"Do you know my husband?" Su Ningxi looked at Dr. Luo, and her peripheral vision swept over his trembling hands.

"I used to be his attending physician." Dr. Luo turned back and nodded towards Su Ningxi, "Let me formally meet you. My name is Luo Yuhong."

“Dr. Luo, thank you for saving my husband’s life.”

Doctor Luo shook his head, "I am ashamed to say that I, the attending physician, could do nothing but save his life."

“Doctor Luo is already very good. In my husband’s condition, he is lucky that he didn’t have his leg amputated.” If he had been amputated, she would have no chance of curing him, so she sincerely wanted to thank Dr. Luo.

"Haha! Doctor Su, I feel even more ashamed when you say that. To be honest, I mentioned that I wanted to amputate Lu Nan's legs at that time, but he refused. He said that even if he died, he would leave a complete body."

Su Ningxi hesitated. Although Western medicine has become popular in China, people in their generation are still very conservative, and many people still cannot accept having a knife on the body.

 “But you saved his leg from all kinds of complications.”

Dr. Luo is still very confident about what Su Ningxi said. "He has to keep his legs. I have to do something for this hero. At least he can't be tortured by various complications for the rest of his life."

 “So, you can bear my thanks.”

 After Mr. He finished drinking the medicine, the two of them left the intensive care unit together.

He Ze also arrived. He helped Mrs. Wang over and said, "Doctor Su, how is my father?"

"Don't worry, you can leave the intensive care unit soon." Su Ningxi took out a large porcelain jar and handed it to Dr. Luo. "Doctor Luo, this is the hospital. It's not appropriate for me as an outsider to run here every day. Can you please help me these days?" Mr. He applies the medicine.”

"Okay." Dr. Luo agreed without any hesitation. He raised the thermos bucket in his hand. "I can only take the Chinese medicine."

He Ze and Mrs. Wang hurriedly thanked him, "Dr. Luo, I'm sorry."

Doctor Luo shook his head nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter, Commander Yang and I are old acquaintances, so I will naturally take care of what he asks of me."

"These medicines are enough for three days. Mr. He's legs will almost start to stutter after three days. By then, I will add scar removal medicine to his burn medicine."

Su Ningxi said something, and then took out a paper bag and handed it to He Ze, "Take this Chinese medicine and boil it. Yang Tao knows a little about how to boil it."

"Okay." He Ze quickly took the medicine and said, "Doctor Su, today's treatment fee..."

Su Ningxi waved her hand nonchalantly, "Don't worry, we'll figure it out in the end."

Mrs. Wang said aloud, "It's already noon for Xiaoze and Xiaolue. You should take Dr. Su and Dr. Luo to eat first."

“I won’t go, I’m still at work.” Dr. Luo smiled, waved his hand, took the medicine and left.

“Doctor Su, let’s go eat first.”

He Ze and Yang Taolue took Su Ningxi to a restaurant opposite the military hospital and had a meal. Yang Taolue drove Su Ningxi back to Shanggu Street.

 At the place, Su Ningxi opened the door and got out of the car.

Yang Tao said slightly, "Doctor Su, I will come to pick you up in three days."

Su Ningxi nodded, "Okay."

Walking home slowly, Mrs. Wang and Wang Wanyu have arrived at the medical center. Aunt Li poured tea for them and sat on the stool at the door to rest. When she saw Su Ningxi coming back, Aunt Li immediately stood up, "Xiao Su, you are back. Two guests said they made an appointment with you."

"I know, Aunt Li, go and have a rest!" Su Ningxi said, looking at the mother and daughter, "Sorry, I kept you waiting for so long."

Mrs. Wang said politely, "We came early."

Su Ningxi nodded and invited the two of them to the acupuncture room for acupuncture.

After giving Wang Wanyu the acupuncture, Su Ningxi walked out of the acupuncture room.

