were many steamed buns in front of the small noodle shop, so he hurried to buy some.

It is not easy to be a criminal police officer, especially when encountering major and urgent cases, there is no time to eat at all. If the pressure is tight, it is common to go hungry for a day and a half, so many criminal police officers have serious or minor problems. stomach problems.

"Thank you." Holding the steaming steamed stuffed bun, He Tingyu felt a touch of emotion in his heart, thanked him, and drove quickly towards the police station.

On the road, He Tingyu turned on the siren, Zheng Zhi watched the car go away, and then took out his mobile phone to check the time, it was already 12:10, he reached out to stop a taxi, and went straight to Antique Yushi Street.

I didn't see Guan Ting yesterday, Zheng Zhi really misses it a bit.

But when he came to Antique Yushi Street, Zheng Zhi was disappointed again, because Guan Ting still didn't come to work today. For some reason, his uneasiness became more and more intense. He only found a few shop assistants, and they didn't know why Guan Ting Did not go to work normally.

Wang Jinlai said that Guan Ting had a record of not coming for no reason before. As for whether something happened at home, he didn't know. He just told Zheng Zhi Guan Ting's mobile phone number. Zheng Zhi called and the phone was turned off.

Last time, Zheng Zhi took Guan Ting to the downstairs of her house by bicycle, so Zheng Zhi knew the address of Guan Ting's house, so he hailed a taxi and arrived at the destination about 10 minutes later.

Guan Ting’s house is located on the fifth floor of an old-fashioned building. There is no elevator and the corridors are narrow. Although the building is painted, it can still be seen that the building is at least 90 years old. Zheng Zhi is going up to find someone , but was stopped by a very old man, "Young man, are you here to find someone?"

Zheng Zhi turned his head when he heard the voice, saw an elder with white hair and beard, and quickly replied respectfully: "Yes, old man, what do you want me to do?"

"You don't need to go up. There is no one in this building today. They all went to Tianhe Paper Mill to ask for an explanation."

Zheng Zhi was startled, and after inquiring in detail, he found out that this was the family building of Tianhe Paper Mill.

The old man is a retired cadre from Tianhe Paper Mill, and used to be the director of the office.People like to chatter when they are old, and the old man just started talking to himself, regardless of whether Zheng Zhi would like to listen or not.

After listening, Zheng Zhi finally figured out why Guan Ting didn't go to work for two consecutive days.

It turned out that five years ago, the government decided to demolish the old family courtyard buildings of Tianhe Paper Mill, and formulated a detailed feasible plan.

This plan is that the government will provide part of the funds, and the Tianhe Paper Mill will also provide a sum of money, and then the leaders of the Tianhe Paper Mill will call for bids, choose a better construction team, and choose a site to build a new building to solve the problem of workers. housing problem.

Originally, this was a great thing. After all, who would not want to live in a new building?

However, the Tianhe Paper Mill is no longer the leader of the paper industry in Xinjiang more than ten years ago. When the government issued the demolition documents at the beginning, they asked the employees in the factory to pay 3 yuan per household on the grounds of insufficient funds in the factory. money.

After paying the money, the bidding began, and finally the construction of the new family building was handed over to a construction team named Jiuxin Construction Company.

However, after the construction team took over the project, they only dug a few deep pits and buried some cement piles in the selected place a month ago, and there was no follow-up movement after that. For this matter, the workers in the factory I went to the Gaohe district government building to besiege many times, asking for an explanation, but every time the district government officials came forward to promise that the problem would be resolved, and then let it go.

And just the day before yesterday, a big event finally happened. The balcony on the ninth floor, the highest floor of the No. [-] family building, suddenly collapsed. At that time, a little boy was playing on the balcony. He landed on the balcony of the fifth floor, and then landed on the balcony of the fourth floor building.

The little boy was only five years old and was seriously injured and unconscious.

This incident ignited the dissatisfaction of all the employees of the paper mill, and they all blocked the gate of the city hall early the next morning, begging for an explanation.

On the same day, Lin Yuanfeng, Secretary of the Xinjiang Municipal Party Committee, came forward in person and said that he would give an explanation to the workers in the near future, and most of the anger of the workers dissipated and turned back.

