Chapter 86 scared you

The group looked at the excitement for a long time and could not come back to their senses. When they came to their senses completely, Ning Xi and her group had already returned to the store.

 “What’s going on, Aunt Yang! That man must be Ning Meizi’s man!”

 “Oh my God! It’s too scary. How could a weak and weak girl like Ning Meizi marry such a scary man?”

“Didn’t Sister Zhang say that the relationship between the two of them was good before? How can they get better with such a bad temper? I’m afraid Sister Ning is being beaten every day.”

“Fuck you.” Aunt Yang glared at everyone with a dark face. “If someone wants to kill your wife, how can you not be angry? If someone wants to kill you, how can you be happy if the men in your family don’t stand up?”

 “Ah! What happened?”

“That man must be the one who came to Ning Meizi’s store today and smashed it up!”

 Everyone was asking questions again.

"What happened? That man came to threaten Sister Ning and asked her to give her one thousand yuan. If she didn't give her, he would bring people to the store to cause trouble every day. He also said that if Sister Ning couldn't give her one thousand yuan, he would Give him 500, and pay for the rest with meat. That’s what people say. Can Xiao Lu tolerate him? That means Xiao Lu, if I want to beat him to death, why should I pay him for his medical expenses?”

Hearing what Aunt Yang said, everyone finally understood why Lu Nan was so angry. They all said that Chen Haijun deserved it. If this happened to them, they would definitely not send Chen Haijun to the hospital, let alone pay for the medical expenses.

There was a lot of chatter for a while, and someone whispered, "That man said he is Wang Yuxiang's man. After Xiao Lu beat him up like this, I'm afraid Wang Yuxiang will come to the store to continue making trouble."

"I don't think it's possible." The noodle seller next door looked at everyone with a mysterious face. "Do you know who sent that little gangster to the hospital?"

 “Who is it?” Everyone’s eyes fell on the eldest brother.

The eldest brother said with a smile, "Secretary Zhou in our town, Ning Meizi's man must not be an ordinary person, otherwise Secretary Zhou can let him boss him around? Can he obediently follow his request and send that man to the hospital? So I'm afraid Wang Yuxiang will kick him this time We're on the iron plate. I heard Sister Ning calculating the losses with the chiefs and officials at noon today. Just wait and see! Wang Yuxiang will obediently send the money to Sister Ning soon. "

In just a short time, Lu Nan's image in everyone's mind has changed from a cruel man who beat his wife to a mysterious person with a great background.

Of course, Lu Nan didn't know this at all. At this moment, Lu Nan was sitting obediently, letting his wife help him deal with the injuries on the back of his hands. The skin on the four joints on the back of his left hand was broken. This was due to a blow to Chen Haijun's teeth. is caused.

"I scared you." Lu Nan's voice was very low, not because he was afraid of being heard, but because he was afraid of scaring her. Ning Xi's face had always been pale from just now, probably because she was frightened by the scene of him beating someone. .

 Damn it, why don’t you know how to control it? It took a lot of effort to ease the relationship with her. What should I do if I scare her again?

"No, I'm just a little worried. If anything happens to Chen Haijun, the Chen family will definitely come to trouble you." Ning Xi supported Lu Nan to teach Chen Haijun a lesson, but she didn't expect that he would be so harsh. What if someone died? Come on.

"Sister-in-law, please be sensible. The injuries on that boy's body are serious but not fatal." Lei Zi hurriedly spoke to Lu Nan.

 “Broken at most two ribs.”

“…” Lei Zi looked at Lu Nan speechlessly.

 Boss, I’m helping you tell a lie, can’t you tell? What will your sister-in-law think if you tell the truth about that kid so honestly?

Breaking someone's ribs with bare hands is normal for us, but for your wife, it is a terrible thing for a woman. You have told the truth, and your sister-in-law will not be scared to death by you.

Lei Zi was so frightened by Lu Nan that he covered his face and scratched his head.

How can I help the boss get over this matter?

well! It would be great if Lao Zhou was here. He has many ideas and he would definitely be able to come up with good ideas.

  Obviously Lei Zi was wrong. Ning Xi was not frightened, but instead asked, "Are you sure it's just two ribs?"

Lu Nan nodded, "Just two, the others are all skin injuries, but this injury will be enough for him to be in pain for a while."

"As long as no one is killed, if someone is killed, don't even think about returning to the army." Ning Xi finally let go of her worries, but she still glared at him and warned with a straight face, "Take it easy in the future. Don’t ruin your future for these people.”

“I have a sense of discretion, and the cruel attack on Chen Haijun today is to scare the chickens and monkeys. After this, no one will dare to come to the store to cause trouble again. Even if I return to the army, everyone will not dare to mess with you again because of Lao Zhou.”

Lu Nan raised his hand and gently rubbed Ning Xi's hair with the other hand, "I'm just afraid of scaring you, otherwise Chen Haijun will suffer more today."

Ning Xi rolled her eyes at Lu Nan, "I'm not a piece of paper. Besides, it's not like you're going to hit me. What should I be afraid of?"

 Xiami? Is this the case?

Leizi drank the cold sour plum soup from a glass and looked at Lu Nan and then at Ning Xi.

 Sister-in-law seems to be different from other women. She obviously looks quite weak, but she is not frightened by the angry boss.

"Okay." After cleaning Lu Nan's wound and applying medicine, Ning Xi put away all the bottles and jars on the table and put them away. "You go buy some food. You, Lei Zi, and Secretary Zhou can have a few drinks in the evening."

"What are you drinking? It's important to treat your legs." If he wasn't in a wheelchair, even Chen Haijun's poor third son would dare to bully his wife. He needs to heal his legs quickly so that all those who want to bully his little wife can become Quail, I don’t dare to trouble his little wife again.

"It's okay to be delayed for just one day. It's rare for Lei Zi to come here. You can accompany them to have a drink." Ning Xi winked at Lu Nan. This person doesn't understand the world at all. Not to mention that others helped him. I came all the way to see him. As a master, he should greet people warmly. It was better for him to have a cold attitude, as if others owed him money.

Lei Zi hurriedly spoke up to smooth things over, "Sister-in-law, you won't be in the way. The boss needs to treat his leg. I just came over to see the boss and will leave in a moment."

"He will return to the army in two months. After that, it will be difficult for you to get together again. Let's have a good get-together today." Ning Xi smiled and pulled Lu Nan.

“I didn’t say not to buy groceries, alas!” Lu Nan sighed helplessly. He just said he wouldn’t drink, and he didn’t say he wouldn’t invite Lei Zi and Zhou Tong to dinner.

While the three of them were talking, Captain Liu came with a group of people. Captain Liu saw Lei Zi sitting in the store and stood stunned for a few seconds at the door before walking forward quickly: "Lei Suo, when are you coming over?" of."

"Captain Liu, hello! Hello!" Lei Zi stood up with a smile and walked forward to shake Captain Liu's hand. "I came to my comrade's place for lunch today during the break. I would like to introduce you to him. My comrade is also my captain." Lu Nan.”

 (End of this chapter)

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