Chapter 180 Going home

Lei Zi wanted to say something more, but when he saw Zhang Baishi driving over, he quickly swallowed up everything he wanted to say. His sister-in-law didn't mention the value of the life-extending pill in front of Zhang Baishi because she didn't want Zhang Baishi to know too much about her. matter.

Lei Zi opened the car door and waited for Ning Xi to get in the car and said goodbye to Ning Xi with a smile. "Sister-in-law, pay attention to safety when you go back. I will go back to Bureau Yang to apply for the money and send it to you."

Ning Xi waved her hand nonchalantly, "There's no need to make a special trip. Just come over when you have time."

 “Okay.” Lei Zi agreed with a smile.

The two chatted briefly, and Lei Zi helped Ning Xi close the car door.

 Because she had consumed too much today, Ning Xi leaned on the seat to rest as soon as she got in the car. Within a moment, the sound of her even breathing could be heard in the car.

 Zhang Baishi looked at Ning Xi in the back seat through the rearview mirror from time to time.

 This was the first time he had the opportunity to look at Ning Xi carefully. She was very beautiful. Although she was not the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, she was the most charming woman he had ever seen.

Had she not been married or even had children, he would probably be attracted by her charm and pursue her.

But it seems that she would be good to be friends with. This woman looks weak, but she is a person who is determined to retaliate. This can be seen just by looking at the affairs of the Wang family.

The first time she met Wang Shaoyao, just because Wang Shaoyao looked down on her and said a few unpleasant words, she exposed the secret that Wang Shaoyao had been hiding in public.

He knew that Dr. Wang took Wang Shaoyao and his siblings to her for treatment. At that time, he was still thinking that Ning Xi would definitely not treat Wang Shaoyao. However, she did, but the fee was average. I really can't bear it.

He also knew that Wang Tiandong took Wang Shaoyao to find Ning Xi to treat Aunt Wei. The father and daughter had a run-in there but they just didn't invite anyone there. It was Wang Tiandong who was able to invite someone there last night. Wang Shaoyao and his three siblings knelt down for her, and then she agreed to go over and take a look at Mrs. Wang.

 Mrs. Wang's condition is no more serious than that of the patient in the hospital today. The fact that she did not take life-sustaining pills to help Aunt Wei stay alive also proves that her dislike of the Wang family has not disappeared.

Wang Shaoyao apologized to her when she left today. She chose to forgive Wang Shaoyao probably just for the sake of money.

This is just the tip of the iceberg he saw during their brief contact. He believes that the real Ning Xi should be more ruthless. In addition to her ruthlessness, he also sees a different side of her.

She is very kind to the people around her. From the conversation between her and Lei Zi, it seems that they are not blood relatives. However, just because of Lei Zi's plea, she actually took out more than twenty life-extending pills for the patient. Life.

From this alone, it can be seen that Ning Xi is absolutely devoted to her family and friends.

 So it is beneficial to become friends with Ning Xi, of course, the premise is that you have to treat her with all your heart.

 Digging out your heart and lungs?

 He may not be able to do it with others, but he can probably do it with Ning Xi.

 When the car drove into Yao Township, Ning Xi was still awake.

“Doctor Ning.” Zhang Baishi called out, and Ning Xi slowly opened her eyes.

 “We’ve arrived at Yao Township, how do we get there?”

 Zhang Baishi's voice came again.

Ning Xi sat up straight after taking a second to regain her clarity, and pointed forward to show Zhang Baishi the way.

 Wait for the car to stop in front of your home.

Ning Xi got out of the car, and Zhang Baishi also got out of the car and helped Ning Xi take the medical kit out of the car. He glanced at Baohe Hall not far away, "So you live next door to Dr. Chen and the others. If I had known, I would have I won’t wake you up.”

Ning Xi smiled faintly, "Master Zhang, thank you for taking me home. Come inside and sit for a while!"

"Okay!" Zhang Baishi was not polite to Ning Xi. He helped Ning Xi carry the medicine box and followed her into the Lu family's house. "You and Uncle Chen know each other because you are neighbors?" "No, Uncle Chen and My father-in-law is a close friend, and this house belongs to Uncle Chen. Uncle Chen and his friends knew that I wanted to rent a house, so they specifically asked Uncle Chen to rent the house to us. "

Lu Zhenghai and Li Dakui were sitting in the hall talking. Ning Xi took Zhang Baishi into the hall. After introducing a few people, Ning Xi glanced outside and asked, "Dad, where is my mother?"

“I went back to Shanghe Village with your second brother in the morning. Today is your grandfather’s birthday. She said she hasn’t been back for so long, so she wanted to take advantage of today to go back and give some incense to your grandparents.”

According to the rules, after Ning Xi's life experience was revealed, she should change her name to grandpa and grandma, but she was used to it and in Ning Xi's heart, they would always be her grandparents, so she was unwilling to change her name.

“I forgot such an important thing.” Ning Xi knocked her head in frustration. In previous years, she always remembered her grandparents’ birthdays, but recently she was so busy with trivial matters that she forgot such an important thing.

“I love you the most and will not get angry with you. Master Zhang is here to drink tea.” Lu Zhenghai gave Zhang Baishi a cup of tea.

“Thank you, Uncle Lu, just call me Xiao Zhang.”

Lu Zhenghai smiled and nodded, "Please send my Xiao Xi back. We will have dinner at home in the evening, and I will have someone buy some food."

 Zhang Baishi quickly refused, "Uncle Lu, I will sit down for a while and then go back. I have something to do tomorrow."

 “That’s it! That’s okay, next time, you must stay at home to eat next time you come over.”


Lu Zhenghai had to go to the production room, chatted with Zhang Baishi for a few words and then left.

 Zhang Baishi took a sip of tea and looked surprised, "Is this Longjing?"

 “Master Zhang knows tea.”

 Zhang Baishi shrugged helplessly, "There is no way to have a grandpa who likes tea."

Ning Xi smiled and said, "This Longjing was given by a friend. We are not willing to drink it ourselves. We only bring it out when distinguished guests come to our door."

 “So I’m a distinguished guest.”

Ning Xi smiled faintly and didn't answer. She walked to the cabinet, opened it, took out a can of tea and handed it to Zhang Baishi, "There aren't many Longjing left at home, and this Pu'er is pretty good too. Take a can back to Zhang Baishi." Taste it."

"I want to thank Dr. Ning on behalf of grandpa." Zhang Baishi thanked and accepted Ning Xi's kindness. Friendships are all gained through giving gifts back and forth. Today Ning Xi gave grandpa a can of good tea. Next time grandpa will send some farewell. Give it to Ning Xi, and the favor will be returned.

After sitting and resting for a while, Zhang Baishi stood up and said goodbye. Ning Xi saw him out. When he was about to leave, Zhang Baishi went to Baohe Hall for a walk.

After Zhang Baishi left, Ning Xi walked into Baohe Hall again.

Dr. Chen is not busy at the moment. Ning Xi walked over and sat down opposite Dr. Chen. "Uncle Chen, I met a patient in the city this time..."

Ning Xi told Doctor Chen about Zhuang Feilong's situation.

Hearing Ning Xi speak, Doctor Chen frowned, "This situation must have damaged the nerves, and it is impossible to cure it."

Thinking of Lu Nan and Zhou Jin, Doctor Chen smiled again and said, "Xiao Xi, you should have something to do. You are the best at nerve damage."

Lu Nan and Zhou Jin both had nerve damage in their legs. Both of their legs were cured by Ning Xi. Ning Xi must have a solution for Dr. Zhuang's illness.

 (End of this chapter)

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