Su Ningxi did not make a promise but said softly, "Miss Wang, please put your hands on the coffee table."

Su Ningxi felt Wang Wanyu's pulse. The pulse was generally deep, thin and slow. Then she looked at the tongue coating. She found that the tongue was light and the tongue coating was thin and white.

Just seeing this, Su Ningxi has almost made a judgment in her heart, but it is not enough to make a real judgment. "Miss Wang, can you tell me more about your situation in detail?"

 “Wanyu, she…”

Mrs. Wang wanted to explain on her behalf, but Su Ningxi glanced at Mrs. Wang and interrupted her, "Mrs. Wang, please let Miss Wang speak for herself. What she says herself is more important for me to judge her condition."

Mrs. Wang opened her mouth and patted Wang Wanyu's hand, "It doesn't matter. Dr. Su is a doctor and she will keep it secret for you."

Su Ningxi followed Mrs. Wang's words and said, "If Miss Wang is worried about confidentiality, you can rest assured that the doctor will never reveal any privacy of the patient."

Wang Wanyu raised her head and looked at Su Ningxi, and finally said the first words she came here to say, "Even when I go to bed at night, everything is normal and I don't get up very often. However, during the day, I have frequent and urgent urination. I usually walk faster." When I cry, laugh or cough, I lose control of my urine and it leaks out uncontrollably.”

 Speaking of this, Wang Wanyu's pale face became a little more flushed, and her eyes also turned red. She held her head with both hands, hiding herself in her hands and broke down.

"Because of this disease, I stopped studying after only reaching the third grade. After that, I stayed at home and rarely went out. The days when I changed more than a dozen pairs of pants every day and always smelled like urine on my body were more disgusting than death. Especially the way the servants at home look at me every time..."

Having said this, Wang Wanyu couldn't speak any more. Her body was trembling slightly, as if she was crying.

"Wanyu, I'm sorry. It's your mother's fault. It's your mother who didn't give you a good body, right? I'm sorry." This was probably the first time Mrs. Wang heard these words, and she collapsed instantly. She stretched out her hands and hugged her tightly. She felt distressed and guilty for holding her daughter, and her tears couldn't stop falling.

Su Ningxi glanced at the time. It was almost ten o'clock and the auction downstairs was about to end. She wanted to go home early and go to bed, so she interrupted the two of them. "I can understand your mood, Miss Wang. Let you say it yourself." "It makes you very upset, but I need to know more details to be able to help you."

Wang Wanyu nodded heavily, wiped the tears on her face and looked up at Su Ningxi.

After making sure that Wang Wanyu had controlled her emotions, Su Ningxi continued to ask, "Do you have any abnormalities when you urinate, such as difficulty in defecation, heat, pain, etc.?"

Wang Wanyu shook her head, "No, there are none of these situations, but every time it seems like I haven't emptied the toilet completely, and I want to go again as soon as I get out of the toilet."

This situation is somewhat similar to the leakage of urine in some women after giving birth, but it is just a similarity.

“Doctor Su, these are the medicines Wanyu has taken before.” Mrs. Wang took out a stack of prescription slips from her bag and handed them to Su Ningxi.

Su Ningxi took a rough look at the list. Both Chinese and Western medicine prescribed kidney-tonifying medicines. Even the ones prescribed by the Shangguan family were similar. This made Su Ningxi wonder how the Shangguan family was the only one in the traditional Chinese medicine field in the imperial capital.

These so-called famous doctors and medical families are simply ridiculous. They think the disease is in the kidneys just because they can't hold back their urine. But it's clear that Wang Wanyu's problem is in the spleen and stomach, so it's useless for you to prescribe a bunch of kidney-tonifying and yang-improving medicines.

Su Ningxi resisted the urge to swear and put down the pile of prescriptions.

“If Miss Wang can trust me, come to Yu Ren Tang to see me tomorrow. I will help you with acupuncture and Chinese medicine. You will see obvious effects after up to three doses of medicine.”

Wang Wanyu opened her mouth and held back a sentence for a while, "Can you go later?"

Su Ningxi smiled apologetically, "It's already ten o'clock now."

 “I…” Wang Wanyu lowered her head. Mrs. Wang sighed, "Doctor Su, Wanyu hasn't been out during the day for more than ten years because of this disease."

"Then you should step out boldly. If you don't even have the courage to walk under the sun, even if I cure you, you still only dare to hide in your one-third of an acre. Then your parents will continue to give you What’s the point of spending so much money on you with a famous doctor?”

Every word Su Ningxi said seemed to strike at the heart of the mother and daughter. Mrs. Wang and his wife felt uncomfortable seeing their daughter hiding in the house every day but did not dare to say a harsh word. Now someone finally helped them say these words. , although Mrs. Wang was a little worried, she was still happy.

Wang Wanyu looked at Mrs. Wang. Her parents had never given up on her. They even indulged her infinitely because of her illness and gave her the best in everything. However, she always stayed in her own turtle shell. She was not even willing to get close to her parents. At the age of twenty-five, she is still dependent on her parents for support. How can she live up to her parents?

 “Okay.” Thinking of her parents, Wang Wanyu finally nodded.

Su Ningxi nodded with satisfaction, "I will go to the clinic tomorrow morning. You guys can come over in the afternoon."

After giving Wang Wanyu a few words, Su Ningxi also got up and went to the next door after mother and daughter left. Lu Nan and Mr. Ling seemed to be having a good chat. Ling Yun and Lu Bei stood in front of the window and looked outside and muttered something. Look. It's quite harmonious.

  The auction downstairs has ended, and it is now dance time. The reason why so many people come to Lingyuan's auction every time is not only because of the lots, but also because there is a dance at the end of every auction.

Prom is not only a place to relax, but also to make more friends. It can also be used to discuss business, love, etc. Such a good place will naturally attract many people.

It was already a little late now, and Suningxi and the three of them were not interested in this kind of dance, so they were ready to leave.

Ling Yun took the three of them out of Lingyuan through the back door, and the three of them took a walk back home.

Su Weiguo and Liu He have already fallen asleep.

"Don't disturb the parents' rest. The parents will bring the baby to us when he wakes up later." Lu Nan didn't know how to write politely. After taking a bath, he took Ning Xi back to the house.

He closed the door, picked him up, put him on the bed, and pushed him down quickly.

“Daughter-in-law, it’s rare that we don’t have two little ones here. We can act louder tonight, and you can also be louder.”

 After saying that, someone couldn't wait to cover the red lips that made him think so much.

Ning Xi rolled her eyes and made louder movements and sounds. Is this person going crazy?

This kind of house with a wooden structure has poor sound insulation, which is very embarrassing for family members to hear.

As if he understood her thoughts, he was reluctant to let go of her red lips and said vaguely, "Don't be afraid, our... although the sound insulation effect of our house is poor, but... each small building is... thousands of miles apart, our small yard And it’s just us, husband and wife, so even if you scream, no one will hear you.”


She seemed to understand a little bit why those people in ancient times built their houses so big. The reason why each courtyard was so far apart was that the sound insulation of the house was too poor. For the sake of her own happy life.

 “Hiss!” Someone bit her chest hard, and Su Ningxi came back to her senses and looked at Lu Nan blankly.

 “If you lose your mind at this time, you will make me think that I am a failure.”


 She is, just...

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