Considering that they had to bring samples to the exhibition early on the first day, they all went to bed early after returning last night.

Early in the morning, they all got up and prepared energetically.

After changing into the uniform clothes bought yesterday, Su Yi thought about putting light makeup on everyone.

In fact, her makeup skills were not very good, but after attending several formal events, she had learned a little bit.

She simply helped everyone apply some powder, and then drew eyebrows and lipstick, which added a lot of spirit.

After arranging the three people, Su Yi also hurriedly drew eyebrows for herself, applied some light lip balm, and tied her original hair low behind her head, which looked neat, generous and beautiful.

The other three were all stunned.

Su Yi has a strong and beautiful style, a standard beauty, and she is stunning enough with a little makeup.

And Lin Shushu is a sweet and soft girl, no matter how much makeup she puts on, she can't cover up her lovely temperament.

The one who changed the least was Bai Miaomiao, who had a typical tomboy look and was full of heroic spirit. It didn't make much difference whether she put on makeup or not.

As for Liu Fanglin, she was usually low-key and simple at school. She always had two braids and never dressed up.

But today, after being dressed up by a few people, the advantages of her facial features were immediately magnified.

She looked better and better.

When the few people packed up and went downstairs, Lin Zexi, who was waiting for them downstairs, couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

He saw his eyes quickly passing over the few people, and then secretly went back to look at Liu Fanglin a few more times.

The more he looked, the more beautiful he felt.

Su Yi and the others couldn't help laughing, and simply pushed Liu Fanglin to the co-pilot.

"Third brother, pay attention when you drive."

Lin Zexi quickly retracted his peripheral vision and smiled embarrassedly, "Don't worry, sit tight."

When the few people arrived outside the hall, they immediately saw Jiang Yuan and Liu Zi. In order to pull the goods in earlier, the two had been waiting outside the exhibition hall early.

As soon as everyone arrived, they began to move things into the exhibition hall.

Lin Zexi looked at the four girls dressed in lively clothes and couldn't help but call for a stop, "Don't move the four of you. The three of us are enough. Besides, these things are parked in the car. If they are not enough, we can take them at any time. We don't need to move them all in."

Su Yi also nodded, "Okay, move the posters and brochures we prepared in first, and move two boxes of each flavor first."

When all the things were moved and put away, the entrance of the exhibition hall was crowded one after another.

There were waves of people coming in. In addition to factories and companies from all walks of life participating in the exhibition, there were also large numbers of foreigners.

They took the bus, and there were special people holding flags to lead the team. They got off the bus in an orderly manner and poured into the exhibition hall.

Bai Miaomiao and Lin Shushu looked nervous.

Liu Fanglin also looked serious.

Although two of them were from the foreign language department, they rarely had the opportunity to see foreigners, let alone so many.

So it was inevitable that they looked at it a few more times, and they became more nervous.

Seeing this, Su Yi smiled and pulled the three people, "Let's go back and clean up quickly, the buyers might come soon."

After the voice fell, the few people came back to their senses and hurriedly followed Su Yi into the exhibition hall.

Because of Liao Zhengmin, Su Ji Food got an excellent booth this time, which happened to be in the center of the food area.

When they came yesterday, they agreed on how to place the brochures, how to display the samples, and how to post the posters.

So as soon as they came in, they quickly completed the layout in an orderly manner.

Just after they finished cleaning up, they saw a few people coming to a small stall diagonally opposite.

Seeing this, Bai Miaomiao quickly pulled Su Yi, "Look, isn't that Qin Ruyun and Cao Manli? Why are these two people so haunting?"

Su Yi didn't expect it to be such a coincidence.

But after looking around, she understood, "The row opposite is full of candies, so it's not surprising that they are assigned here."

Bai Miaomiao nodded, "That's good, it's good to keep an eye on them, I don't think they dare to do anything bad."

Su Yi smiled softly after hearing this, "You haven't seen the stalls on our left and right, right? That's what we should keep an eye on."

Bai Miaomiao immediately ran outside and took a look at the two stalls.

Then she ran over in panic, "Why are they all selling instant noodles? Isn't that a competition with us?"

Su Yi looked at her calmly, "It's not strange to be together. For the convenience of customers, the exhibition organizer must have put all the stalls of the same category together, but the instant noodle factory on the right from Japan seems to be the same one as Tian Ye and his friends."

As soon as Su Yi finished speaking, Lin Zexi rushed over immediately.

"How dare they come? Do you want me to go and give them a warning first?"

Su Yi smiled and shook his head, "They came here, which means it must be in accordance with the procedures. It's useless for you to threaten them. Let's take it one step at a time and do what we should do!"

Liu Fanglin nodded, "I agree with what Su Yi said. Let's do our own things first, and then act according to the situation."

As he said that, he prepared to pick up the thermos to get water.

Lin Zexi also hurried to help when he saw this, "Too many, I'll go with you."

Liu Fanglin was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly, "Okay."

While the two went to get water, a middle-aged man in work clothes came over.

After looking at a few people, he walked straight to Su Yi, "Excuse me, are you Miss Su?"

Su Yi looked at him with a little surprise, "Yes, I am."

When the other party heard this, he quickly took out his business card, "Miss Su, I'm the organizer here, my name is Song Changshan, Mr. Liao has specially greeted me before, if you need any help these days, just come and find me."

Su Yi took the business card and looked at it, then smiled and responded, "Thank you, Manager Song, I will definitely find you if I need anything."

As he said, he quickly took a few buckets of instant noodles and handed them over, "Manager Song, this is the bucket noodles that our factory has just developed. Today is the first time it is officially launched. Take a few boxes back and try them."

Song Changshan took a curious look and felt that the packaging cover was very attractive, so he happily took it.

"Thank you very much."

"I'll go and do my work first. Come and find me if you need anything."

While the few people were talking, Cao Manli, who was diagonally opposite, quickly pulled Qin Ruyun over to look, "Ruyun, what do you see on their stall? I don't think I've seen it before."

Qin Ruyun was also dumbfounded. She had indeed never seen such instant noodles in Beijing before.

Didn't they sell all bagged noodles in Su Ji before? How come they are all bottled in barrels and cups now?

They kept it a secret.

Originally, the two of them looked at the two stores next to Su Ji and thought that Su Yi would definitely fail this time.

But now that Su Ji has arranged it, the difference between the three stores is obvious when they are put together.

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