80: The black-bellied officer read my mind and fell in love with me

Chapter 228 Go back to your hometown with your elder brother

Lin Haonan looked at the crowd and continued, "That family failed to harm my little sister and put themselves in jail. This time I went over and they have personally admitted to the crime of secretly changing their children. They are now going to be sentenced. The procedure has been completed. I believe that within two days, that couple will receive the punishment they deserve."

"As for the man I brought back, he was already more than ten years old when he fled the famine and came to Su's house. He saw with his own eyes that his parents secretly exchanged their two children at night, right in this house."

"Moreover, he can prove that Lin Shuxue has been in contact with her biological parents for a long time."

Lin Shuxue's guilty conscience just now was enough for everyone to believe the fact that she knew in advance.

Now that I heard Lin Haonan say this, it was even more clear.

However, in order to ensure that no one would dare to gossip in the future, Lin Haonan still asked Su Dahai to stand up and admit it in public.

Su Dahai hesitated for a moment, thinking about the conversation between the two of them and him, and finally stood up——

"What Comrade Lin Haonan said is true. I did know that the parents deliberately changed their children. I was very scared at the time, but I didn't dare to say it because I was too young. My mother said they all had the same surname of Su. The Su family here We have money, a house, and endless food. My little sister had to go with her to escape the famine when she was born. I didn’t know if she would survive, so I changed her because of my obsession.”

"Two years ago, there was a flood at home and we were short of money, so my parents secretly went to Beijing to find Xiaoxue. I don't know the specifics of what happened. I only know that since then, Xiaoxue has been sending things home to remit money from time to time."

Lin Shuxue was slumped on the ground. After hearing Su Dahai's words, she suddenly got up angrily and rushed towards him——

"You lied! You are not my eldest brother. If you were my eldest brother, how could you help outsiders slander me?"

Su Dahai didn't dodge even after being caught several times, "Xiaoxue, don't be stubborn. In fact, I have been very scared for so many years, and I have been hesitant to tell Xiaoyi the truth. I really felt that I couldn't forgive her, so I chose to stand up. ”

Lin Jiaguo looked at Su Dahai and then at Xiaoxue, whom he loved most.

I couldn't help but shake my head and smile bitterly. These two people obviously look so similar, what else is there to say?

It's just that he never expected, or was unwilling to believe, that Xiaoxue had always been so innocent, how could he hide such a big thing?

Even at this time, he still held on to the last trace of fantasy and asked Lin Shuxue, "Is what he said true? What on earth do you think? Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

Lin Shuxue knew that she could no longer hide it and could not find any excuse.

Seeing the disappointment in his father's eyes, he couldn't help but panic, "Dad, it's not that I don't want to say it, it's that they are threatening me, and I'm afraid-"

"When they came to me for the first time, they said that I was their biological daughter. I didn't believe it, but I was afraid that they would pester me and make trouble at school and home, so I compromised and agreed to give it to them. Some benefits.”

"I was too scared and afraid of losing my current home, so I was confused for a moment. Dad, I know I was wrong."

Lin Shuxue cried her heart out, but her expressions of grievances and pleas for mercy did not stop at all.

After holding Lin Jiaguo's arm and crying for a while, he turned around and pulled Lin Libei, "Fourth brother, you love me the most. You know what I care about the most. You must understand me, right?"

Lin Libei froze, and his face became a little ugly.

The arrogance he had originally had also disappeared.

Seeing Lin Shuxue hugging him and crying bitterly and not letting go, she tried hard to break away, but then she felt that her actions were a bit hurtful, so she comforted him, "Okay, stop crying, crying can't solve the problem."

After Su Dahai completed his mission, he wanted to take Lin Shuxue back as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, when Lin Shuxue heard that she was going back to the countryside, she refused to leave, and reached out to pull Lin Libei and Lin Jiaguo away.

"Dad, fourth brother, I want to stay and go to college. You promise me you won't drive me away. I promise to be obedient in the future."

Lin Jiaguo felt a little embarrassed, so he took a few steps away and said, "You can take the exam anywhere."

Lin Shuxue couldn't help being slightly stunned when she heard what he said, and looked at Lin Libei with a heartbroken look.

Lin Libei wanted to speak hesitantly, but didn't know what else to say.

He simply stamped his feet in anger and left.

Lin Shuxue saw this and ran out immediately.

Su Dahai was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Lin Haonan, "Can I leave now?"

Lin Haonan nodded, "Take your sister back to where she belongs and don't show up again, otherwise -"

Before he could finish speaking, Su Dahai understood everything.

He hurriedly agreed and ran out.

After everyone left, everyone still couldn't come to their senses.

Su Yi also looked puzzled, and quietly asked Zhou Jinchuan beside him, "You came so late? Just to bring Su Dahai to testify with my second brother? But how could he agree to stand up so readily? ?”

Zhou Jinchuan pursed his lips and smiled, "I met Su Dahai when I was in your hometown. People like him are willing to sacrifice their families for self-protection. That's why I frightened him by being a good guy and a bad guy with Haonan. Immediately, he agreed."

"As for me coming so late, it's not just for this matter, but also for our business."

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