80s: After Marrying a Disabled Man, I Am Really Fragrant

Chapter 79: Finally looks like a normal pregnant woman

Chapter 79 Finally looks like a normal pregnant woman

Ning Xi didn't have to take care of Tang Xiangqin. Seeing that she was so vigilant, she said, "My father-in-law said that you are a poor child and asked me to help him take care of you first. If you don't believe me, you can leave now and come back tomorrow afternoon." Wait for my father-in-law.”

Tang Xiangqin fell into silence. After a long time, he said, "He looks like Teacher Lu. I believe in Teacher Lu. I understand."

 She should mean that Lu Nan is like Lu Zhenghai. She believes in Lu Zhenghai, so she will also believe in them. The last sentence is that she wants to take a bath by herself.

"I still have something to do. After you take a shower, you can wait in the main room. I'll come back later and help you arrange a place to stay." She said this, and Ning Xi didn't stay any longer, turned around and left the toilet, and helped Tang Xiangqin closed the door.

Took the backpack to the production room and packed some spicy strips, dried fish and canned apricots to take to the store.

There is no one in the shop at this time, Lu He and Zhang Ying are cleaning up.

 Zhang Ying was washing dishes. When he saw Ning Xi, he asked, "What's going on in the afternoon? Why did you bring a beggar with you?"

"She looks very pitiful. I just wanted to give her some food and send her away, but as soon as she saw Brother Nan, she called Teacher Lu..." Ning Xi told Tang Xiangqin's story.

Zhang Ying smiled and said, "This can be regarded as fate!"

“Hmm!” Ning Xi neatly placed bags of spicy strips and dried fish in the glass cabinet, and bottles of canned fruit on the counter in the room.

Lu He looked at the glass cabinets filled with dried fish and spicy strips and said with a smile, "Not to mention looking from the outside, our dried fish, spicy strips and cans look really tempting."

Zhang Ying glanced at Lu He arrogantly, "Nonsense, when did our Xiaoxi make the wrong decision?"

 Lu He immediately agreed, "Yes, yes, all the decisions Xiao Xi made are right."

"I'm not a prophet. I can't be right about anything." Ning Xi shook her head helplessly. After displaying the goods, she picked up a homemade blackboard and a box of chalk from the counter.

  Sit down and write the prices of ice cream, fruit tea, ice powder, iced sour plum soup, dried fish, spicy strips, and canned food on the small blackboard, and then decorate it with some flowers, expressions, etc. in the free space.

"The paintings are so beautiful. Xiao Xi, you are so amazing. You can do everything." Chen Jing stood beside her at some point.

Ning Xi raised her head and saw that not only Chen Jing, but also Lu Xu was here.

 After saying hello, Chen Jing walked to the counter and said, "Is there anything left to eat? Everyone else got free food, and I want it too."

"No more, I have to make some for my sister-in-law." Zhang Ying hurriedly took out the lunch box from the refrigerator, scooped out all the remaining ice cream, made four ice creams, put them in two bowls, handed them to Chen Jing, and poured them again. Two cups of sour plum soup.

Chen Jing handed one to Lu Xu, then picked up the spoon and took a bite. "Yeah! It's delicious, much better than popsicles. There's watermelon in it!"

 Zhang Ying smiled and replied, "Yes, this is watermelon-flavored ice cream."

Lu Xu was not interested in eating these things, but he still happily ate a scoop of ice cream. "It tastes very good."

With just one bite, he fell in love with it and put spoonfuls in his mouth. "I feel like I can go out for a walk and eat while I'm free."

Lu Xu said these words seriously, which made Chen Jing laugh. "Haha! Brother Xu, why are you more shameless than me? You said it first before I even had the nerve to say it."

Lu He smiled honestly, "It's not a valuable thing. If you want to eat it, come over and eat it!"

Chen Jing looked at the price written by Ning Xi and couldn't help but ask, "One penny per ball, is there any profit?"

