80: The black-bellied officer read my mind and fell in love with me

Chapter 9: Spend his money to treat him to a meal

It was not early, Su Yi picked up the basket and prepared to cook as soon as she entered the house.

"Captain Zhou, since you bought the vegetables, I will cook them. You take a rest, it will be ready soon."

Zhou Jinchuan hummed and did not refute. He was not good at cooking and rarely cooked.

He had just returned from a long trip, so he thought of buying some meat and cooking a meal for the two children to interact with them.

Otherwise, he was a big man with no experience in taking care of children, and he didn't know what to talk to the two children.

Since the death of his comrade, the mother of the child left the two children directly after receiving the pension.

The personalities of the two children became more and more withdrawn. In order to take care of the children, Zhou Jinchuan specially applied for a house and took the two people over.

But he was too busy with work and often had to go on missions, so he had no energy to take care of the daily life of the two children.

So he had to find an older sister in the compound to take care of them.

He gave her 30 yuan a month as food expenses and hard work fees.

Seeing Su Yi walking towards the kitchen with a basket of vegetables, Ye Xiaowu quickly followed him, "I'll go help."

Ye Nuannuan followed closely behind, "Uncle Zhou, I'll help my sister too."

Zhou Jinchuan was stunned for a moment when he saw this. It was rare to see these two children take the initiative to get close to someone.

Especially when it was a 'stranger' they just met.

Su Yi carried the basket of vegetables into the kitchen. Although the layout was simple, it had everything it should have.

He then began to wash the meat and vegetables in the basket.

Ye Xiaowu and Ye Nuannuan came in one after another and asked for help.

Su Yi smiled, "Nuannuan, come and help me pick vegetables. Can Xiaowu stew rice?"

Ye Xiaowu nodded, "I can."

After that, he went to get the rice, rinsed it and poured it into the pot.

Su Yi looked over while cutting the meat. Seeing that he had added just enough water, he smiled and said, "You are so amazing. How old is Xiao Wu?"

"I am eight years old and my sister is five years old."

Su Yi nodded, "Why didn't you tell Captain Zhou about what happened just now? With him in the picture, those two kids wouldn't dare to bully you."

Ye Xiaowu lowered his head and said nothing. After a while, he shook his head.

"No need. Uncle Zhou is usually too busy. There is no need to bother him with such a small matter."

Su Yi saw that he was unwilling, so he didn't persuade him much and focused on stewing the meat first.

Zhou Jinchuan bought a big piece of pork belly. In addition, there were some eggs, eggplants, tomatoes and potatoes.

Although these are common things in modern times.

But in the northwest of the 80s, it was not easy to get these fresh meat and vegetables in the early summer.

Su Yi cut half of the pork belly, cut it into even small pieces, rinsed it with water, and then slowly stir-fried it over low heat to release the oil. After it was slightly browned, he added seasoning and stir-fried it.

Although the seasonings were not complete, fortunately there was onion, ginger and soy sauce, which was barely enough.

After stir-frying, Su Yi stewed it in the pot over low heat, and then went to clean up other dishes.

The two children washed the vegetables together and took a deep breath, "Sister, this meat smells so good."

Su Yi saw that the two were like little greedy cats, especially Ye Nuannuan, who was only five years old and was at the age of being cute.

Her tone became gentle involuntarily, "It's just been stewed. It will smell even better after it's stewed. Nuannuan, do you like stewed eggs? Sister will make you steamed eggs with minced meat, okay?"

Ye Nuannuan licked her lips and nodded, "Okay."

Su Yi quickly cut a small piece of the remaining meat into minced meat, intending to make minced meat eggplant and minced meat steamed eggs with eggplant and egg respectively.

She also picked a large potato, peeled it and cut it into thin strips, and soaked it in a basin filled with clean water. After draining it for a while, the potato strips would not stick to the pan when fried.

After finishing the work, she cut another tomato and beat two eggs to make tomato egg soup.

Su Yi was hungry, and she felt uncomfortable smelling the aroma in the pot.

She had never been hungry in her previous life because she loved to eat and drink, but for the first time, she felt hungry.

After the meat was finally stewed, she quickly asked Ye Xiaowu to clean the table and get the bowls and chopsticks.

After the last dish of shredded potatoes was fried, she quickly served the other dishes.

Zhou Jinchuan was not in the living room.

Following the noise, she looked outside and found that he was in the corridor, hammering and repairing a stool.

Su Yi hurriedly shouted, "Captain Zhou, the meal is ready!"

Zhou Jinchuan turned his head and saw that her face was red from the smoke, and there were beads of sweat on her nose, reflecting a sparse light under the dim light.

"You guys eat first, I'll come after I finish this."

Su Yi covered her stomach, "Then we'll wait for you."

[I'm so irritable, I'm going crazy with hunger, no, I can still hold on for a while, woo woo woo. ]

Zhou Jinchuan's back stiffened, and then he stood up, "You go eat first, I'll wash my hands and come."

Su Yi went happily after hearing this.

After Zhou Jinchuan washed his hands, he saw three people sitting at the table, blinking and waiting for him to come.

Zhou Jinchuan suddenly felt that his home seemed to have changed.

The light was still the same light, but the light became warmer.

The whole room was filled with the aroma of food and fireworks.

Zhou Jinchuan immediately sat down at the table, "Eat quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the other three people stretched out their chopsticks to pick up the braised pork.

Then they put it in his bowl at the same time.

The two children smiled embarrassedly when they found that they bumped into each other.

"Uncle Zhou, you eat the meat."

Su Yi, who was just trying to flatter him, also smiled, "Captain Zhou, the meat wasn't stewed long enough, I don't know how it tastes, please try it."

Zhou Jinchuan had a moment of doubt, was the meat poisoned, and asked him to test the poison?

Zhou Jinchuan, facing the gazes of the three people, picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, and then a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes, "It tastes good, you guys eat it too."

Seeing him eat it, the three people were not restrained and hurried to eat.

Su Yi tasted each dish and found that it was almost the same as her usual level, so she ate with peace of mind.

Ye Xiaowu ate a piece of braised pork and couldn't close his mouth, "Sister Su, this meat is already rotten, it's fragrant and delicious."

Su Yi received a satisfactory review and nodded happily, "Eat more if you like it."

After that, he took a spoon to scoop a spoonful of egg custard for his sister, "Sister, you are too thin, you need to eat more eggs to supplement it, this is easy to digest."

Ye Nuannuan obediently hummed, "Thank you Sister Su, you and Uncle Zhou also eat."

Zhou Jinchuan paused while picking up the dishes. Why did these two children call her sister so naturally, but call him uncle?

He is only 26 years old, is he that old?

Zhou Jinchuan coughed lightly and glanced at Ye Nuannuan. She looked thinner than a few days ago.

"Xiaowu, Nuannuan, haven't you been eating well recently? Why are you thinner again? I think you've lost weight too."

Ye Xiaowu paused while eating, then raised his head and replied, "The weather is getting hot, so I eat less. I will take good care of my sister and eat more later."

After saying that, in order to cover up his guilty conscience.

He quickly picked up the minced meat eggplant and put it on the rice, and continued to eat with his head down.

The minced meat eggplant was oily and juicy, and Ye Xiaowu slurped it up.

Su Yi quickly handed over the cold soup, "Eat slowly, the eggplant is still hot."

Ye Xiaowu hurriedly took it and thanked him.

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