Two days after Su Yi returned from Yangcheng, life finally returned to peace.

So I started to take time out every afternoon to go into the hotel kitchen to prepare the sauce for instant noodles.

She plans to start with the sauce for braised beef noodles, and then see what the price is, and then continue to consider whether to cooperate with other flavors.

And Su Yiliu has more than one trump card.

Based on what she learned from the other party in Yangcheng, most of the instant noodles abroad now only have one packet of seasoning.

All the flavors are mixed together, it is difficult to add more or less according to the customer's preference, and the taste is relatively single.

So Su Yi planned to prepare the powder buns and sauce buns separately this time.

The powder packet is nothing more than some conventional salt, MSG, spices, etc.

For the sauce buns, she follows her usual method of frying hot pot ingredients, first simmering the beef broth, then adding various condiments and side dishes to the beef broth and stir-frying it into a sauce. Finally, the butter in the sauce naturally solidifies into lumps.

In addition to sauce packets and powder packets, Su Yi also inquired about the situation of dehydrated vegetables in China in advance and planned to see the cooperation situation before making a decision.

On the day of the winter solstice.

Heavy snow fell in Beijing without warning.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people on the road, Su Yi simply gave the restaurant a half-day holiday and stopped receiving customers at night, leaving the place for his family.

Recently, due to the availability of all kinds of fresh and unique vegetables, the business in the store has been booming again, which has made everyone very tired.

It's just a good time to take advantage of today's holiday for everyone to relax and have a happy gathering.

It was just evening and it was already dark. Zhao Lan came to the hotel early with her two children and the old man.

He said he would help Su Yin make dumplings.

Xu Xiaoqin and Xie Xiaojuan soon joined the dumpling-making army.

While several people were making dumplings talking and laughing, Bai Miaomiao came over early with Feng Xue.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that everyone was already making dumplings. Bai Miaomiao washed her hands and joined the others without saying anything.

Not long after, Zhou Jinchuan and Xie Xiaojun also rushed back from the army.

Xie Xiaojuan hadn't seen her brother for a long time, so she trotted over happily, "Brother, you're really here. Just now I was worried that the snow was too heavy and you wouldn't be able to come today."

Xie Xiaojun smiled and said, "Captain Zhou said that Sister Su Yi prepared a lot of delicious food and specifically asked me to come by name. I will come even if there is a knife in the sky."

When Su Yi heard this, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Then he gently bumped Bai Miaomiao with his arm, indicating to her to say hello.

Bai Miaomiao glanced at her and nodded towards Xie Xiaojun shyly, "Hello, Comrade Xie, we meet again."

Only then did Xie Xiaojun realize that Bai Miaomiao was here, so he smiled and nodded, "Hello, Comrade Bai."

The clever Xie Xiaojuan looked at the slightly awkward atmosphere between the two, and was surprised when the two met. At the same time, she understood something silently.

He quickly shouted to Xie Xiaojun, "Brother, go wash your hands quickly and come over to help. Sister Su has been busy all afternoon, let her rest for a while."

Xie Xiaojun nodded stiffly, "Okay."

While talking, Lin Haonan also came over in Lin Zexi's car.

In addition to the two of them, Jiang Yuan and Liu Zi were also called over.

As soon as the two entered the door, they greeted each other warmly and talked about their situation in Yangcheng.

"We just came back this afternoon. When we passed the hotel, we could smell the fragrance from a distance. It's better to come early than to come by chance."

Xie Xiaojuan on the side couldn't help laughing after hearing this, "It's because of the smell, why is your nose so smart?"

Jiang Yuan thought about it, this girl was calling her a dog.

Without saying a word, he gave her a roll of his eyes and said, "I have a dog's nose, so you have a heart like a dog and a dog's lungs."

Xie Xiaojuan understood what he meant and couldn't help but sneered, "You are a grown man, why are you so small-minded? I already apologized to you for what happened last time."

"Your apology was not sincere at all."

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw the two starting to fight as soon as they met.

Xie Xiaojuan was also a little embarrassed. After thinking for a moment, she washed her hands and brought tea to the two of them.

"Consider this tea as my apology to you two."

It was freezing outside, and Jiang Yuan was stomping his feet in the cold. He didn't feel relieved so quickly after entering the house.

Seeing Xie Xiaojuan personally bringing the hot tea, she took it without saying a word.

Just after taking a sip, I heard her continue, "After drinking this tea, you are not allowed to settle old scores."

Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment, then drank it down helplessly, "Sure, as long as you don't always target me in the future, the past will be wiped out."

Seeing the two calm down the fighting, everyone laughed.

"Is everyone here?"

"We still need brother and sister-in-law. Brother just said that he was going to the hospital to pick up his sister-in-law. It's probably not going to be easy on the road. Let's wait."

"Okay, no rush."

As there were more and more people, the restaurant became more and more lively and joyful.

At the same time, the empty roadside outside the door seemed even more lonely.

On a snowy night, Lin Libei was carrying a heavy schoolbag and a thick bedding brought from home, struggling to get ready to go back to school.

Usually, before the weather cools down, his mother always packs up the thick bedding for him to take back to school.

This winter, no one will prepare for him in advance.

It wasn't until it started snowing and the cold in the bed was unbearable that I remembered to go home and pack the bedding.

Breaking the heavy snow, Lin Libei finally squeezed off the bus with his bags.

But as soon as he walked to Su Yi's restaurant, he saw a warm scene through the glass.

He saw his mother, his second and third brothers, and a large group of people talking and laughing inside.

His mother was still holding a dumpling in her hand, and rows of white and plump dumplings were already placed on the table.

Lin Libei was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that today was the winter solstice.

In previous years, during the winter solstice, the family also gathered together to eat dumplings made by his mother.

At that time, I just thought it was a hassle to be called back to eat in such a cold day.

Now I suddenly think of it, and I realize that it was an unattainable happiness.

But now that happiness seems to have nothing to do with me.

Lin Libei was standing outside the restaurant in a daze, and was suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Xiaobei, why are you here?"

Lin Libei looked up and found that it was his eldest brother and eldest sister-in-law.

Seeing the eldest brother holding the eldest sister-in-law who was surrounded tightly, the two looked at the bag in his hand with disbelief on their faces.

Lin Libei's face suddenly became hot and embarrassed, "I was just passing by, I was going back to school."

Lin Wangdong glanced at the embarrassment in his eyes, and his tone softened, "Xiaobei, come in with us, you apologize to your mother, and this matter will be over."

Lin Libei pursed his lips, "I have something else to do at school, I'm in a hurry to go back."

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