After taking a bath, Gu Ye didn't wake Chu Qiao, went to sleep in the room, and had some indescribable dreams at night, but when he was doing something wonderful to Chu Qiao, he suddenly stretched out a sinful hand and forcefully pushed Chu Qiao. He pushed off a cliff.

Gu Yesheng was frightened to wake up, his head was covered in cold sweat, his body was a little sore, and what was wrong with this bed?

Gu Ye, who woke up, looked around and couldn't help crying and laughing, and the bed was gone.

The bed was on the ground, and he was on the ground too. Last night, he pushed the bed so hard that it collapsed.

Chu Qiao was also awakened, and rushed inside to ask, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, the bed is not secure and collapsed!"

Gu Ye's voice was a little dejected, and the bed was too weak, but he was thankful again. Fortunately, he was the one who slept on this bed last night, otherwise he would have fallen on his wife.

Chu Qiao was stunned for a moment, then laughed. The more he laughed, the more joyful, the tears came out. Dabao and Xiaobao woke up in a daze, not understanding anything, only smirking along with Chu Qiao.

Gu Ye lifted four feet of the bed, and a few boards came out. He was going to get some nails and hammers to repair the bed and make it stronger.


Chu Qiao couldn't help laughing again, clutching her stomach hard, this guy is a pistachio, and living with him will definitely not get depression, it's too cola.

Gu Ye was originally a little depressed, but seeing Chu Qiao laughing so happily, the depression was swept away, followed by a silly joy. In ancient times, there was a prodigal king Qianjin who made the beauty smile. He laughed, he was much more powerful than that prodigal king.

This morning, Gu Ye didn't go for a morning jog anymore. He borrowed hammers and nails from someone else's house and started to work in the corridor. This early morning, everyone was watching the process of repairing his bed.

"Senior Gu, why did your bed collapse?" Many people came to care, their voices were very ambiguous, and they were all married people. Naturally, they understood how the bed collapsed, and winked at Gu Ye.

"Sleep down!"

Gu Ye said angrily, everyone couldn't help laughing, and some people were joking.

"I heard people say that Section Chief Gu made it to two in the middle of the night last night, is it true?"

"I heard that it was done for two hours in a row, without stopping in the middle. Section Chief Gu is indeed a young man, and his physical strength is good!"

"Ah, it's no wonder that the bed is collapsing. I can't blame the bed for being weak. Section Chief Gu, if you do this, even the iron bed will collapse!"

These people talked more and more, and their color became more and more yellow. Others followed suit, and many were married women. Their ability to play dirty jokes was better than that of many men.

Chu Qiao was cooking breakfast in the corridor, but she was too embarrassed to do it, so she went back to the room, but the dirty words outside still got in. Chu Qiao heard it all, and now she finally understands that she went to Gu Ye last night. Why do you do that? These people are really idle, and they even have to take care of the husband and wife's sexual affairs.

Gu Ye was not at all embarrassed, and even joked with these people. In a few words, the bed was repaired. He deliberately shook it a few times, and there was no sound at all, and it was very strong.

"Senior Gu, how long can this bed last? I think you'd better let the workshop weld an iron bed for you. The wooden bed won't work."

"I'll help you weld for free, no money!"

Gu Ye lifted the bed, laughed and scolded at these people: "I don't take advantage of the public, I will repair it if it breaks!"

When he entered the room and saw Chu Qiao sitting with a blushing face, Gu Ye rushed outside and scolded: "Go to work if you are too busy, don't stare at other people's room all day long, it's not that you don't have a daughter-in-law!"

The people outside quickly dispersed, Gu Ye smiled at Chu Qiao, "It's alright, these people are just open-mouthed, just treat them as farts!"


Chu Qiao nodded with a blushing face, and did not dare to look at Gu Ye. She lowered her head and went out to continue making breakfast. She didn't make amaranth cake this morning, she cooked shredded pork noodles with red meat in the snow.

She rolls the noodles herself, and it tastes better than the gluten-free noodles that she bought.

Xuan Hongxia came over, saw her still blushing, and said with a smile: "What's the shame, those people are like this, just get used to it."

Chu Qiao had calmed down a bit, but when she heard her words, her face became hot again. She and Gu Ye were fake. If it was true, she would not be ashamed.

"Xiao Chu, you and Section Chief Gu really worked for two hours last night?" Xuan Hongxia lowered her voice and inquired mysteriously. She was curious and envious. Don't talk about her man for two hours now. Couldn't hold on for ten minutes.

Chu Qiao blushed to the point of bleeding, and looked at Xuan Hongxia begging for mercy.

"You're married, so what's there to be ashamed of?"

Xuan Hongxia was amused and didn't ask any further questions, she said enviously, "You are so lucky, Section Chief Gu is good, your physical strength is good, and you're ashamed, you'll know what I said in the future, my man just got married. In a while, I didn't do it for two hours at a time, this waist is becoming more and more useless, and now I can't even hold on for ten minutes, your sister and I are now a widow!"

After he finished speaking, he sighed heavily, and the sad expression made Chu Qiao forget her shyness and couldn't help laughing.

"What I said is true. Your brother-in-law can't do it right now. I even deliberately got some whips from the countryside and stewed them for him, so it only lasted for two more minutes!"

Xuan Hongxia is even more sad, middle-aged women can't afford to hurt!

Chu Qiao's heart moved. She had met Xuan Hongxia's husband. He was medium in height and had a stubborn back. It was said that he used a dry shovel to scrape. No wonder his waist was bad.

She remembered that there were several herbal diets in the medicated diet book, but she hadn't studied it. She had made a lot of medicated diets in her previous life, but she had never done it before, so she didn't know much about it. She looked back at the book again. You can share those medicated meals with Xuan Hongxia, maybe it will help.

Xuan Hongxia complained a few words and then went back to her home. Chu Qiao rolled out the noodles, cooked a large pot of shredded pork noodles with snow cabbage, and fried a few golden poached eggs. Two Gu Ye, she and Da Bao Each baby has one.

During the meal, Chu Qiao asked, "Can Dabao and Xiaobao drink milk?"

Gu Ye was stunned for a moment, then patted Dabao's head, "Have you ever had milk?"

"Drinked goat's milk." Dabao ate the noodles in a big mouth, without raising his head, the noodles were so delicious.

"Then milk should be drinkable too. Can we order milk in the factory? We all have to drink it."

Chu Qiao wanted to order milk. She and Gu Ye, as well as Dabao and Xiaobao, both drink it. Women drink milk well, and children can grow.

Gu Ye nodded, "I can order it, I'll ask later, I won't drink it, you and Dabao and Xiaobao drink."

What kind of milk does he drink as a big man, the girls are screeching.

"Drink all!"

Chu Qiao squinted, Gu Ye's bones softened immediately, and he hurriedly replied: "Okay, drink it all."

The daughter-in-law has the final say.

After breakfast, Gu Ye went to work and didn't come back for lunch. The weather was hot and Chu Qiao had no appetite, but she had to cook for the two children. Just happened to buy an old pumpkin yesterday. She planned to make pumpkin pie. Boil some mung bean porridge.

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