80: The black-bellied officer read my mind and fell in love with me

Chapter 264 If it doesn’t work once, I will definitely try again the second time

Although Zhou Ailing's speech was a bit unpleasant, her concern for her father was genuine.

Meng Zhiqiang, who was standing aside, saw that his father-in-law was exactly the same as before the accident, but a little tired. He couldn't help but froze in place and was speechless for a long time.

When she came to her senses, she quickly pulled Zhou Ailing, "Since dad is fine, we can rest assured and won't disturb eldest brother and his family here. Let's go back!"

Zhou Ailing was a little reluctant, but when no one said anything to persuade her to stay, she bit her lip angrily and left.

After the two of them left, Mr. Zhou leaned back on his chair with a sad look on his face.

He knocked the ground hard several times with the crutch in his hand, "Do you all see clearly?"

Zhou Jinchuan narrowed his eyes and said, "My sister-in-law, she probably didn't know about it, and she might have been taken advantage of by that man. I haven't been at home in the past few years. Did something happen? Why did he suddenly do such a cruel thing? "

Zhou Hongyi sighed, "Don't say you don't know, even if we meet often, you can't figure it out. Over the years, he has been very respectful to our family. Every time your sister-in-law and your mother have a dispute, he is the one who comes back to be your sister-in-law." Ideological work, how could you know that such a person would do such a thing?”

Zhao Lan, who was about to boil the medicine, heard this and immediately came over excitedly, "Now that I think about it, although this man named Meng tries to persuade him to make peace in person every time, he might be the one who instigated it behind his back!"

"Take today's incident as an example. If the man surnamed Meng hadn't said something about being worried, how could that brainless Ai Ling be so anxious to see her dad?"

Zhou Jinchuan was silent, "Mom is right. We haven't gotten to know this person very well over the years. It seems we should investigate first to see what secrets he hides."

"Still checking? What if someone runs away?" Zhao Lan disagreed. "In my opinion, we should arrest the person directly. Wouldn't it be clear once we ask?"

Zhou Jinchuan shook his head, "No, you need to pay attention to evidence when arresting someone. Besides, you can't convict someone just by relying on a box of snacks. Since he didn't succeed this time, there must be another time."

Mr. Zhou nodded in agreement after hearing this, "Yes, what's the rush? I want to see how he plans to poison him next?"

Zhao Lan couldn't help but gasped when she saw her grandfather and grandson singing in harmony as if they were playing riddles, "It scared us to death just this time. What if he accidentally gets it next time?" "

Mr. Zhou snorted, "I'm not afraid of what you are afraid of. Besides, he usually doesn't have a chance at all. Jin Chuan, tell me, when will he choose next time?"

Zhou Jinchuan paused, "It should be the most suitable day for Xiaoyi and I to have a wedding. There will be many people and the scene will be chaotic, especially when the tea is served."

Mr. Zhou nodded appreciatively, "Yes, then choose that day to catch it. It will only wrong you and Xiaoyi. But don't worry, someone will do it secretly and it will not affect the wedding."

Zhou Jinchuan and Su Yi looked at each other and nodded hurriedly.

Although Zhao Lan was extremely frightened, seeing that everyone was so calm, it was hard to say anything.

The few of them had a simple lunch and gave the old man some Chinese medicine to drink.

Zhao Lan urged Zhou Jinchuan and Su Yi to take a rest, "Okay, Grandpa, we are watching over you. You two should go upstairs and catch up on your sleep."

Zhou Jinchuan didn't feel sleepy yet, but he was afraid that Su Yi wouldn't be able to endure it, so he quickly took her upstairs.

When they reached the third floor, Su Yi went to the wedding room and saw that the room had been decorated, the bed had been covered with wedding quilts, and the walls and ceiling were decorated with joy.

Su Yi lowered his head and looked at the dust and dust all over his body. Zhou Jinchuan was not much better.

"We two are so disgraced, why don't we sleep in the wedding room? Or we can relax on the sofa outside for a while."

Zhou Jinchuan paused and said, "Let me take you to my previous room. I have stayed there several times before. I can live there."

After saying that, he quietly pulled Su Yi down to the second floor.

After entering the house, Su Yi discovered that this was the room where Zhou Jinchuan had lived since he was a child. There were also photos of Zhou Jinchuan when he was a child, as well as various cars and hand-operated models.

After Su Yi entered the room, it was as if he had discovered a new world. He looked around excitedly on the table and bookshelf.

Zhou Jinchuan looked embarrassed and said, "Those things were from childhood. I remember keeping them under the bed. Later, after I went to the army, I rarely came back to live. Who knew that my mother would put these things away again?" come out."

Su Yi looked at it with great interest and said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to look so cute when you were a child. You are completely different from now."

Zhou Jinchuan walked over and saw that she was holding a photo in her hand and looking at it carefully. He couldn't help but blurt out, "What's different?"

"Well, my facial features haven't changed much. It's mainly my temperament. She was so cute when she was a child, and she also loved to laugh. Now she's too aloof and cold."

Zhou Jinchuan twitched his lips in embarrassment, "Is there any?"

"Of course, otherwise you have such good conditions, why didn't any lesbians dare to talk to you when we were in the compound before? It's because you are too serious!"

Zhou Jinchuan smiled helplessly, not knowing whether she was praising or derogating herself.

"Daughter-in-law, it's time to go to bed."

"I haven't seen enough."

Zhou Jinchuan reluctantly picked her up and then reached out to take the photo frame out of her hand, "Go to bed first, and I'll let you take a look at it later."

Su Yi was looking energetic, but as soon as he lay down on the bed, sleepiness hit him.

After all, he had stayed up for too long, and he fell asleep after a while.

Zhou Jinchuan glanced at the sleeping face magnified in front of him, couldn't help but curled his lips, quietly covered her with a thin blanket, hugged her and closed his eyes to sleep.

This sleep, I slept in a hazy state.

When he woke up again, the room was completely dark.

Su Yi stretched for a long time and stretched out a hand to rest on himself, "Are you awake?"

"Well, what time is it?"

Zhou Jinchuan raised his arm and checked the time in the dim room for a moment, "It's half past six."

"Why did you sleep for so long? Get up quickly!"

"It's okay, just lie down for a while."

Although her family would not be offended, Su Yi was still thinking about helping her grandpa make medicine. After all, the medicine made from ordinary water was not as good as hers.

So he stretched and sat up again.

After hurriedly packing up and going downstairs, Zhao Lan was already making medicine for the old man.

Su Yi quickly stepped forward to take it, "Is grandpa feeling better?"

Zhao Lan couldn't help but sigh after hearing this, "Although the old man didn't say anything, it was a big blow. I saw that he had no appetite all afternoon, and he didn't even take two bites of the food I brought over just now."

After saying that, he comforted him, "It's okay. Just let him rest for two days. You stay here and watch the fire. I'll go get dinner for you two."

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