Ask for collection!


"miss you!"

Hearing He Tingyu's question, Zheng Zhi answered affirmatively without hesitation.

His main purpose of coming to Myanmar this time is to gamble on stones to make money, absorb the essence of emeralds, and strengthen the trickle in his body. In contrast, assisting the Myanmar police to catch criminals has become a secondary purpose.

"Oh? Are you so interested in stone gambling? Tell me, you have been in the stone gambling industry for two years. Are you considered a professional? Investing allows you to gamble and earn some pocket money." He Tingyu asked curiously, having never been in the stone gambling industry before.

Myanmar is hotter than Xinjiang at this time, Zheng Zhi rolled down the window of the taxi early, blowing the wind, looking at the buildings with the unique style of Myanmar, and replied with a smile: "If it is someone else After spending two or three years in the stone gambling industry, I only learned a little bit.

But I'm not the same, my eyes are sure to see each other. "

"Fuck you, I really think I have sharp eyes!" He Tingyu found out that he had known Zheng Zhi for a long time, and the boy in front of him gradually let go. He was a bit thick-skinned and a bit lecherous, and would always wrap himself up from time to time. She aimed up at the thighs of the black stockings, but for some reason, she didn't feel disgusted.

If it was someone else, she would have taught her a lesson.

He Tingyu rolled his eyes angrily when he heard Zheng Zhi's boastful words at this time, "If you are humble, I think it's more reliable, maybe I can trust you a little bit, but seeing how arrogant you are, it's still a good idea." Stop wasting my pocket money."

"Sister Yu, is that why you have no confidence in me?"

"Hmph, sister, although I'm not as professional as you, I've heard of the phrase 'It's hard to break an inch of jade'. If you want to fool me, there's no way!" He Tingyu lifted his chin triumphantly.

Zheng Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that He Tingyu must have supplemented his knowledge of the stone gambling business before coming here. It turns out that Sister Yu has heard of this sentence, it’s really amazing!" As she said, she gave a thumbs up exaggeratedly.

He Tingyu looked at Zheng Zhi's exaggerated expression, stretched out his hand and twisted the soft flesh of his waist, Zheng Zhi immediately covered the twisted place and yelled.

The two laughed and quarreled for a while, their tempers gradually improved, and their relationship became closer. They were not as polite as before, which also helped the two cooperate with each other in their work in the future.

"Stop laughing, seriously, do you really want to gamble?" He Tingyu laughed for a while, his stomach hurt a little, and he stopped.

"Well, I withdrew more than 3 yuan before I came." Zheng Zhi also restrained his smile and straightened his face.

He Tingyu was surprised when she heard the words. According to her investigation, Zheng Zhi's mother just opened a small shop in Li County, with a monthly income of only [-] yuan, and Zheng Zhi didn't look for a job. How did he get such a big shop? money?

Of course, for He Tingyu, 3 yuan is just a monthly allowance, but for Zheng Zhi from an ordinary family, [-] yuan should not be a small amount?He Tingyu felt that he must have missed something, and planned to call Xinjiang City after he settled down, and ask someone to investigate what Zheng Zhi had done recently.

"Are you really sure?" He Tingyu asked again.

Zheng Zhi didn't say anything big this time, but nodded solemnly.

"Well, in a few days it will be the day of the Nay Pyi Taw Jade Fair, and then we will join in the fun." He Tingyu finally came to Myanmar, and naturally wanted to buy some stones here for fun. As for She doesn't care if the bet goes up or down. Of course, she still hasn't forgotten to threaten Zheng Zhi, "I will take out a month's pocket money to buy stones. If I lose all the bets, hehe..." In the end, He Tingyu waved shook his fist.

"Sister Yu, don't worry, I promise you will make a lot of money!" Zheng Zhi pretended to be not afraid of death, and patted his chest. Seeing him like this, He Ting Rain was amused again and laughed.

In fact, the public auction of jadeite is similar to the auction, except that the items auctioned at the auction are appraised by experts, and no one can judge whether the jadeite can be cut in the public auction. There are two bidding methods, namely hidden bid and open bid.

Hidden bid means that the bidder fills in the number, name, bid item number, and bidding price issued by the organizing committee to the bidder on the bidding form, and then puts it into the bid box with the bid item number, because the bidders do not know each other. The price filled in by each, and who is their bidding opponent, so it is called a hidden bid.When the bid is released, the winning bidder and the bidding price will be publicly announced according to the bidding item number, and the highest bidder will win.

The hidden marks have not been processed, or the selling price is slightly different. Each time the jadeite and jade wool materials are offered in public, the hidden marks account for more than 45%.

The open bid is an on-site auction. All bidders are gathered in the trading hall. Every time the public auction staff announces a bid item number, the bidders will take turns to bid on the spot. Whoever shows the highest price wins the bid.Mingbiao are generally good-looking or processed jadeite wool, the price is higher, but the quantity is small, less than 15% of the public offering wool.