 Zhang Ying explained aloud, "The ice cream **** sold are smaller. The cost of this thing is not high. The only expensive thing is the refrigerator."

Hearing what Zhang Ying said, Chen Jing immediately became interested and lowered her voice and asked, "Except for this refrigerator, how much can I earn per box of this lunch box?" Zhang Ying also lowered her voice and replied, "You can earn 20 per box."

"You can earn so much from just this little thing." Not to mention Chen Jing, even Lu Xu was shocked. An ice cream ball costs only one point, but they can earn 20 from such a box. Isn't this too much? point.

“Hmm! I did some rough calculations in the afternoon and found that one box can indeed earn 20.”

Ning Xi had already decorated the small blackboard and said, "Since brother and sister-in-law are here, we will have dinner here later and then go back!"

Chen Jing immediately nodded and agreed, "Okay! Do you have pork belly at home? I want to eat braised pork."

“I just bought pork belly today.” Ning Xi replied with a smile. She walked into the counter and started preparing the ingredients for making ice cream with Zhang Ying. “Brother and sister-in-law, please sit down for a while. We’ll make the ice cream first and then go back to cooking.”

Chen Jing ordered her ice cream and happily ate it. Lu Xu finished the ice cream and stood outside smoking with Lu He.

After the ice cream was ready and put in the refrigerator, they walked back home together. Lu Nan had already sat down to eat. Because Chen Jing wanted to eat braised pork, Ning Xi made another braised pork and spicy beef cubes.

Even before the brightly colored and fragrant braised pork was out of the pot, waves of aroma were already wafting out of the kitchen, with a somewhat greasy smell entering Ning Xi's nose.

She seemed to smell something bad, covered her mouth and ran out of the kitchen, bending over and retching.

Lu Nan and the others were standing in the yard talking. When they heard the movement, Lu Nan immediately turned around and saw Ning Xi. He immediately frowned and pushed the wheelchair over, "What's wrong?"

"I...vomit..." Ning Xi was speechless and could only wave her hands to show that she was fine.

 Zhang Ying came out of the kitchen and giggled, "It's morning sickness. I asked you why you acted like a normal person. Now you finally look like a normal pregnant woman."

Knowing that she was just suffering from morning sickness, Lu Nan's frown relaxed.

 When Ning Xi recovered, Chen Jing handed Ning Xi a glass of water, rinsed her mouth, and drank some chrysanthemum tea, which finally made her turbulent stomach feel better.

 Zhang Ying asked from the side, "Is the meat in the pot almost done?"

"Well! It's time to take it out of the pot. Just sprinkle some chopped green onion over it." Ning Xi didn't want to continue vomiting and decided not to touch the braised pork again.

Chen Jing laughed and said, "It looks like I won't be able to eat braised pork for a long time."

"It's going to take a long time to vomit?" Lu Nan's brows wrinkled again in an instant. He knew about morning sickness, but he didn't know how long it would last. If he vomited like this every day, Xiao Nizi, who had just put on weight, would be extremely thin.

"It depends on each person! Some stop vomiting after one month, and some stop vomiting after three months." Zhang Ying has never been a mother herself, but she has seen many pregnant women, so she knows a little bit about it.

Lu Nan's brows furrowed even more. "So long."

“I’m fine.” Ning Xi smiled at Lu Nan.

 When the braised pork is out of the pot, everyone helps carry out the food and prepare for dinner.

As soon as they entered the main room, Tang Xiangqin shrank into a corner and looked at everyone with vigilance.

Chen Jing did not expect that there was someone else in the hall, so she asked with surprise, "Who is this person?"

After Tang Xiangqin took a bath, Ning Xi saw her for the first time. She was stunned for a few seconds before realizing that the pretty girl in front of her was Tang Xiangqin, and she said aloud, "This is my father-in-law's student Tang Xiangqin. Don't be afraid of Tang Xiangqin. These are all members of our Lu family."

 (End of this chapter)

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