Su Yi waited for the car for a while, and sure enough, he saw the man named Jiang Yuan running over quickly.

Behind him was a man riding a tricycle with a cart full of bananas.

When Jiang Yuan arrived, he broke off a banana and handed it to her without saying a word, "This is my brother Liuzi, you can try it."

Su Yi took it and looked at it. There were already dense black spots on the banana peel, so it didn't look good.

But I tasted it and it tasted okay.

"How do you sell these bananas?"

"To be honest, our cost price is at least one yuan. If we sell it, it will only cost one yuan and a pound. No matter how high it is, we can't sell it."

Su Yi paused, "Then your business is not very cost-effective. Is this your first time buying bananas?"

When Liuzi heard this, he immediately poured out the bitter water, "No, when we came from the south, it was still green. In just a few days, the bananas have turned black."

"I only earn 20 cents, and I have to put in so much energy, but I still can't sell it."

Su Yi secretly smacked her tongue, tut, this little brother is not very smart either.

Jiang Yuan also twitched his lips in embarrassment, "My brothers are all the same as me. The biggest advantage is that they are honest and don't lie."

"But you have tasted this banana just now. The skin is a little darker, but the inside is not bad at all."

Su Yi took advantage of the two of them singing and quietly tore off a bit of the skin and threw it into the space.

He took it out quietly again.

Looking down, she saw that the black banana peel stained with spiritual spring water had returned to golden color as she had guessed.

In this way, Su Yi felt confident.

"One piece is too expensive, I can't afford the price."

"We didn't plan to sell it to you at such a high price, and we don't expect to make any money. We'll just spend the money to teach you a lesson. I'll sell it to you for fifty cents a pound!"

"Fifty cents is too expensive! You can't sell these bananas. Who knows how rotten they will be if I take them to other places."

"It's only 4 cents. Why do I still have a bunch of them at home?"

"Two cents!"

Liu Zi looked at Jiang Yuan in disbelief, his flesh hurt so much that he almost cried, "She is eating a banana without spitting out the peel. It's so cruel."

Su Yihehe, "You clearly know that I am selling them out of town, and you also clearly know that your bananas will be ruined if you don't sell them, and you still want me to take over and buy them. Aren't you cruel?"

Jiang Yuan smiled and smoothed things over, "We are all business partners from now on. No matter how ruthless or ruthless we are, we might as well give in to each other by three cents!"

"Let's do it! Sanmao is Sanmao."

Su Jian agreed to the petition, "I want this car, but I need you to help me take it to the guest house."


Su Yi put the things she just bought on the tricycle and followed Liu Zi to the guest house.

Jiang Yuan looked behind him, wanting to ask Su Yi's name and phone number but was afraid of being betrayed again.

He was so anxious that he stamped his feet.

Over there, Su Yi returned to the guest house, just in time to catch up with the people at the front desk going to have dinner.

He quickly asked Liu Zi to move the things to the second floor.

As soon as Liuzi got the money and left, Su Yi closed the door and put the things directly into the space.

Then he flashed into the space.

The spiritual spring gurgled out in the space, and the air was filled with spiritual spring water vapor.

Not only can ordinary food be kept fresh and warm, but even bananas with black spots can become golden again.

I peeled off the skin and tasted it. Even the taste seemed to be much sweeter than before.

Su Yi happily ate the banana, and couldn't help but think in her heart, it would be great if Xiao Wu and Nuan Nuan were there, they must also like it very much!

It’s just a pity that I have to wait until after the new year to go back!

Just when I thought of this, I heard someone knocking at the door.

Su Yi quickly walked to the door and asked, "Who is it?"

"I'm the front desk, and there's someone outside the door looking for you."

Su Yi was surprised that she didn't know anyone here.

Could it be that big brother who was selling bananas just now?

He quickly responded and ran to the window to see that it was Zhou Jinchuan who was back?

Su Yizheng was thinking about how to get the two children to eat bananas early, and then he saw Zhou Jinchuan and was overjoyed.

Busy ran down quickly, "Captain Zhou, why are you here?"

Zhou Jinchuan saw her running down happily, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raise briskly——

"It was still early for me to finish my work. I thought it would not be good for you to go back empty-handed, so I bought some things for you to take back."

With that said, he took a bunch of things out of the car.

Looking at the pile of things in big and small bags, Su Yi quickly stopped and said, "It's really not necessary. I bought it myself. You'd better take it back and use it yourself."

[Oh, a bunch of people eat people but don't spit out bones. Give them meat buns and beat dogs, which is a waste of good things. 】

Su Yi didn't talk much about her family members before.

Zhou Jinchuan only roughly knew that her family favored sons over daughters and was not kind to her.

But I didn't expect it to reach this point.

His face turned pale at that moment, "Is it really okay for you to go back alone?"

Su Yi pursed her lips and smiled, "I'm going back to my home, why can't I?"

[Anyway, it’s the last time. If they dare not let me have an easy time, then their whole family won’t have an easy time either. 】

Zhou Jinchuan narrowed his eyes and said, "Take these things. It will be more convenient to go back to the village chief to deliver some things."

Su Yi looked at him in surprise, as if she couldn't believe hearing such words as giving gifts from his mouth.

But after thinking for a moment, he took it and said, "Okay, I'll take it with you first and we'll see what happens later."

After saying that, she thought of the banana in the space again, "By the way, Captain Zhou, wait for me, I just bought some things, you can take them back."

As she said that, she was about to carry the things upstairs.

Seeing this, Zhou Jinchuan directly carried the things for her, "I'll help you carry them up and take them down by the way."

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, "Okay then."

The person at the front desk saw Zhou Jinchuan in a military uniform and carrying so many things in his hands.

So he didn't say much.

The two of them had just walked up the stairs when Qin Yunfeng and Bai Ruolin stepped into the guesthouse.

"Yunfeng, look, isn't that Captain Zhou and Su Yi? Why are they going upstairs together?"

Qin Yunfeng also looked at the two backs in disbelief, "Maybe they are helping Su Yi carry things upstairs, yes, that must be the case, you see they are still carrying so many things in their hands, let's check in quickly."

Bai Ruolin thought of the things the two of them were carrying just now, and she couldn't help but gnashed her teeth again.

Su Yi, that woman, is a poor bastard!

All those good things were bought for her by Zhou Jinchuan!


Vixen Su didn't know that Qin Yunfeng and Bai Ruolin also lived in this guesthouse.

As soon as the two entered the door, she took advantage of Zhou Jinchuan's time to put things away and quickly took out a bunch of bananas from the space.

"Captain Zhou, when I was walking in the city just now, I found these bananas are pretty good. I took them back for Xiao Wu and Nuan Nuan to eat."

Zhou Jinchuan raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, they were bought for the two children, and there was no share for him.

After giving the bananas, Su Yi hurriedly went to the bag again, "Wait a minute, there are more."

Zhou Jinchuan coughed lightly, "Don't worry."

Then, he watched Su Yi take out a bunch of flowers and clip them out, "The New Year is coming soon, put these things on Nuan Nuan as soon as possible to make her happy."

Zhou Jinchuan:......

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