A quarter of an hour later, the taxi stopped in front of the big hotel where He Tingyu had reserved a room in advance. After paying the fare, the two got out of the car. He Tingyu walked a little ahead and led the way, while Zheng Zhi pulled the suitcase , followed behind, while walking, Zheng Zhi still looked around calmly to see if anyone was following and monitoring according to what he had learned in the police academy.

All the way was very safe and took the key at the hotel front desk to the reserved room. Both of them were relieved. They just arrived in Myanmar today. They didn't say anything, but they were still a little nervous.

"Before we came here, our superiors told us that we should wait for the Burmese police to take the initiative to come to our door. When we have nothing to do, we can just walk around the stone gambling place." He Tingyu was very careful. She first searched the room carefully, and saw that there were no cameras and Recording equipment, and then he spoke.

Zheng Zhi was also helping. He had also learned how to find bug recording equipment in school before, "Oh, where shall we go tomorrow?"

"Although I have never been here before, the higher authorities have given me a lot of information, so I am very familiar with this place, and there are also our people here. When the time comes, I will go to some underground places selling jadeite wool, and then talk to those People take over."

In fact, Zheng Zhi also thought about looking up some information about Myanmar in advance, but He Tingyu originally said that he would do it in two days, but it was moved ahead of schedule, so he didn't come and look for some information in advance.Of course, even if he finds some books and checks the information on the Internet, it is not as rich and comprehensive as the information given to He Tingyu above.

Myanmar is very strict on the jadeite market. Only the jadeite wool sold on the public market is legal, and the rest are considered smuggled. However, Huaxia has to pay taxes when importing regardless of whether it is smuggled or not. It’s just that this line of business does not pay tax habits.

And this kind of transaction is private, and you can't control it if you want to.

Zheng Zhi responded, and went back to his room to rest. He slept very late last night, and Myanmar was very hot, so he felt sleepy long ago.A total of two adjacent rooms were booked in advance, and each person sleeps in one. He Tingyu either took a car or changed flights today, and was exhausted. He fell asleep soon after lying on the bed.

Both of them were very tired, and they didn't have the habit of acknowledging their beds, so they had a good night's sleep.

Since they went to bed early yesterday, the two woke up early the next morning. They greeted each other first, and then they went back to their rooms to wash their faces, brush their teeth, tidy up their clothes, and walked out of the hotel together.

Of course, neither of them forgot to bring money.

In Myanmar, there are many Chinese businessmen, and many of them moved here from China’s Yunnan and Sichuan to settle here, so the RMB is recognized and can be used in direct circulation. One point must be kept in mind, otherwise, if you are careful to mark the price as RMB, you will suffer a huge loss of money.

After leaving the hotel, the two of them ate some Burmese snacks for breakfast. The taste was not quite right, so it’s okay to eat a few meals and try something new.After eating a full stomach, he walked around again, admiring the architectural style of Burmese pavilions, and bought a few magnifying glasses, and two strong flashlights, and then He Tingyu stopped the Get out of the taxi and go straight to an underground place selling jadeite wool.

After about half an hour, the two came to a relatively desolate street. After getting off the car, a young man looked at the two people's clothes and walked over quickly. He spoke Chinese, although not very good. Fluent, but able to understand, "Excuse me, the two bosses, do you want to see the goods?"

Hearing that they came to solicit business, the two of them naturally would not refuse, and Zheng Zhi answered, "Yes, we are here to see the goods, and you will lead the way."

The young man responded, then respectfully led the way, turned left and right, walked for 5 minutes and hadn't reached the ground yet, He Tingyu frowned differently, "How much longer do we have to go?"

Although He Tingyu is not a timid person, he is not stupid and bold, so he must be on guard.

"We'll be there in 2 minutes at most."

The young man replied and quickened his pace. Sure enough, within 2 minutes, the young man brought the two of them into a courtyard. This courtyard was very large. There was an underground kiln in the west corner, and all the emerald and woolen materials were placed inside.

"Two, please!" This young man is the owner of the courtyard, but the real master is the young man's father. He went down the slope and opened the door of the kiln. He saw a middle-aged man sitting beside the door of the kiln. The lights are on inside, and there are seven or eight customers who are picking wool inside.

Seeing Zheng Zhi and He Tingyu, the middle-aged man stood up, very enthusiastic, probably because he often negotiated prices with Huaxia merchants, and this man spoke Chinese much more fluently, "Please come in, you two. What a coincidence, I'm an old scammer who just got in a few days ago, and the possibility of getting jade is extremely high."

When negotiating business with people, it is natural for Zheng to talk directly. He behaved very sophisticated, just smiled lightly, and did not express himself.

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