Mr. Su looked at Ning Xi, "My dear grandson, let me show you Grandpa Liu. Your Grandpa Liu's cough was caused by inhaling a lot of smoke at the fire scene when he was trying to save your grandfather. I will remember his illness for a lifetime. Your father also wants to I tried my best, but unfortunately I couldn’t do anything for him.”

Mr. Liu glanced at Mr. Su. His illness was indeed caused by trying to save Mr. Su, but the cause of the incident was that Mr. Su was trapped inside when he rushed into the fire to save him.

 He is ashamed!

 The old chief had remembered his illness all his life, but he almost forgot that he was alive today because of the old chief.

Ning Xi obediently pointed to the pavilion next to her, "Grandpa Liu has a pavilion over there. Let's sit there and help you feel your pulse."

 “This girl is also good at medicine.”

Ning Xi humbly responded, "I know a little bit."

 “That’s done.” Mr. Liu would not refuse, at least he couldn’t refute the old chief’s face.

Others were very curious and all followed him.

 Ning Xi invited Mr. Liu to sit down and took Mr. Liu’s pulse.

After a long time, Ning Xi withdrew her hand and said, "Grandpa Liu, if you can trust me, why not try the medicine I prescribed for you."

“Can my disease be cured?” Mr. Liu looked at Ning Xi in surprise. Is she really capable of this?

“If Grandpa Liu can trust me, take a bottle of medicine and give it a try first.”

 Lao Liu nodded, "Okay."

“I didn’t bring the medicine. I’ll ask my husband to bring it to you tomorrow.”

Liu Lao glanced at Lu Nan, "Young man Lu has just been promoted to battalion commander. I'm afraid he won't have the time. Please give me an address and I'll have someone go there and get it."

“Yes, I live at No. 216, Lane 3, Shanggu Street. I should be at home during the day tomorrow.”

"Shanggu Street is a good place." Mr. Liu looked at Su Weiguo in surprise, "Weiguo, did you buy a house there?"

“Uncle Liu, you don’t know what’s going on with my family. How can I have the money to buy a house there? That house was given to me by the Ling family…”

 “Send it off?” Mr. Liu looked at Su Weiguo with a stern face, “Weiguo, you can’t be confused.”

"Uncle Liu, what are you thinking about? I have no contact with the Ling family. That house was given to my Xi'er by the Ling family as a thank you gift for curing the young master of the Ling family. "

"It's Ling Yun! That boy is my grandson's classmate. My grandson's family mentioned it before that he was seriously ill. The Ling family paid a sky-high medical fee for this and promised that whoever cures Ling Yun will be sent to the ancient street. Give him a house..." The old man who spoke looked at Ning Xi in shock, "Girl, it was you who cured that boy."

Ning Xi nodded, "Yes."

The old man looked surprised, "Girl, who did you learn your medical skills from? At such a young age, your medical skills are superior to those of the Shangguan family."

"Grandpa, my medical skills are not as good as those of the Shangguan family. I just happen to be better at toxicology." She didn't want to do anything like admitting that she was better than the Shangguan family by directly shouting from a distance, but she didn't want to offend others and be harassed everywhere. against.

Mr. Su glared at him, "Old man Chen, do you want to cause trouble for my dear grandson?"

The Su family is naturally not afraid of a small family of traditional Chinese medicine, but they will avoid troubles if they can, because some people disturb the normal life of their good grandson, and his good grandson will find it troublesome, but he will not be unhappy.

The old man chuckled, "It's not a problem, it's not a problem, no one will talk about it."

 Realizing that Ning Xi’s medical skills were indeed very powerful, these old men immediately made a request.

 “Girl, let grandma see if it’s okay.”

 “Girl, show it to grandpa too.”

“Girl, there’s me too.” Ning Xi smiled and agreed, checking everyone’s pulse one by one.

These old people go for physical examinations every year. Except for Mr. Liu's cough, they don't have much problems. If there are some minor problems, Ning Xi will prescribe some medicine for them to treat them.

At this time, after checking the pulse, it was almost twelve o'clock. Mrs. Su came out to call for people, and everyone dispersed.

After lunch, Xiao Zhang drove over. The two elderly people at home took a nap every afternoon because they were older. The two elderly people were indeed tired this morning, so Su Weiguo took them away so as not to disturb them. rest.

After sending a few people out, Mrs. Su handed a few bags to Ning Xi, "Xi'er, here are these for you. Here are the clothes and toys I bought for the little one, and some jewelry I bought for you."

Ning Xi took a look inside the bag. Three of the bags contained children's clothes and toys, and two bags were filled with jewelry boxes. There were long boxes, square boxes, round boxes, and heart-shaped boxes. , alien.

“Grandma, what is this?” She knew that these were jewelry boxes, but were they too many? Moreover, the styles and logos of the boxes were not of the same brand.

“Ever since I learned about your existence, I go back to the gold store from time to time when I go shopping. If I see jewelry that suits you, I will buy it for you.”

After explaining, Mrs. Su added, "Your mother also has it. It will only make her uncomfortable if you bring it to her at this time. It is better to wait until the problem between him and your father is resolved before giving it to her."

"Thank you, grandma." Ning Xi threw herself into Mrs. Su's arms.

Ning Xi doesn’t care about jewelry.

 What she cares about is Mrs. Su's thoughts.

 The desire of an old man to move all the good things home and give them to his daughter-in-law and granddaughter.

She thought that grandma would be a good grandma and a good mother-in-law.

 She or her mother will have a very good life in the future.

"Silly girl, what's there to thank you for? Okay, okay, it's hot outside. If you want to leave, hurry up and get in the car. Don't make the child too hot." Mrs. Su pushed Ning Xi away and touched her with a smile. Her head said, "Girl, if you have nothing to do, bring your children over to stay with your grandparents. Although your grandfather didn't say anything, he was very happy in his heart. If he doesn't come out to see you off right now, he won't let you go."

“Grandma, don’t worry, we will definitely come here often in the future.”

Ning Xi was pushed into the car by Mrs. Su.

The car drove out of the military compound. After driving for a long time, Ning Xi noticed that the car was not driving towards Shanggu Street, so she looked at Su Weiguo next to her with confusion, "Dad, where are we going?"

 “Go back to our home.”

 Where does Su Weiguo live?

Ning Xi nodded and said, "When we went out this morning, we met our former neighbors. They asked us to come over for dinner in the evening."

 “Don’t want to spend more time with dad?”

“No, that Uncle Chen is my father-in-law’s friend…”

Before Ning Xi could finish speaking, Su Weiguo had already asked with a smile, "Is your apprentice inviting you to dinner?"

Ning Xi nodded, "Yeah!"

"Okay! Go to our house and identify the door in a while, and then I'll let you go back."

About half an hour later, the car drove into the military compound where Su Weiguo lived. The car stopped at the door and the three of them got out of the car together.

Su Weiguo took out the key and opened the door and said, "Xiao Zhang, help my uncle and young lady lift their things, and then you can go back and rest."

 “Okay, Chief.”

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