Chapter 189 Seeking Medical Treatment

“I’ve never seen you rub it for me. My waist and legs hurt even when I’m pregnant with a baby.”

“If you were half as beautiful as Sister Ning, I would rub it for you.”

“If you can be as good-looking as Ning Meizi’s man, I can also serve you.”

Ning Xi’s face turned red after being pointed at by so many people, even though no one said anything unpleasant. She pulled Lu Nan, hoping to stop him.

Lu Nan had no intention of stopping, and didn't care what the people around her said, so he continued to hold her down.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." The boy got up from the ground and sat down, touching his stomach.

The couple hurriedly asked, "It really doesn't hurt anymore?"

 “It doesn’t hurt at all.”

The woman hugged her son happily and kissed him on the face. "It'll be fine if it doesn't hurt anymore. It'll be fine if it doesn't hurt anymore."

 The man looked at Ning Xi guiltily, "Thank you, madam."

Ning Xi nodded lightly, "I'm just temporarily helping him stop the pain. You still have to send your child for treatment as soon as possible."

 “Okay, we know.”

 “It’s okay, please go back to your seats.” The matter has been resolved, and the flight attendant also stood up and persuaded everyone to return to their seats.

The doctor also packed the medical kit and stood up, still looking puzzled. "I still don't understand how such a young child can get gastric ulcer."

The woman sat back down with her child in her arms, shaking her head with a sad face, "We didn't know either! He got this disease all of a sudden."

“If it’s not caused by irregular diet, it’s caused by infection…”

 Before Ning Xi could finish her words, the doctor had already rejected that "gastric ulcer is not an infectious disease."

Ning Xi glanced at the aunt who was pricking up her ears to hear the gossip, "Gastric ulcer is indeed not an infectious disease, but it would be strange if the food in the mouth of a person who has had gastric ulcer for a long time is not contagious."

It is nothing new in the countryside for an old man to put food in his mouth, chew it up, and feed it to a child mouth-to-mouth. Ning Xi connected this because when the boy was spicy, the woman looked everywhere for water, and did not shy away from the person opposite. An old man feeds his child water from his own water cup.

 The woman's face changed. "My mother-in-law has a gastric ulcer. She is afraid that the child will not be able to chew it, so she always chews it up and feeds it to the child."

Ning Xi didn’t answer, which obviously made her guess right.

This was the first time the doctor had heard of such a thing, and he immediately frowned, "How can this be done? There are a lot of bacteria in our mouths. If we put food in our mouths and chew it before giving it to the children, we will bring the bacteria to the children, and the children will resist If you are weak, you will get sick.”

The aunt shouted dissatisfied again, "You're not being particular. I chewed the food before feeding it to my grandson. I don't know how good his health is."

The uncle next to the aunt shouted loudly, "Li Shuhong, you still said that because you chewed up the food for your grandson to eat, my wife has quarreled with you countless times, and you still don't have a long memory."

 It’s the red letter again. She really clashed with this word!

“She just doesn’t like me and is deliberately looking for trouble. You old man doesn’t help me and even scolds me..."

 About this issue, the two old men started to argue loudly.

"Anyway, you should be more careful in the future and don't do that again." The doctor touched his nose and said, carrying the medicine box and leaving.

The flight attendant quickly came over and tried to persuade them for a while, and the two old men finally calmed down.

Ning Xi pulled Lu Nan and said, "Brother Nan, sleep a little longer."

"Yeah! Let's go together," Lu Nan responded, hugging Ning Xi and covering the two of them with his military coat.

Ning Xi nodded and slept against him.

The aunt's disdainful voice came from the opposite side again, "It's embarrassing, cuddling in broad daylight." Neither of them spoke. This kind of person is a mess. If you dare to talk to her, she will talk to you endlessly.

By the time Ning Xi woke up, the couple opposite had been replaced by two young men. The two young men stared at Ning Xi until Ning Xi opened her eyes, and the two of them quickly looked away with red eyes.

The train arrived at Sioux City Station at five o'clock in the afternoon.

Afraid that Ning Xi would be squeezed, Lu Nan waited until people were almost out of the car, pulled her out of the car, and followed the crowd at a distance.

The current train station is very simple, with dirt roads, and a gust of wind blows up dust immediately.

Xu Ailing turned around and glanced at Ning Xi, "Sister-in-law, are you hungry? Let's go find a place to eat later."

Ning Xi looked innocent, "I was hungry just now. I've finished all the snacks my mother brought me."

“Madam.” A voice shouted from behind, and a figure hurriedly ran up to stop Ning Xi.

Ning Xi glanced at the other person. It was the man with glasses who had spoken to her before. "What's the matter?"

“Yes, ma’am, I see that your medical skills are quite good. Can you help me see someone?”

Ning Xi smiled apologetically at the other party, "Sorry, I'm here to do something."

The man bent towards Ning Xi, "Madam, please help me. My wife is very ill. The hospital has asked the family to prepare for the funeral. The family has invited all the traditional Chinese medicine doctors in the town to help her, but it is of no use."

Ning Xi frowned and wanted to refuse.

Lu Nan asked aloud, "Where is your home?"

  The man pointed to the vaguely visible village in the distance, "It's in the village in front."

"You can go and have a look, but my wife can't guarantee that she can cure your wife."

"It's okay, it's okay, as long as the lady is willing to go." The man waved his hands excitedly.

Ning Xi frowned and looked at Lu Nan. He had never helped her make any decisions before. What happened this time?

The man was leading the way for the four of them. Lu Nan approached Ning Xi and whispered in his ear, "Did you see the book in his hand?"

Ning Xi nodded. The man had a thick English book wrapped in his hand. The English text on it was partially obscured by the man's arm. He could only confirm that it was a book related to chemistry.

Lu Nan whispered again, "This man has loess on his feet and yellow dust on his head. This train came from the snowy area. If I guessed correctly, he should have come out of the snowy area. He has There is a faint smell of gunpowder, and the fingers are severely corroded. It must be someone who works with gunpowder." (This is purely fictional, please do not confirm it.)

Lu Nan’s seemingly nonsensical explanation conveyed some information to Ning Xi. There was a research base in the snow area. This person should be a scientist from that place or a person working in this field.

 It’s no wonder that Lu Nan helped her make the decision. Such researchers are worthy of respect.

On the way, the man briefly introduced Sun Miao, a native of Suzhou who teaches in the snowy area. Sun Miao came back this time because his family called a few days ago to say that his wife wanted to see him one last time.

Although no one could see any flaws in Sun Miao's words, Lu Nan still insisted that the other party must have come from the base.

Sun Miao's English teacher who can eat in English is also very good at this era. Not to mention that the salary is half a high, there is absolutely no problem in the school's dormitory in a school.

 How far is the snow area from Sioux City?

There is a staff dormitory, so why would he not take his wife and children to live there, or go back to Sioux City to work on his own? As long as he knows English, he can go to university and become a teacher in Sioux City. He is so smart. Would travel to the snow area instead of staying in Sioux City.

The only reason why he went to the snow area without bringing his wife and children with him was that he was not a teacher. His status was special and his work needed to be kept secret. He absolutely could not reveal the nature of his work to anyone.

Ning Xi and Lu Nan have the same view on this point. Others' work needs to be kept confidential. Neither she nor Lu Nan will pry around, let alone reveal that the other person is not a teacher.

 (End of this chapter)

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