80s: After Marrying a Disabled Man, I Am Really Fragrant

Chapter 117: Are you confessing your love?

Chapter 117 Are you confessing your love?

"The word "Nan" used as a name means sunshine, vigor, a bright mind, peace, smoothness, and warmth. Dad couldn't get the happiness he wanted. The meaning of giving me this name is that I can get the happiness I want. I was just thinking that the word Ning Xi should also have its own meaning."

“The meaning of north in people is broad-minded, famous, and outstanding. My father gave this name to Xiaobei because he wanted Xiaobei to become a broad-minded person. He also used the word north because my name is Nan.”

"What's the point?" Ning Xi still couldn't accept her life experience. She understood Ning Xiuhe and understood that Ning Xiuhe had given her to Liu Shufen for her own good, but this was a difficult hurdle in her heart.

"Ning Xi... Ning Xi... have a clear understanding." Lu Nan murmured Ning Xi's name, and suddenly found that the pronunciation of these two words was the same as the other two words. His eyes immediately lit up, "Daughter-in-law, you said mom would give it to you." Is this what you wanted to express when you chose this name?”

"Lingxi..." Ning Xi muttered in a daze. Is this the meaning of Ning Xiuhe's name for her?

Ning Xi was a little happy when she first understood the meaning of her name, but soon she pursed her lips and looked disgusted, "The love brain is so terrible, people don't want her anymore, and she still wants to have some connection with people's hearts."

"Here we go again, why do you always think about dad abandoning mom?" Lu Nan knocked her head helplessly and sighed in his heart. He was unwilling to make excuses for himself in the previous life, but he couldn't bear to let her continue to complain about her. The biological father then mentioned what happened three months ago for the first time.

"Three months ago, if you had not told the truth, if you had not resisted and obeyed Liu Shufen's arrangement and filed for divorce from me, I would have let you go because I am a **** and I am not qualified to have the best of you. If you leave, if you leave If I leave Yao Township, I may never know the existence of two children in my life.”

“The result of this is that you hate me and complain about me, your children will hate me, and I will live in pain for the rest of my life holding on to my regrets for you.”

"Will you be in pain?" If it were Lu Nan now, Ning Xi believed that he would be regretful and in pain. Would he really be in pain three months ago?

“Do you really think I’m made of stone?” Lu Nan pulled Ning Xi and sat on his lap.

"What are you doing?" Ning Xi looked around. Fortunately, there was no one around. If someone saw this, she didn't know what it would be like. "What if you let go and let others see you?"

"Ning Xi, in your heart, was I just like a stone at that time?" Not only did he not let go of her, he also grabbed her waist and forced her into his arms.

Speaking of Lu Nan in the past, Ning Xi also felt wronged, "You were just a smelly and hard rock back then." If he hadn't been so cold to her, how could she have made a fuss and how could she not care about him.

"Well! I am just a smelly and hard stone." He lowered his head slightly and pressed his forehead against hers. He looked at her tenderly in the dim moonlight and pressed a gentle kiss on her lips.

 A flash of panic flashed in her eyes, and she subconsciously wanted to see if anyone was around.

He guessed her intention and put his hand on her head before she reacted. "Actually, at that time, my smelly and hard stone had already been warmed by you, but even I didn't notice it until then. After drinking Hehuan wine late at night, when I could hardly control myself, all I could think of was you. I kept telling myself that I couldn’t, I couldn’t betray you, I couldn’t hurt your heart, I couldn’t make you cry, let alone Losing you."

"Then let me go." Ning Xi subconsciously asked this question. After asking, she realized that she had said the wrong thing and hurriedly said, "I mean, if I don't expose their conspiracy, then you will know No matter what your thoughts are, you will still let me go, right?"

"Well! I just said that I am not worthy of you." It's not to coax her, nor to lie to her. He did think so in his previous life. Only after the divorce did he feel the pain and discomfort, and only then did he know about her. After marrying to Hecheng, I went to great lengths to see her again and again.

"How could you not be worthy?" He was a future all-powerful general. How could he not be worthy of her? If he was not worthy, it was because she, an ordinary person, was not worthy of him.

"Before I found out that I fell in love with you, I really didn't feel that I was not worthy of you. After all, I had a serious professional residence in the imperial capital, and you were just a silly girl who gave up on school, loved to cry, and loved to act like a monster. "She also looked at him and asked with a smile for a long time, "Is this a confession to me?"

"Cough!" Lu Nan coughed awkwardly and let go of Ning Xi. "I just want to say that sometimes what we see is not necessarily the truth. Mom can give you such a name. She insisted on giving birth to you in the first place. Because she loved her dad very much, and through the photos, I dare to say that my dad must have loved my mom very much at that time.”

"I didn't acknowledge him, so don't call me daddy." Ning Xi understood what Lu Nan wanted to express by saying so much, but she hadn't even seen her mother yet, so she had no time to think about anything else.

Besides, although Lu Nan's analysis is very accurate, it does not mean that this is the fact. What if Ning Xiuhe is a love brain and is deceived by others. She still cares about the good things of others and treats the scumbag as a male god!

 “I know, I’m waiting for you to admit that I’m shouting.”

At this moment, Ning Xi finally realized that Lu Nan had let go of her. She immediately jumped off Lu Nan and looked around to make sure no one saw her, then she felt relieved.

Thinking that someone ignored her question just now, she put her hands on his shoulders and bowed slightly.

  Looking at him condescendingly, "Lu Lie, you haven't answered me yet. Were you confessing your love to me just now?"

In the past three months, they have become almost everything to each other, but he has not even said a word about his love. Today, she finally heard the word love from his mouth, and she wanted to force him no matter what.

 “Must you answer?”

Ning Xi nodded without any doubt.

 “It doesn’t count.”

“…” Ning Xi stared at him, a little aggrieved and a little angry. Damn man, she said it was so obvious. Is it so difficult for him to just say that she loves him?

He put his arm around her waist, pulled her into his arms again, controlled the wheelchair and drove home. "I will confess my love to you slowly when I go back. I will confess my love to you all night long, okay?"

 “Huh?” What does he mean?

 He did not explain, the wheelchair rolled faster, and then someone was taken home, and he repeated a sentence in her ear over and over again throughout the night.

Daughter-in-law, I want to love you.

Daughter-in-law, I still want to love you.

Daughter-in-law, love again.

Daughter-in-law, I promise to love you for the last time...

I’ve been a little busy these two days. The two I owe on the 1st will be made up as soon as possible.



 (End of this chapter)

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