80: The black-bellied officer read my mind and fell in love with me

Chapter 340: I was taken away after leaving the examination room

Watching Su Yi turn around and walk briskly into the examination room, Lin Shuxue could no longer hide the panic on her face.

Her face was pale, and cold sweat was dripping from her forehead.

She was about to take heavy steps to the examination room, but she didn't know that the next second, severe abdominal pain came again.

Without thinking too much, Lin Shuxue rushed into the toilet.

Not long after squatting down, the exam bell rang. Lin Shuxue didn't care about it, and hurriedly packed up and ran into the classroom.

This tossing, the body that had been getting better again stopped again, and the whole person was exhausted.

Originally, the Chinese language in the morning was the most confident of her, but as soon as she took the test paper, she couldn't even read a single word.

In addition, the dull pain in her abdomen made her feel even more uncomfortable.

Thinking of Lin Jiaguo's instructions in the morning, Lin Shuxue had to force herself to pick up the pen and start answering the questions.

But as she wrote, her thoughts couldn't help but run away again.

Did Su Yi find an opportunity to drug herself after she found out that the two had drugged her?

Otherwise, how could she explain that Lin Jiaguo and his son were fine, but she was the only one who was in trouble?

But there were only the three of them at home yesterday, and no one else came at all.

How could Su Yi have the opportunity to drug her?

Lin Shuxue unknowingly fell into an incomprehensible vortex, and when she came to her senses, she actually saw that someone had started to hand in the paper.

This discovery scared Lin Shuxue into a cold sweat, and she hurriedly wrote.

This year's college entrance examination will be held for a total of three days.

On the first day, Chinese in the morning and mathematics in the afternoon.

After Lin Shuxue failed the test in the morning, she was no different from a lost soul, but she didn't dare to let Lin Jiaguo find out, so she forced a smile.

When the math paper was handed out in the afternoon, Lin Shuxue burst into tears.

Originally, she thought she could guess, but she didn't know that there was not even a single multiple-choice question this year.

She didn't know how to answer the remaining questions, and the difficulty was much higher than the real questions in previous years.

The same thing happened in the next two days. Even though her body had fully recovered, she was like a walking corpse.

Lin Shuxue knew she was done, but she didn't dare to face it.

During the three days, she had tried to find an opportunity to drag Su Yi down with her, but Su Yi had been well protected and it was difficult to even get close to her.

After the last exam, the Zhou family and the Su family waited at the door for Su Yi to come out.

Even Lin Jiaguo and Lin Libei came.

But they were here to pick up Lin Shuxue.

While waiting, Lin Jiaguo took advantage of the fact that Liao Zhengmin didn't dare to do anything to him in public, so he deliberately ran to the two of them to stand out.

"No matter what, Su Yi is just a little girl who didn't graduate from junior high school. She hasn't read books for a few years. With so many of you here, aren't you afraid of being embarrassed if you fail the exam later?"

"Although Xiaoxue is not my biological child, this child has always been very obedient, and she has been studying hard these days. I believe she will definitely pass the exam this time."

Lin Jiaguo was like talking to himself, because no one paid any attention to him at all.

Everyone looked towards the campus, looking for familiar figures.

Lin Jiaguo was bored, so he started chatting with other parents waiting for their children.

He kept praising his daughter for how well-behaved and hardworking she was.

Finally, Lin Libei couldn't stand it anymore, so he quietly pulled him over, "Dad, stop talking, Xiaoxue is out."

Lin Jiaguo looked up and saw the figures of his two daughters in the crowd.

One was Su Yi and the other was Xiaoxue, and they were very close.

But one was waving to the outside with a smile on her face, while the other was hanging her head.

The contrast was too dazzling.

The smile on Lin Jiaguo's face disappeared immediately. When Lin Shuxue came out, he asked directly, "What happened?"

Lin Shuxue pulled the corner of her mouth, "Dad, I'm fine, just a little tired."

Lin Jiaguo was relieved after hearing this, "I've been taking the exam for three days and doing so many questions. It would be strange if I wasn't tired. I guess only those who don't know how to do it can come out easily."

As he said this, Lin Jiaguo looked at Su Yi meaningfully.

Su Yi knew he was talking about herself, so she didn't bother to pay attention to him at all. She was busy being surrounded by everyone asking about her well-being.

Lin Jiaguo saw the happy scene of that group of people, and then looked at Xiaobei and Xiaoxue who were dejected.

He couldn't help but start to get angry again. He was about to take the two away first, but he didn't know that he was suddenly stopped by two people in uniform before he could lift his feet.

"Hello, are you Lin Shuxue?"

Lin Shuxue was suddenly stopped, and immediately felt bad. She looked at Lin Jiaguo in fear and quietly hid behind him.

Lin Jiaguo was also shocked, "What are you looking for my daughter for?"

"Your daughter Lin Shuxue is suspected of a poisoning incident, we need to take her back for investigation."


At this point, Lin Jiaguo and Lin Libei both exclaimed.

Even the parents of the examinees on the side cast their eyes over.

"Isn't this the man who just praised his daughter for being well-behaved and sensible? Why is she being taken away just after she came out?"

"Haven't you heard? They said she's suspected of poisoning!"

"Oh my God, such a young girl, how could she do such a thing?"

Lin Jiaguo's face was so ugly that he pulled the two public security comrades to explain in disbelief, "Comrade, are you mistaken? My daughter has been taking the college entrance examination for the past three days, how could she have time to poison?"

The police comrade logically did not need to explain to him, but he was really annoyed by him. "The poisoning happened three days ago. The other two accomplices have been arrested. I know whether she did it or not."

After saying that, he forcefully led Lin Shuxue to get in the car.

Lin Shuxue was so frightened that her legs became weak and she cried for Lin Jiaguo to save her.

But without crying twice, the car door was closed directly and the person was taken away.

Lin Jiaguo stared blankly at the car driving away. When he came to his senses, he glanced angrily at Su Yi next to him.

"Is this your fault? How could Xiaoxue poison her?"

Seeing his unkind gaze, Zhou Jinchuan stood directly in front of Su Yi, "Su Erqiang and Su Sanhu were caught on the spot for poisoning. There is irrefutable evidence. If you don't believe it, go to the police station and ask."

It was Su Yi's idea to wait until today to report Lin Shuxue.

Even if the Lord caught her in the first place, there was no way she would admit it.

Simply let her take the college entrance examination first.

She mainly wanted to see that Lin Jiaguo pinned his hopes on Lin Shuxue to go to college every day, in order to disgust her and Su Yin, mother and daughter.

What would be your reaction if you knew the final result?

She couldn't wait to see it.

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