However, although the employees believed Lin Yuanfeng's words at that time, when they returned home, thinking about what the leaders of the district government had said to make everyone wait, and the balcony of one family had already collapsed, who can be sure of the next time? , Didn't it fall from the balcony of your own house?

Or did the building just collapse?

So the workers, who were extremely restless, stayed at home for another night in fear, and today they gathered together to block the city government building.

The matter of building a new building is troublesome, you can wait, but you have to help them find a temporary residence first.

After hearing what the old man said, Zheng Zhi finally understood what was going on. He wanted to take a taxi to find Guan Ting, but when he thought that there was class in the afternoon, and Guan Ting followed the workers to encircle the government building, so many people should be together. There is no danger, so I gave up the idea.

The old man was very good at chanting. The call lasted more than 20 minutes. He hasn't eaten yet. He should wait until after school in the afternoon before looking for Guan Ting.

Randomly found a small restaurant, ate a bowl of noodles, Zheng Zhi took a taxi and went back to school. Today, the taxi fare alone cost [-] yuan. If it was in the past, it would make his heart hurt to death.

In the past, his monthly living expenses were only 350 yuan.

Back at school, there were only 5 minutes left before the class time. Zheng Zhi quickly ran into the classroom, and the class bell rang immediately. He habitually looked in the direction of Chen Rong's seat.

As he stepped into the classroom, all the students in the class also set their eyes on him.

First, he prevented a premeditated bombing and murder case, and became a man of the school. Today, in the fighting class, Zheng Zhi went head-to-head with Yao Feng, the third runner-up of Sanda in the school last year, so at this time, Zheng Zhi has become the attention of the whole school. focus.

Chen Rong also turned her head slightly to look over, and collided with Zheng Zhi's habitual eyes looking at her in mid-air. looked elsewhere.

This section is Professor Li Xiang's criminal law class. All the students in the class listened very carefully.

The reason why the students listened very seriously was not only because Li Xiang was a beautiful woman, but also because Li Xiang was kind and kind, and never put on airs in front of the students, so both boys and girls liked this head teacher very much.

As soon as the textbook was opened, the classroom became silent, only Li Xiang's pleasant voice, like the singing of an oriole, was left.

The whole class lasted for 45 minutes. Everyone didn't seem to be listening to the class, but it seemed like they were listening to someone singing.

When Li Xiang just stepped into the classroom, she glanced in the direction of Zheng Zhi, then she looked away and gave lectures seriously. This intellectual beauty wearing gold-rimmed glasses is extremely serious and responsible for her work. Come and put your heart and soul into it.

The criminal law is complicated, not only need to memorize it by rote and engrave it into the brain, but also need to carefully analyze and discuss, what kind of law should be applied under what circumstances, sometimes very similar cases, the handling methods are very different difference.

Therefore, during the lecture, Li Xiang continued to give examples to demonstrate, so that his students could truly understand every law and rule, so that they would not make mistakes after they graduated and entered the police force in the future.


It wasn't until the bell rang for the end of get out of class that the students recovered from the state of listening carefully.

Li Xiang closed the textbook and the lesson plan she wrote, picked it up and hugged it to her chest, first said that the students were out of class, then looked at Zheng Zhi and said, "Student Zheng Zhi, come with me to the office."

After all, Li Xiang's high-heeled shoes stepped on the ground, kicked, kicked, and walked out of the classroom very rhythmically.

It wasn't until Li Xiang's beautiful back disappeared that the students murmured, "What did Teacher Li ask Zheng Zhi to do in the office?"

"Maybe we're talking about Zheng Zhi's heroic deeds. When school was about to leave today at noon, didn't a beautiful policeman come to see Zheng Zhi? Zheng Zhi also said that the female policeman is the captain of our city's criminal police!"

"Maybe, but this Zheng Zhi is really lucky!"

"Well, let's not talk about anything else, just say that after doing good deeds, Mr. Li can summon you one after another. If we meet, we will definitely go forward!"

Chen Rong originally wanted to

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