80: The black-bellied officer read my mind and fell in love with me

Chapter 428 The mission has arrived and the date is aborted!

Because it was the first time for both of them to meet alone, they were inevitably a little restrained.

Xu Dan looked for a while, and finally asked for two bottles of soda, "I'll buy it! I'm already embarrassed to ask you to buy me a movie!"

But Lin Haonan was still one step faster than her, and had already handed the prepared money to the salesperson.

"How can a lesbian pay!"

After saying that, he asked for some melon seeds and candies from the counter next to him. Anyway, he didn't know what to buy, so he just grabbed some edible things.

Finally, the two of them carried a large bag of things out of the store.

On the way, Lin Haonan made small talk, "Comrade Xu Dan, my third brother just now - he is like that, he likes to joke, and he is the same to everyone, don't mind it."

Xu Dan smiled and shook her head, "No, we have been in the mountains together before, and I think Comrade Lin Zexi has a good personality."

"In fact, I have been the only one in the family since I was a child. I really envy your big family. It is so lively and the atmosphere is so good when you have a meal. By the way, your sister's restaurant tastes very good."

Lin Haonan was relieved to see that she liked it, "If you like, you can come often when you have a break in the future."

Xu Dan also nodded, "Okay, we are not very busy now, basically we can come back every weekend to rest for a day, what about you? Do you come back on weekdays?"

Lin Haonan wanted to say that he rarely came back on weekdays, and even if he came back, he just looked at everyone and hurried back.

But when the words came to his lips, he didn't know how they turned into, "Come back, I come back every weekend."

"That's good. Today you treated me to a movie and bought me food. I feel embarrassed. How about I treat you to a meal when you have a day off?"

Lin Haonan agreed immediately, "I'll be free next week."

Xu Dan, "..."

After the conversation started, the two of them talked about more and more topics.

Before waiting for the movie to be shown, the two of them had already talked about a lot of interesting things about military life. Maybe because they had similar experiences, they became very topical after getting familiar with each other.

And Xu Dan is also a lively girl in private, and she talks a lot.

When the lights in the cinema were turned off and the movie was officially released, the two of them still felt a little unsatisfied.

After watching a movie, it was still early.

But when he stood up, Lin Haonan still asked, "Do you want to eat something else?"

Xu Dan rubbed her bloated stomach, "No, I ate so much at noon, and I just drank so much soda in the cinema, I really can't eat anymore."

Lin Haonan was at a loss now, and was thinking about going back to drive her home.

Xu Dan took the initiative to speak, "Why don't we go out for a walk? I remember there seems to be a park nearby, and the scenery there is pretty good."

Lin Haonan nodded immediately, "Yes, yes, there is a park, and you can row a boat there, so let's go over and take a look?"

After that, the two of them left the cinema one after the other and were about to go to the park.

Who knew that as soon as they went out, they ran into Su Yin who was rushing over.

"Mom, why are you here?"

Su Yin didn't have time to explain, and hurriedly said to Xu Dan, "Your mother called just now and said that the army called and there was an urgent task, asking you to go back immediately."

Xu Dan was startled, and when she came to her senses, she was about to leave, "Thank you, Auntie, for telling me. I'm leaving now. Comrade Lin Haonan, see you next time!"

After saying that, she turned around and ran away.

Seeing this, Lin Haonan hurriedly pulled her hand, "I'll drive you, hurry up."

Su Yin also came to her senses, "Yes, yes, let Haonan drive you directly to the army, so it's faster."

With that, the two hurriedly walked towards the restaurant opposite.

Su Yin looked worried, and hurriedly shouted behind her.

"You two should be careful on the way. I will call your mother to tell her. Don't worry."

"Thank you, Auntie!"

After getting in the car, Xu Dan felt embarrassed to let Lin Haonan send her off. "It takes nearly two hours to drive from here, and four hours to go back and forth. If you have something to do, you should just send me to my station!"

Lin Haonan comforted her while starting the car, "Don't worry about it. Since the army has called so far away, it means that something must have happened and they are short of manpower. I'd better send you off faster."

Xu Dan's army is in Beihe Province, close to the suburbs of Beijing.

But it will take a long way to go back.

Besides, both of them are soldiers, and they are accustomed to sudden tasks. They don't know what the situation is now, so they are relatively calm.

The two speculated about the possible actions for a while, and then began to chat casually about the life in the army.

Lin Haonan looked at the long road and suddenly felt that it was not easy for a girl like her. "Such a long journey, do you have to come back every weekend?"

Xu Dan hummed, "Our army's medical station is relatively relaxed, and there is no strict control on going out, so I basically come back on vacation. In fact, it's okay after getting used to it."

"Every weekend we have a special car to come to Beijing City to buy, and I always follow their car back."

Lin Haonan looked forward and nodded.

"Does your medical station often participate in some emergency missions outside?"

Xu Dan shook his head solemnly, "Rarely, almost never. The last time I participated in the rescue was a special case. Generally, we stay in the army and don't go out."

"So I can't guess what the situation is that makes you so anxious to call us back."

Lin Haonan was also full of doubts in his heart. Seeing that she was a little uneasy, he said, "How about this, I'll wait for you outside in a while. If there is anything you need help with, just tell me."

Xu Dan refused without thinking, "I have already delayed you for so much time. You should go back quickly later, otherwise it will be difficult to drive after dark."

As they were talking, the two of them were almost outside the gate of the army.

Before Lin Haonan continued to drive forward, the two of them ran into the car of the medical station.

Xu Dan saw it and hurriedly waved to signal the car to stop.

As he got off the car, he asked, "Captain Zheng, what happened?"

Captain Zheng, who was called, looked at the car and found that it was Xu Dan, and hurriedly shouted, "You came at the right time. Several students are missing in Wolong Mountain ahead. We have to go up the mountain with the troops to participate in the search and rescue operation. We are short of manpower, so we called back all of you who are on vacation!"

After hearing this, Xu Dan quickly turned around and greeted Lin Haonan, "Comrade Lin, you go back first, I'm leaving, thank you!"

After saying that, he got on the car of the medical station directly.

Lin Haonan looked at the cars coming out of the army one after another, thought for a moment, and then turned the car around and followed the convoy to Wolong Mountain.

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