Lin Libei's thoughts were revealed, and he smiled sheepishly at Su Yi, "Mom, I listen to you. If you can help me, the effect will definitely be better than if I go to her directly."

Su Yi shrugged helplessly, "When do you plan to leave?"

"Next month, early July."

"I can only help you take the lead. You must talk to her about the specific matters later. Otherwise, if something happens to you in the future, I can't bear the responsibility."

Lin Libei smiled awkwardly, "Can you stop cursing me? I haven't gone yet?"

"I'm not cursing you, it's you who must be mentally prepared for this."


After talking to Lin Libei, Su Yi has been looking for opportunities to talk to Su Yin about this matter.

It's not that she wants to help Lin Libei, it's mainly that she's worried about Lin Libei's straight temper. If she talks to Su Yin directly, there will be trouble if the two of them quarrel.

Instead of doing this, it would be better for her to talk to Su Yin first, so as not to make her angry.

Fortunately, this opportunity came quickly.

Within a few days, Su Yi's graduation assessment results came down, and he passed every subject with excellent results.

The same is true for Liu Fanglin. Both of them will graduate smoothly and early.

In order to celebrate the two of them, Su Yin arranged for everyone to have a meal together in the evening to celebrate.

Before setting off to celebrate, Su Yi came to her parents' house early and took Liao Zhengmin with her to serve as a military advisor.

As soon as the topic came up, Su Yi pointed the topic directly at Mr. Mo, "Mom, do you remember Professor Mo, the expert we specially hired from Qingbei?"

Su Yin glanced at her in surprise, "Of course I remember, it was because of his suggestion that you went to college. If he hadn't realized that you were good at studying, mom wouldn't have known about it, and he also helped get the quota for the night school. ”

Speaking of this, Su Yin suddenly became excited, "So, Mr. Mo was still your mentor in college. How come I forgot about him during dinner today."

After saying that, Su Yin was about to look through the phone book.

I plan to call Mr. Mo to invite him.

Before Su Yi could persuade her, she suddenly stopped again, "No, it's not very formal to call so rashly. Either ask Xiaobei to go to the office to invite you. No, it's better for me to go now. I'll go there with your dad in person." Invite him to dinner.”

Seeing the complaint, Su quickly pulled the excited Su Yin down and said, "Mom, sit down first. I have something to tell you first."

"What's up?"

After saying that, he glanced at Liao Zhengmin again and said, "Do you, father and daughter, have something to tell me? I wonder why everything is so weird today."

Su Yi pursed her lips, "Mom, it's not us, it's Xiaobei. He wants to join Mr. Mo's scientific research team and go to the northwest to do research together."

Su Yin's eyes lit up, "This is a good thing! Not everyone can join with a talent like Mr. Mo."

Su Yi glanced at Liao Zhengmin in surprise, then turned to look at Su Yin, "Mom——"

Su Yin also reacted immediately, "By the way, what is Mr. Mo studying?"

In fact, Su Yi didn't quite understand those convoluted professional terms. Su Yin probably wouldn't understand them even if they were recited.

He quickly summed it up in his mind and uttered two words heavily, "bomb."

This made Su Yin jump off the sofa, "What? Isn't that dangerous?"

Su Yi nodded solemnly and said truthfully, "There must be dangers, but they are all professionals and should have professional safety protection."

Su Yin clutched her thumping chest, "Where did you say you were going?"

"Great Northwest."

"Is that a big place? Where exactly is it?"

"Northwestern Gobi Desert."

Su Yin thought for a long time, but had no idea, so she suddenly asked, "Is this the place where Jin Chuan's accident happened?"

Su Yi nodded truthfully, "Absolutely. That place must be dangerous, otherwise Xiaobei wouldn't have dared to tell you all the time. But mom, don't worry too much. I heard that there was a team following me this time. , I think we can ask Xiaobei carefully tonight."

After saying that, Su Yi handed over the comfort task to Liao Zhengmin.

He is well-informed and must have his own opinions on such matters.

Su Yin listened to the two people's words quietly, and then sat in silence for a while.

Just when Su Yi and Liao Zhengmin were worried, she suddenly stood up and said, "Let's go, Zhengmin, let's drive to invite Mr. Mo."

Liao Zhengmin also stood up immediately, "Okay."

After the two left, Su Yi, who had completed the task, quickly called Lin Libei and said, "I have completed the task you gave me, and Dad Liao and I have told her everything that needs to be said."

Lin Libei let out a long sigh of relief, "How did Mom react?"

"have no idea."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I can't tell you, it's just a little weird."

"Where is mom now?"

"I went to your school, but I wasn't looking for you. I said I was going to invite Mr. Mo to come to my graduation celebration party tonight."

Lin Libei became even more worried when he heard that they came to see Mr. Mo, "They are not asking Mr. Mo to disqualify me, right?"

"Based on my understanding of Mom, it's not like that. Besides, Dad Liao is still with us. Even if she doesn't agree, she will definitely say hello in advance."

Lin Libei believed this, so he temporarily put his heart back in his stomach.

In the evening, Lin Libei came early.

In addition to his own family, Bai Miaomiao, Lin Shushu and Liu Fanglin also came.

Auntie Liu was invited early.

As soon as Lin Libei arrived, he walked straight to Su Yin, intending to have a frank chat with her.

But Su Yin stretched out her hand to interrupt him, "Don't say anything, Mr. Mo will be here soon, come with me downstairs to greet him."

Lin Libei agreed nervously.

When Mr. Mo arrived, Su Yin enthusiastically took him to the private room upstairs.

She warmly arranged the main seat for him.

At the beginning of the banquet, Su Yin raised her glass and stood up to toast Mr. Mo.

"Professor Mo, thank you very much for coming today. This first glass of wine I want to toast you alone. Thank you for recommending Su Yi to take the college entrance examination, which has made her life smoother and brighter from now on."

After saying that, Su Yin raised her head and drank the wine in the glass.

After drinking the first glass, Su Yin quickly started to toast the second glass.

"This second cup is still for you. This time I have something I want to ask you in advance--"

As soon as she said this, everyone looked at her.

Lin Libei's heart was in his throat, "Mom--"

Before he could speak, Su Yin interrupted him directly, "Xiaobei has never suffered any hardship since he was a child. Although he has not been worried about anyone, he has almost no social experience. I think it's good for him to go to the northwest with Mr. Mo to receive training this time."

"But I'm worried that he doesn't have enough life experience and is afraid that he will drag the team down. So if he has any shortcomings at that time, I will trouble Professor Mo to bear with him and take more care to teach him."

After that, she drank the wine in the cup again.

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