Mr. Wu is here. Wu Xinghai is not here today, but Yang Yuqin is here with him. He invites people into the acupuncture room, first checks Mr. Wu's legs, looks at the knees that have begun to subside, pinches them with his hands and asks with a smile, " How does Mr. Wu feel?"

 “It doesn’t hurt much anymore.”

“That’s good. Once the swelling in both legs has completely subsided, we can proceed to the next stage of treatment.”

Su Ningxi arranged the silver needles for Mr. Wu and walked out of the acupuncture room, followed by Yang Yuqin. Su Ningxi brought her tea, and the two chatted without a word.

“Sister-in-law.” Lu Bei ran into the hospital with excitement on his face. “Quickly, take out your ID card.”

Ning Xi asked with confusion, "What's wrong?"

 “The admission notice has been sent.”

Su Ningxi stood up and ran back to the house. Liu He had already taken out her ID card for her, "Go and get it quickly."

“Hmm!” Su Ningxi took the ID card and ran out to take the admission notice from the postman.

Here, Lu Bei had already opened the document bag, opened the admission notice, and jumped up excitedly, "Army Engineering College, yes."

Lu Bei excitedly took the notice and looked at Su Ningxi, "Sister-in-law, where's yours?"

Su Ningxi opened the admission notice.

Lu Bei looked on and became excited again, "Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Teito University."

Liu He touched Sun Ningxi's head and patted Lu Bei's shoulder, "I'm finally relieved. What about that? Xiaobei, go call your dad and tell him the good news. Xi'er, you go too. You My father-in-law called me earlier and asked about your acceptance letter."

"Okay." Lu Bei responded, holding the notice and walking into the house.

Su Ningxi also walked into the house with Liu He on her arm.

None of the three of them noticed that Yang Yuqin stood outside the medical center and looked at the three of them blankly. Her eyes followed Lu Bei. It was not until Lu Bei walked into Nanxi Pavilion from the gate that she slowly looked away.

The call was connected. Su Ningxi first congratulated Lu Zheng and then returned to the hospital to get an injection for Wang Wanyu.

 After sending Wang Wanyu and her daughter away, Su Ningxi went to get Mr. Wu's needle.

After Mr. Wu finished taking his medicine, Su Ningxi took another medicine for Mr. Wu.

Yang Yuqin asked with a smile, "Doctor Su is going to the Imperial College of Traditional Chinese Medicine to study at university."

Su Ningxi smiled and nodded, "Yes."

“Your medical skills are so good, I’m afraid the teachers in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine won’t be able to teach you.”

Su Ningxi pursed her lips and smiled, looking up at Yang Yuqin. "But the certificates I need can only be obtained by going to university in the imperial capital."

Yang Yuqin nodded with sudden realization, "It turned out that I was here to get evidence."

Mr. Wu said with a smile, "Yuqin is a teacher at Imperial University. Doctor Su can go to Yuqin for help when he goes to school. If he needs any help, she will never delay it as long as she can do it."

Su Ningxi looked at Yang Yuqin in surprise, and after a long while she said, "No wonder you smell like a book."

“There is no bookish aroma.” Yang Yuqin smiled and waved her hand, “I teach advanced mathematics, and I will teach new students next semester.”

  In other words, there is hope that he can teach Su Ningxi.

Su Ningxi followed Yang Yuqin's words and said, "Then I will ask Teacher Yang to take more care of her from now on."

 After seeing Mr. Wu and Yang Yuqin off, Liu He happened to come over, "Xi'er, when you're done, go give your dad and Xiaonan a call."

 “No more fighting, I’ll give them a surprise when I come back in the evening.”

“Okay, what about your grandparents?”

 “We will go over and talk to them in person tomorrow.”

“Okay, then I’ll ask Aunt Li to cook two more dishes to celebrate.”

Su Weiguo and Lu Nan noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere at home as soon as they entered the house in the evening. The two looked at each other in confusion.

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