Faced with everyone's enthusiastic efforts to persuade Su Yi to stay, Su Yi was neither willing to leave nor stay on the stage.

It had been a long time since she had played the guitar and sang, and she herself felt a little unfinished.

Then he turned to Commander Deng for help.

Captain Deng was originally standing backstage listening to Su Yi's singing, but as he listened, he walked to the audience unknowingly.

Seeing Su Yi's eyes turning towards him, he nodded to her, indicating that he could continue singing a song.

She hasn’t heard enough herself! One song is too short!

Seeing that she agreed, Su smiled and nodded, revealing a rare pear dimple.

It was so sweet that a group of soldiers who had never seen such a scene cheered.

"Sing "Sweet Honey"!"

One person started, and everyone rushed forward and voted in agreement.

Now Commander Deng didn't dare to make the decision. After all, the style of this song didn't quite fit the style of the army!

Then he cast his eyes for help on Captain Zhou, Political Commissar Wang and others in the first row.

Zhou Jinchuan silently twirled his fingers below and said in a deep voice, "It's rare to have such a good day. Whatever song you sing is secondary. Everyone's happiness is the most important."

When everyone heard this, they all cheered.

Su Yi plucked the strings again.

This time, her singing voice was different from before. She suddenly became gentle and melodious, as if she was singing lightly with all kinds of tenderness...

Hearing this, Zhou Jinchuan's heart skipped a beat at first, and then it seemed as if there were gentle feathers sweeping over his heart again and again.

A pair of black eyes darkened again and again, and his hands kept rubbing his sides.

Suddenly I regretted that I shouldn't have let her continue singing.

At the end of another song, Su Yi had had enough of it, so he stood up and got off the stage.

Backstage, Bai Ruolin, who was waiting to come on stage, suddenly seemed to be stuck and couldn't move forward.

Just now, she was standing behind and listening to Su Yi playing and singing.

After joining the art troupe for several years, she also received countless applause.

But this was the first time she had seen such a crazy scene like today.

Su Yi's confidence on stage and her smooth singing made every word feel like a knife piercing her heart.

Originally, he deliberately placed her in front of him, just to wait for her to escape and then go to the rescue.

I didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Bai Ruolin was so stunned that she was about to vomit blood, and the hand holding the violin was so clenched that it turned white.

Finally, Captain Deng came over and asked her, "Why don't you come on stage? Some people below thought it was over and wanted to get up and leave."

When Bai Ruolin heard this, she suddenly woke up and quickly went on stage with her violin in her arms.

She was once considered a pillar of the cultural troupe, and many people rushed to watch her every performance.

So when everyone saw her coming up, those who were going to leave also stayed.

But after listening to it for a while, I felt a little unspeakably boring!

"Every time I pull it back and forth, it's all foreign music that I don't understand. I can't even understand it. It's so boring!"

"Who says it's not the case? In comparison, the lesbian played and sang with great energy just now! Is she new to the art troupe?"

"You don't know her? She's the girl at the window of the casserole rice noodle in our cafeteria! But it's normal if you haven't seen her before. It's good if we can see her face once in ten times."

Bai Ruolin had no confidence to begin with, and she was even more upset when she heard everyone whispering below.

I accidentally pulled the wrong one.

A sharp sound sounded in the auditorium.

Faced with everyone's frowns, Bai Ruolin couldn't hold it in any longer, so she ran away crying while holding her violin in her arms.

Everyone looked at each other.

Seeing how reckless she was, Captain Deng immediately went backstage after arranging for the host to come on stage to save the situation.

As soon as she entered, she saw her lying on the table crying alone, while the others gathered around to comfort her.

Captain Deng was furious, "You still have the nerve to cry? The performance was interrupted in the middle. Is this your quality?"

Bai Ruolin was so angry that she appealed for herself, "It's not me who wants to come down, it's just that they went too far and bullied me! How can I get on stage if they rank me behind Su Yi?"

Commander Deng sighed helplessly, "Bullying you? Didn't you ask to be ranked behind Comrade Su? What do you want to do now?"

"There are people outside the world, and there are people outside the world. Is it possible that you won't go on stage when you meet someone better than yourself? What kind of psychological quality is this?"

Bai Ruolin just kept crying until she heard the selection process.

Then he suddenly raised his head and said, "Captain Deng, I admit that Comrade Su can sing well, but her song choices are not good. We are the army. She sang about the navy, and what she sang just now—— "

Before Bai Ruolin finished speaking, Captain Deng interrupted coldly.

"Bai Ruolin, is this your vision and your mind?"

"You are not as good as others, so you start to discredit others. How can someone like you improve your skills?"

When Bai Ruolin heard that Ti Gan was involved, she panicked.

He quickly admitted his mistake to Commander Deng, "I didn't mean it like that, I just thought——"

"That's enough, you can think about it backstage! The others will follow me for the curtain call."

The show is all over.

In the end, Su Yi won the first place with an overwhelming advantage.

I happily hugged the cashmere blanket and was about to go home.

Commander Deng directly left the person behind, "Comrade Su, would you consider joining our art troupe to develop?"

Although he had just come into contact with him, Captain Deng quickly determined that Su Yi was a good prospect based on his many years of experience.

Not only does he play and sing well, but his appearance is also extremely good.

If you can stay, you will definitely have a bright future.

Su Yi came here for the wool blanket, and she had never considered joining the art troupe.

And her plan was to go out and do business after she was completely freed, and live a life of counting money every day.

Although the art troupe looks glamorous now, it will face major changes soon.

And she didn't like to get along with those girls who looked down on others just now.

She should go back to her canteen! At least she was happy.

Thinking of this, Su Yi refused without hesitation.

Head Deng didn't expect to be rejected, and was stunned for a moment.

He took Su Yi's hand and persuaded her again and again, "It's too late today, wait until you go back and think about it slowly, there's no rush."

Su Yi was indeed a little anxious to go back, and she didn't know if the two children were still waiting for her.

She had to perfunctorily say a few words first, and then she went to the back to find someone with the wool blanket.

When she got downstairs, she found that everyone had already left.

Only Zhou Jinchuan was left sitting in the distance with the two children waiting for her.

Su Yi walked over quickly and looked down. Xiao Wu and Nuan Nuan were both sleeping soundly.

Seeing that they had arrived, Zhou Jinchuan carried Ye Xiaowu on his shoulders and held Ye Nuan Nuan with his other hand, "Let's go back!"

Su Yi saw Ye Xiaowu hum twice, and hurriedly helped to take Nuan Nuan, "Let me hold one."

Zhou Jinchuan did not refuse, but just helped her pick up the wool blanket.

The two walked quietly in the night of the courtyard, and no one spoke.

Ye Xiaowu and Ye Nuan Nuan also slept very soundly, and did not wake up until they were put on the bed.

Su Yi sent the people to the dormitory and prepared to go back.

As soon as the people walked to the door, Zhou Jinchuan caught up, "It's too late, I'll take you back."

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