Mother Qin couldn't stop her, and Qin Ruyun was hit several more times.

She couldn't help but screamed in pain, "Dad, I didn't do this alone. Why do you blame me? It was Cao Manli who instigated me to do it. Otherwise, how could I do it with my brain?!"

Cao Manli felt bad when she heard it.

She quickly picked up her luggage and ran away.

But she was still a step too late.

Mother Qin directly pulled Cao Manli's arm and slapped her in the face, "Bitch, why is our Ruyun so cunning? It turns out that you instigated it."

Cao Manli knew that she couldn't beat three people alone, so she shouted a few times to attract people around her, "Help, this family bullied a student like me! Save me."

The passers-by didn't know what happened.

They only knew that a family of three was bullying a little girl, so they all helped to persuade them to stop fighting.

When Qin's father saw that the situation was not right, he hurriedly pulled his wife and daughter to leave.

The two seemed a little unwilling.

Qin's father shouted at them, "Why don't you leave? How glorious is this?! Go home!"

Qin's mother heard this and put away her hand that wanted to strangle Cao Manli, and pulled Qin Ruyun forward.

"Don't associate with such people in the future, born bad seed!"

Although Cao Manli was rescued, she still received several slaps on the face.

Now she was carrying a big bag and walking on the streets of Beijing. Suddenly she didn't know where to go.

It was not until then that she realized that in the past six months since she came to Beijing, except for Qin Ruyun, a good friend, no one could help her at a critical moment.

Now Qin Ruyun must not be counted on.

The teacher at home has already called to notify her. Instead of letting her family rush over to make a scene in front of her classmates, it is better for her to go back directly.

Because she herself knows that it will not be good for her if this matter gets out of hand.

If she complained in front of Qin Ruyun, she would be in a more passive position.

It would be better for her to go back on her own initiative, so that she could find a reason to win the sympathy of her family after she returned.

Thinking of this, Cao Manli got on the bus and headed straight to the train station.

After she arrived at the place and bought the ticket, she first called her family and cried about how she was "implicated" by her classmates.

After hanging up the phone, Cao Manli, who was not spared from being scolded, became more and more angry.

At the same time, she also hated Liu Fanglin.

If it weren't for her, she wouldn't have reached the point of being expelled from school.

When Cao Manli thought that Liu Fanglin, who was usually the most honest, had also deceived her, she felt so angry.

After thinking for a moment, she quickly took out her address book from her bag, and then picked up the phone again and dialed.

This number was secretly copied from Liu Fanglin's notebook before, and she didn't expect it to really work at a critical moment.

She called Liu Fanglin's hometown in Northeast China. After a long wait, she finally contacted Liu Fanglin's mother.

As soon as Liu Fanglin's mother answered the phone, she heard a strange and incoherent sentence from the other side.

"Are you Liu Fanglin's mother? I advise you to take good care of your daughter. She doesn't study hard all day, but only cares about dating. She also hangs out with people of questionable character in society every day, and even stays out all night!"

Liu Fanglin's mother was wondering who would call her, and suddenly heard such a series of questions.

Her brain suddenly felt congested, and she hurriedly asked, "Who are you?"

Cao Manli's eyes turned, "Don't worry about it. If you don't believe it, come to Jingshi in person and persuade your daughter to stay away from my third brother! Our Su family is not something she can enter just because she wants to."

After saying this, Cao Manli hung up the phone.

When she thought of the embarrassment that Liu Fanglin was about to face, she couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Since the last time Liu Fanglin followed Lin Zexi's car back to Beijing, she should have thought that Lin Zexi was interested in her.

And the reason why Liu Fanglin chose to betray her and Qin Ruyun was not because he wanted to take this opportunity to curry favor with the Su family?

In this case, let her dream be shattered and let her experience the feeling of a yellow beam dream.

Cao Manli returned to Shanghai.

Qin Ruyun was also taken home and put under guard.

The two completely disappeared from the sight of Su Yi and others.

The people from the island province who had conspired with the two before were still anxiously waiting for Fang Zi's news in Yangcheng.

Seeing that the two had been back for several days, but there was not even a phone call, they were a little impatient.

In desperation, they had to call the dormitory phone of Tsinghua University and Peking University, saying that they wanted to find Qin Ruyun and Cao Manli.

It happened that Su Yi and others had just returned to the dormitory after class. When they passed by the phone window, they heard the dormitory aunt vigilantly asking the other party where they were from.

When he heard the aunt repeat the word island province, Su Yi immediately walked over and answered the phone.

"Mr. Li, right? I'm Qin Ruyun and Cao Manli's roommate."

"They're out, so why don't you leave me your number and I'll have them call you back."

"Okay, okay, I'll tell them."

After getting the phone number, Su Yi gave it directly to Liao Zhengmin.

Because he had said before that he would personally arrange for someone to meet Mr. Li from the island province.

Now that he has the number, it's even more convenient.

After giving the number, Su Yi didn't care about it anymore.

Now, studying and earning credits are her biggest tasks.

But while she's busy studying, she still has to go to the food factory on weekends. ,

The orders received at the Spring Fair last time are now arranged for production under Lin Zexi's responsibility.

However, this is the first time for the food factory to do foreign trade, and there are still many tasks to be completed in the future.

Everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones, so they can't take it lightly.

In addition to Su Yi, Liu Fanglin and three others also come to help part-time every weekend.

On this day, several people were busy at the food factory as usual until the evening. In order to reward everyone, Lin Zexi took several people to have supper together after work.

After the work, Lin Shushu and Bai Miaomiao were going back to their homes.

Lin Zexi took the initiative to propose to send Liu Fanglin back to school.

During this period, the two got along well, so they talked happily on the way back.

Seeing that the time was right, Lin Zexi took the initiative to invite her to go hiking together next weekend.

Liu Fanglin hesitated for a moment, "Don't we have a lot of things to do at the factory next weekend?"

Lin Zexi smiled, "We can relax temporarily after shipping a batch of goods next week. Didn't you say before that you haven't gone out to play since you came to Beijing?"

Seeing that she was still in a dilemma, Lin Zexi added, "Everyone will go. My little sister said this is called team building. Let's all go, no one can be left behind."

"Team building?" Liu Fanglin couldn't help laughing at this new idea, "Well, since everyone is going, let's go together!"

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