Liu Fanglin had been reading in his seat, not wanting to get involved.

But being in the same dormitory, it is inevitable to be drawn into this debate.

She sighed slightly and looked at Qin Ruyun.

"I think what Classmate Su Yi said is right. Classmate Qin, you should really think about it. Why did you work so hard to get into Qingbei?"

"Is it to pursue a man who doesn't love you at all, or to study? I remember you said when you first came here that you applied for business administration because you wanted to help your father manage the factory, but now I think you must have forgotten ”

Qin Ruyun was completely speechless, blushed and ran out again.

After the two left, the dormitory finally returned to calm. The remaining people looked at each other, shook their heads silently, and then began to read and review tacitly.

The midterm exam is coming soon.

During this period, everyone studied day and night. Apart from eating in class, they basically spent the rest of the time reading.

Therefore, several people did not take it seriously about the deliberate cold war between Qin Ruyun and Cao Manli.

Until the mid-term exam came, Qin Ruyun was still immersed in the distress of being 'broken in love'.

As a good sister, Cao Manli is naturally by her side.

I didn't take the midterm exam to heart at all.

However, as soon as the results came out, the two of them were completely dumbfounded.

When I took the exam before, the gap in everyone’s basic scores was not that big.

But after more than two months of university study, I could tell immediately whether I was good or not.

Just because the tests in high school are all relatively basic knowledge and test the students' learning ability.

University is a completely different kind of professional knowledge. If you don't study hard, you will really lose your sight during the exam.

Qin Ruyun and Cao Manli both failed in their major subjects. After being named and criticized in public, they only had one last chance to make up the exam.

Only then did the two realize the seriousness of the problem and began to make up for it day and night.

The other people who had just finished the exam could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

During this time, Su Yi never had time to go to the instant noodle factory.

Now that I have some free time, I naturally have to spend more time to see it.

What's more, she had previously discussed with Dad Liao about applying for next year's Spring Fair, hoping to take this opportunity to open up foreign export markets.

Nowadays, the taste of instant noodles is getting richer and richer, the output is steadily increasing, and the sales across the country are getting better and better.

There was no room for improvement in terms of taste, so Su Yi focused on the packaging.

In the past, the factory only produced bagged instant noodles, which is more in line with the current habit of people taking lunch boxes when going out.

But this is only temporary, and people will soon find that such instant noodles are not convenient.

It’s only a matter of time before barrel noodles are introduced.

Especially for foreign markets.

In addition to bucket noodles, Suyi also plans to launch dry noodles suitable for children to chew dryly, and then put cards from the most popular cartoons in the bags.

After working at the instant noodle factory, Su Yi rushed to visit Mr. Sun.

Ever since Su Yi went to college, she rarely went there.

I can only go there for half a day occasionally on weekends.

At the beginning, Mr. Sun kept complaining that Su Yi was delaying his business by going to college.

Now I have slowly begun to change my mind. I tell everyone that my close disciple is now attending university in Qingbei, and I feel better.

But this time when he came here, Su Yi specially brought herbs grown in the space, which made Mr. Sun so happy that he didn't even complain.

Nowadays, more and more land is opened in space, and more and more herbs are planted.

These are the results of Zhou Jinchuan's daily hard work.

However, Su Yi doesn't have the energy to deal with these at the moment and can only let them grow in space.

In addition to delivering herbs to Mr. Sun, Su Yi also had an important task when he came here this time, which was to deliver the invitation.

After renovation and redecoration, the newly-bought mansion by Liao Zhengmin and Su Yin was finally completed and had been left to sit for some time.

In addition, Lin Wangdong and Yao Yufang's daughter Tiantian is also one month old.

After some discussion, the family decided to hold the housewarming party and the full-moon banquet together instead of going to a restaurant outside.

Only some close relatives and friends are invited to gather in the new house.

Taking advantage of the fact that the autumn in Beijing is still relatively cool, I just put food and drinks in the yard and make some barbecue.

Novel and relaxing.

This idea was proposed by Su Yi. Everyone just thought that she learned it in Hong Kong and didn't think much about it.

On the day of the banquet, Su Yi specially changed into a slightly more formal dress, and even Ye Xiaowu and Nuan Nuan also specially changed into small suits and princess dresses.

Because it was so close, the whole family chose to walk.

As soon as they arrived at the new house, they saw Xie Xiaojun waiting at the door.

Xie Xiaojun took the initiative to come over to help today, but even if he didn't mention it, as everyone's friend, he would definitely be called.

Su Yi walked to the door, glanced at him and said with a smile, "Xiaojun is quite energetic even after changing into casual clothes today."

Xie Xiaojun laughed sheepishly, "Sister-in-law, why hasn't Miaomiao come yet?"

Su Yi was startled for a moment after hearing this, and then burst into laughter, "Okay, I asked you why you came so early. It turns out you were waiting for Miaomiao to come."

Xie Xiaojun scratched his head in embarrassment, "I have been busy these days. I haven't come to see her for a long time. Are you afraid that she will be angry?"

Su Yi originally wanted to joke with him and scare him.

Unexpectedly, before she could speak, Bai Miaomiao pulled Lin Shushu over.

"Am I such a stingy person? It just so happens that we are busy with exams during this period."

Su Yi looked at the two people who were making secret glances, and said with a smile, "Okay, I know that you two understand each other and your love is as strong as gold, so go in quickly."

After the two left, Su Yi and Lin Shushu were left at the door.

Before Su Yi could say hello, Lin Libei from the courtyard came over, "Shu Shu, are you here?"

Lin Shushu hummed lightly, glanced at Su Yi, and before she could speak, Su Yi pushed her over, "Go, go, I'm busy today and don't have time to take care of you, just have fun by yourself. "

After saying that, Su Yi hurriedly went to find Su Yin for help.

After everyone entered the courtyard, Qin Ruyun, who had been following Bai Miaomiao and Lin Shushu all the way, pulled Cao Manli beside her and whispered,

"I asked why the two of them were shopping for clothes and gifts yesterday. It turns out they made an appointment with Su Yi to come here."

Cao Manli also glanced at the courtyard curiously, "Where is that place? I have never heard the three of them mention it."

"Why don't you go and take a look? I just saw Lin Libei inside."

Since being scolded by several people last time, coupled with the double blow of failing the exam, Qin Ruyun finally worked hard for a while, and the two of them barely passed the passing mark.

During this period of time, Qin Ruyun also gradually suppressed the momentum of chasing Lin Libei.

Now I saw several people laughing and chatting in the yard, and the little fire in my heart couldn't help but burn again.

"Let's go and have a look."

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