After deciding to go further to deliver supplies, everyone began to reload their vehicles and prepare to set off immediately.

Although before departure, the team leader once again emphasized to everyone that this mission is absolutely voluntary.

If you have any hesitation, don't force it. You can continue to stay in a safe place in the rear and wait for notification.

But no one hesitated at all, and they all responded.

No one wants to stay.

On the contrary, everyone is impatient and wants to set off as early as possible so that they can help the rescuers as soon as possible.

When the convoy was all ready and the leader gave the order, the truck at the front began to move.

The roads soaked in mud and water were difficult to walk on, and the convoy drove slowly, but no one had any intention of stopping to rest.

After driving forward for another hour, the car in front suddenly stopped.

"The water ahead is too deep, we can't go any further! If we go any further, the car will stall."

Everyone is just asking for help, but they are still reasonable.

Seeing that the team leader said they couldn't leave anymore, they all got out of the car to check the situation.

Su Yi and Lin Zexi helped each other get out of the car, and when they looked ahead, they both took a deep breath.

More than a thousand meters further from the drop-off point is a corner of the low-lying urban area, and the floods don't seem to be receding yet.

You can clearly see with the naked eye that there are still people stranded on the roof.

Rescue soldiers continued to use kayaks to lift people off the roof and transport them to higher ground.

There were not enough kayaks, so we used temporarily cut bamboo to make bamboo rafts.

However, the current was too fast and walking was very difficult, so the transfer speed was really slow, and there were obviously not enough life jackets. Many soldiers participating in the rescue took off their life jackets and gave them to the elderly and children.

In order to prevent the water from overturning the kayaks and bamboo rafts, the soldiers held hands and used their flesh and blood to pull out a safe Great Wall.

Everyone couldn't help but burst into tears when they saw this scene, and quickly jumped into the water to help transfer the people who had successfully landed.

After hearing the complaint, Su Jing hurriedly followed him forward, but Lin Zexi pulled him over and said, "It's dangerous over there, so don't go there."

After saying that, he was afraid that she would refuse, so he quickly gave her a task, "I see that everyone is tired and hungry. You stay and direct people to bring down our instant noodles. I see that there is hot water over there. Let's soak it quickly." For everyone to eat.”

Su Yi knew that he was worried about her, so she nodded and agreed, "Then please pay attention to your safety."

The brother and sister split up, picking up people and making instant noodles.

The people who were transferred back were hungry and cold, but they didn't expect to be able to eat something hot when they came back. They were so excited that they couldn't help but cry.

While Su Yi was busy making noodles, he couldn't help but ask about the situation of the big guys.

"Are there many people left on the roof? Is there anything to eat?"

"There are still quite a few people here, but most of the elderly and children are back. There is food, but not much. Many of the biscuits sent over are soaked in water."

Su Yi looked forward and saw that the kayak was empty when he returned after picking up people, so he thought about transporting bags of instant noodles.

The bagged instant noodles are tightly sealed, and even if they fall into water, they will never get wet like other packages.

There is no need to worry about a bad stomach.

Thinking of this, Su Yi quickly ordered someone to move the bags of instant noodles and told Lin Zexi her idea.

This method is also supported by the rescue force. After all, all people on the roof will not be able to be moved back for a while.

Let them eat something high-calorie first to maintain just enough energy.

Everyone was busy from morning to evening, and the rescued people were gradually moved to safer places after taking a short rest.

The guys had been busy for several hours without eating, so Su Yi asked the rescue team to borrow a cauldron.

I am going to cook some more instant noodles for everyone to eat, and at the same time, the soldiers who have been replaced can have something hot to eat.

While sharing the food with everyone, Su Yi also took the opportunity to inquire about Jin Chuan and Lin Haonan next week.

What is unexpected and surprising is that the soldiers who were soaked in the water and rescued others were from Lin Haonan's army.

However, Lin Haonan has been out rescuing at the moment and won't be able to meet him for a while.

Because they were afraid that it would get dark soon and it would be unsafe, the leader of the team transporting supplies prepared to take everyone back to a higher place before setting up camp.

Lin Zexi and Su Yi both wanted to stay and wait for Lin Haonan, but they didn't want to cause trouble to the big guys. After leaving some supplies behind, they followed the big troops back.

I thought I had already walked all the way back and there would be no problem.

Unexpectedly, not long after the team set off, the road ahead collapsed.

The landslide happened so suddenly that the first car didn't have time to react and fell directly.

Lin Zexi and Su Yi's car was the second one, and they saw the car starting to fall.

Su Yixin was startled and had no time to think. She directly dragged Lin Zexi into the space and took in the people in the car in front of her.

A moment later, the two cars fell into the quagmire, and Su Yi hurriedly released the three people who had not yet reacted.

By the time a few people came to their senses, they were already lying in the mud.

Lin Zexi came to his senses and quickly climbed out of the quagmire to find Su Yi.

"Little sister, little sister, how are you?"

Su Yi had no choice but to roll in the quagmire, "I'm fine. Third brother, how are you?"

Seeing that both of them were fine, Lin Zexi burst into tears in excitement, "I was so scared. When I fell down just now, I felt a black screen in front of my eyes, and then there was a blank light, and then I lay in the mud. I thought I was hallucinating."

As he said, he began to look Su Yi up and down again, "I'm glad you're not injured. If something happened to you, how can I explain to our mother!"

Su Yi smiled and comforted him, and quickly grabbed a flashlight to check the other two people.

At that time, both of them were also scared and sweating. Like Lin Zexi, they all thought they were hallucinating.

"I thought I was in the sky, it was very bright all of a sudden, and I fell out of the car in the next second."

"Fortunately, we fell out, otherwise we would definitely die."

After a check, everyone only suffered a little skin abrasion, probably from the collision when falling just now.

Fortunately, because Lin Zexi turned on the emergency lights, the cars behind braked in time.

The leader was also terrified, and quickly arranged for someone to go back and call for help, and began to look down with a flashlight.

Fortunately, Su Yi quickly gave the leader a reassurance, "We are all fine!"

The leader's cold sweat immediately stopped, and he took a deep breath,

"Don't be afraid, we have contacted someone to come for rescue! Wait a little longer."

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