Gu Ye breathed a sigh of relief, took another sip of tea, his stomach growled a few times, and then a few more times, it belonged to the two children, Zhou Xiaobao made a fuss in the morning, and the three of them didn't even eat breakfast .

But the two children are very sensible, and they don't bark when they are hungry, they just drink tea, but the more they drink, the hungrier they become, and the gurgles keep going.

Out of the corner of Gu Ye's eyes, he secretly glanced at Chu Qiao, and after looking at it for a while, he quietly moved away, and looked at him again, as awkward as a young boy, but he was very sweet in his heart, and he was very proud, because only he knew that this rustic look Under the ugly dress, she is a beautiful little fairy and also his future wife.

That's right, he is going to marry this little fairy named Chu Qiao, a daughter-in-law tailor-made for him by God, and finally met, even if it takes ninety-nine or eighty-one difficulties, he has to marry her.

Chu Qiao didn't know what this guy was thinking. She had completed her mission today, and Gu Jianshe must have had a very bad impression of her. She would never marry Gu Jianshe again in this life.


There was a voice next to her ear, Chu Qiao turned her head and saw the two children clutching their stomachs tightly, obviously hungry, seeing her looking over, the two children quickly turned their eyes away and stopped staring at the pastry.

Chu Qiao smiled slightly. These two children have been very sensible since they were young. They are much better than Gu Jianshe's two little beasts. As expected, they have seen their elders since they were young. Those two little beasts have been domineering and selfish since they were young. It's broken, how can it be broken right?

Gu Ye drank the tea mechanically, but he didn't taste the taste of the tea, his eyes stared blankly at the teacup, his expression was numb, his body was also stiff and straight, but his mind was thinking, is the little fairy looking at him?

Why doesn't he go out in that new shirt?

Gu Ye was very annoyed, he hurriedly went out in the morning, he put on a blue and white horizontal striped sweater casually, it was worn in the B team before, it had several holes, usually he didn't wear it out, he wore it as pajamas of.

Today, he put on this damned ragged clothes and went out. Gu Ye stared down, feeling even more annoyed. The camouflage pants were also torn, and he wore a pair of slippers. He was unkempt from head to toe. Would the little fairy think that he Too sloppy?

Gu Ye wanted to explain that he was not like this usually, but he didn't know how to say it. He and the little fairy had only met once, and the little fairy didn't even know his name.

The flustered Gu Ye was expressionless and annoyed, his mind was like a mess, but there was a voice from heaven in his ears, "Is the child alright?"


Gu Ye was so excited that he almost knocked over the table, the cup in his hand shook, and the tea splashed onto his trousers, where the window of society was. Fortunately, the tea was not hot, otherwise he would have become a real eunuch.

Zhou Dabao and his brothers hid their faces and lowered their heads, unable to bear to look any longer, Uncle Gu is too embarrassed, such a big person is not stable at all, alas!

Chu Qiao's eyes were full of smiles, it's so interesting that Boss Gu was so naive when he was young.

She has already clipped her bangs, and it is too uncomfortable to cover her eyes with her bangs. I don't know how she lived with such thick bangs a few years ago. She is really stupid.

"'s okay, just take the medicine in the hospital and you'll be fine."

Gu Ye answered quickly, without daring to cast his eyes randomly, he was still holding the teacup tightly in his hand, and put it on the table without knowing it, his body was tense, like an eighteen-year-old Lengtouqing.

"It's fine. Children have weak stomachs. In summer, they should eat fresh food. Don't eat overnight food." Chu Qiao couldn't help but say a few more words.

Gu Ye can't take care of himself well. The two children have only been taken over for three or four months, and Xu Bilian can't count on it. One can imagine what kind of life Gu Ye and the two children have had in the past few months. If you live, you must be in a mess.

"I'll pay attention later."

Gu Ye listened carefully, and dared to look at the girl. Seeing Chu Qiao's hair curled up, showing her beautiful face, he was so happy that his heart would fly.

The little fairy covered her face when she saw Gu Jianshe,

When I talked to him, I cut my hair. I like this kind of difference in treating him, so happy.

Gu Ye, who was full of enthusiasm, still had a serious face, both hands were still clutching the teacup, the veins on the back of his hand were bulging, Chu Qiao was very worried that this poor teacup would not be able to withstand this guy's eagle claw skills, but seeing Gu Ye There was an inexplicable sweetness in her heart with this nervous and youthful look.

Chu Qiao knew very well that it was because of her that Gu Ye was so nervous, maybe it was because of a gentle lady and a gentleman?

In her previous life, she had never experienced the feeling of being pursued by the opposite sex. Before marrying Gu Jianshe, she wore thick bangs and dressed in rustic clothes, and no one pursued her at all. No way.

Chu Qiao felt that she and Gu Jianshe didn't look like they were married, but that they were working with a license. She was working as a free nanny. After 21 years as a nanny, she finally got off the job with no honor.

Although she doesn't want to get married in this life, she also wants to experience the taste of love. When she earns money and becomes independent, and then dresses up well, there should be men pursuing her, right?

"Comrade Chu Qiao, my name is Gu Ye, and that Gu Jianshe just now is my nephew who doesn't live up to expectations."

Gu Ye's voice interrupted Chu Qiao's memory. She looked at Gu Ye who was still restrained, and saw that he was still holding the teacup in his hand, so she couldn't help laughing. Gu Ye blushed, but his heart was sweet, little fairy Smiled at him... The little fairy must have a good impression of him.

Chu Qiao pretended to be surprised, "Are you uncles and nephews? Dear ones?"


Gu Ye felt numb in his heart, the little fairy's voice was really nice, soft and glutinous, like glutinous rice cakes, he likes to eat glutinous rice cakes the most, he never thought that he would meet the destiny daughter-in-law in this life, he thought that in this life I can't even get married.

Xiaobao's stomach is stretched really well, not too soon, not too late, just right.

"Your seniority is really high."

Chu Qiao sighed with emotion, and joked, "My name is Chu Qiao, and today I'm here to go on a blind date with your elder nephew, but it's too old, we can't be relatives anymore."

Although she hates Gu Jianshe, she does not reject making friends with Gu Ye. This man is very decent and responsible. Wild is the first.

She doesn't believe anyone else, including her biological father, Meng Yuanzhi.

Gu Ye grinned, and blurted out, "It's good to be yellow."

Chu Qiao pursed her lips and smiled, not surprised, the two were rivals, Gu Ye would definitely not speak well of Gu Jianshe.

"I'm going home, bye."

Chu Qiao smiled again, took her leave and left. When she saw the dim sum on the table, her heart moved, and she said, "I have never eaten these dim sum. If you and the child don't dislike them, why don't you help me eat them?"

"I don't dislike it."

Gu Ye picked it up quickly, how could he dislike it, even if the little fairy gave him mud, he would eat it without frowning, not to mention that he likes to eat sweets, this secret is unknown to the Gu family, tall, mighty, masculine and tough Gu Ye, his favorite is sweets, especially soft and glutinous snacks.

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