After the two children finished eating, Su Yi also took a bite and thought it tasted pretty good.

So I put some in a bowl and prepared to give it to the three eldest ladies who came to deliver food in the morning to try it.

As a thank you, I took the opportunity to build a good relationship with them.

After loading the eggs, Su Yi asked Ye Xiaowu to take the hoe and first went to the nearest Sister Yao's house.

Sister Yao's man is the company commander of the army.

When the three people knocked on the door and entered the hospital, they found that Sister Zheng, who had come in the morning, was also there.

The two of them were working on sewing machines in the yard, discussing making clothes together, talking and laughing very lively.

When the two of them saw Su Yi coming, they hurriedly welcomed him into the hospital.

Su Yi also smiled and said hello, "Sister Yao, I'm here to bring you a hoe! I didn't expect Sister Zheng to be here too, and I just happened to bring the tea eggs I just boiled for you to try."

Sister Yao smiled and said, "We are more than ten years older than you, so it is a bit inappropriate to call us elder sister!"

Su Yi pursed her lips and smiled, "Really? I thought you were only in your early twenties! Seeing that you are still so young, I can't even call you aunt."

Seeing Su Yi's sweet mouth, the two of them laughed from ear to ear.

Sister Zheng stood up and took the tea eggs, "We have been smelling the fragrance coming from your yard since noon. I didn't expect that you are very good at cooking at such a young age!"

With that said, the two of them unceremoniously peeled off a tea egg and tasted it.

"Oh, it's delicious! It smells amazing!"

"It's so delicious. Xiao Wu and Nuan Nuan will have a great time eating it in the future!"

Su Yi took the opportunity to take a look at the clothes on the sewing machine, "I didn't expect Sister Zheng's craftsmanship to be so good. I think it's more fashionable than the ready-made clothes sold outside. Look at how exquisite the lace on the neckline is."

Sister Zheng was a little embarrassed by the praise, "It's fine in the courtyard. I like to think about this when I'm bored. I did this for Sister Yao."

Sister Yao suddenly remembered, "Comrade Su, didn't you say that your luggage was lost? Then don't you only have this piece of clothing on you?"

Su Yi hummed, "No, I'm washing and drying at home today and don't have time to go out. I'm planning to go out tomorrow to see if there are any ready-made clothes for sale."

Upon hearing this, Sister Zheng quickly advised, "Our place is remote, and ready-made clothes are expensive and ugly. Why don't you go get some fabric and bring it back, and I'll do it for you."

"Really?" Su Yi was suddenly moved, "Sister Zheng, I'm so happy that I don't know what to say. Can I invite you to my house for dinner later?"

Sister Zheng said she was not polite, but she was a little tempted to try her craftsmanship, so she agreed.

Sister Yao was also invited and felt very embarrassed.

Then he asked her if there was anything she needed, "By the way, I see you borrowed a hoe at noon. Are you digging the ground?"

Su Yi hurriedly explained, "I see that there is no use in leaving so much open space in the courtyard, so I plan to dig it out and plant some vegetables. I won't have to buy vegetables every now and then. I can also save some money and it will be convenient to eat."

Sister Zheng covered her mouth and said with a smile, "You have found the right person. Sister Yao is the one who likes growing vegetables the most in our compound. You are a young girl who still knows how to get by!"

Sister Yao felt that she had found a confidant, "Xiao Su did the right thing. You have to be prudent in your life, but it's going to be summer soon, and it's definitely too late for you to sow seeds now."

"It just so happened that I was about to thin out the seedlings. I was busy making clothes and forgot about it. It just so happened that you transplanted them from here and you had everything!"

After saying that, Sister Yao took Su Yi to visit her small vegetable garden.

It's green inside and the growth is very gratifying.

Sister Yao was introducing while her hands were busy.

"Tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers, loofah, okra, look what you're missing! Some green onions, chives and garlic sprouts too!"

Su Yi was moved to tears and took it back to plant with great gratitude.

After planting vegetables, I took back the washed sheets and quilts and spread them again.

The three of us were so exhausted that we simply cooked some vegetable and pork noodles and went to bed early.

Probably because he went to bed early, Su Yi woke up before dawn the next day.

I made white noodles before going to bed yesterday, and soaked vermicelli and dried vegetables.

I planned to refine the fat meat first in the morning and chop the remaining oil into pieces and mix it into the buns.

Zhou Jinchuan also got up early today and planned to leave early.

Seeing that the sky was just getting slightly brighter, I thought that Su Yi and the others probably hadn't gotten up yet.

I don't plan to go there.

Xie Xiaojun was thinking about what Su Yi said about breakfast, so he couldn't help but persuade, "Captain, let's just stop by and take a look, in case they get up and wait."

"All right!"

When the two arrived, Zhou Jinchuan saw the lights on in the kitchen from a distance.

Looking at the steaming heat in the kitchen from a distance, Su Yi was busy behind the white mist with her head down.

The courtyard was still quiet at this time, and the word "Quiet Time" popped up in Zhou Jinchuan's mind for no reason.

Seeing that the two of them were here, Su quickly picked up a dozen freshly steamed white breads and filled them with a few tea eggs.

"Captain Zhou, Comrade Xie, take these with you to eat on the road!"

Xie Xiaojun accepted it happily.

Zhou Jinchuan's eyes glanced at her face for a moment, "Thank you, Xiaowu and Nuannuan will be left to you in the next few days."

"Those two people have just been punished. They shouldn't dare to mess around. If you really want something, don't confront them head-on. Wait until I get back."

Su Yi nodded, "Don't worry, I know."

[It is better for you to come back early than anything else. Only fools would confront them head-on. 】

[Even if they want to confront me head-on, then I am just a stone in the pit - smelly and hard, I am not afraid! 】

Zhou Jinchuan lowered his head and curled his lips imperceptibly, "Let's go!"

After the two left, Su Yi quickly went to look in the mirror.

Sure enough, she found that her face was stained with flour. No wonder Zhou Jinchuan looked at her so strangely just now!

Today is Monday, and Ye Xiaowu is going to school.

I saw that he had just washed up and was about to go out, "Sister Su, I'm almost too late. Can you pack two buns and take them to school to eat?"

Su Yi looked at the movement on the road outside and saw few children. "Do you have to go to elementary school so early?"

Ye Xiaowu lowered his head in embarrassment, "That's not necessary, I just wanted to go early."

Su Yi suddenly realized that this kid was probably just pretending to go early, but he really wanted to take the buns to the classroom to eat.

At that moment, she didn't try to expose him. She just packed two chubby buns for him in a lunch box, and also packed two peeled tea eggs.

"Go! I'll take Nuannuan out to buy things later. If you come back late at noon, you can do your homework at home first!"

Ye Xiaowu excitedly put the lunch box in his arms, "I know! Sister Su, Nuannuan, I'm going to school!"

Seeing Ye Xiaowu running briskly, Su Yi also smiled happily.

I had breakfast with Ye Nuannuan, simply packed up and got ready to go out.

Su Yi also specially brought tea eggs to the two comrades in Menting.

Thanks to them letting me into the compound yesterday, otherwise there would not have been any chance encounters later.

The two people waved their hands quickly, "No, no, no, Captain Zhou told me when he left in the morning. From now on, you can come and go as normal as everyone else in the compound."

Seeing that the two of them refused to accept it, Su put the lunch box directly on the table, "I'll get it when I come back later."

After saying that, he took Ye Nuannuan away.

Two comrades in Menting: This Comrade Xiao Su is really kind-hearted! No wonder he was favored by Captain Zhou to stay!

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