Tang Weiguo trembled violently. Dapeng, a beast, looks gentle and polite. He is an obedient student in the eyes of teachers, a role model in the hearts of classmates, and a good boy in the eyes of adults. But only he knows that. How ruthless is Peng Xin, a beast that dares to kill.

"I'm just kidding, what are you really doing, ahem... you almost strangled to death!"

Tang Weiguo touched his neck, feeling terrified. Just now, he seemed to have really seen Lord Yan, and he was frightened to death.

"You can't even joke around!" Chu Peng warned coldly.

"All right, all right, no joke." Tang Weiguo responded repeatedly, but he was still a little unwilling. After all, she was such a beauty that brought disaster to the country and the people. He probed softly, "Well... what if your sister likes me?"


Chu Peng glanced coolly, and felt that this kid was daydreaming. After observing Chu Qiao for a few days, he found that his stupid sister had indeed changed a lot after she had a fever. Chu Qiao suits him very well, she is somewhat qualified to be his sister.

How could it be possible to look up to Tang Weiguo, an idiot?

Chu Qiao outside the house didn't know the two boys in the house, because she almost got into a fight, she had already eaten a plate of watermelon, she was a little full, the TV had finished an episode, and He Jihong had also prepared a meal, and she had a refreshing and comfortable Chu Qiao Dissatisfied shouted: "Bring out the food!"


Chu Qiao responded obediently, her attitude must be respectful, and she cannot let outsiders find fault, but she can't do the work, but it's okay to hold a few bowls of food.

The kitchen was like a steamer, she was almost dizzy from the heat just standing there, she glanced at He Jihong whose shirt was soaked, Chu Qiao was in a better mood, as expected it was more comfortable to be a lazy person.

"All these dishes are taken out."

He Jihong gritted her teeth and gave the order, her eyes were on fire. Ever since Chu Qiao came, she had never been so tired. In the past five years, she has always stretched out her clothes and opened her mouth for food. Chu Yuanzhi bought the food every day Three meals and housework are all done by Chu Qiao. Her son studies well, so she doesn't have to worry about everything. Who doesn't envy her in the unit?

But these days, she was so busy that she was dizzy. She had to prepare three meals a day, mopped the floor, washed the laundry and cleaned the table, and went to work. When she was not free from morning to night, she was as tired as a dog.

Chu Yuanzhi's mouth is quite sweet, but he doesn't know how to do anything. He dragged the floor and made the house a mess. In the end, she had to clean it up. Chu Qiao, a little bitch, pretended to be dead every day. She couldn't scold her when it hurt, otherwise When the neighbors heard it, they would definitely say that her stepmother was cruel.

He Jihong was simmering with fire in her heart, inhaled the oily smoke, and lost her appetite. Now she just wants to marry this little bitch off as soon as possible, so that she can earn a sum of money as a bride price.

Chu Qiao held a plate of deep-fried prawns, and as soon as she walked out of the kitchen, she heard Tang Weiguo's exaggerated and ingratiating voice, "Hot it, I'll hold it, Chu Qiao... sister."

Under Chu Peng's cold eyes, Tang Weiguo reluctantly added a 'sister', took the dishes from Chu Qiao's hand and graciously took them, and he also brought out the rest of the dishes. People who do not help when they fall down are very diligent at this time, just like hardworking bees.

"thank you."

Chu Qiao was very grateful. She didn't expect Tang Weiguo to be quite diligent, and she didn't realize it before.

"Thank you, Chu Qiao... Don't be polite to me, sister."

Tang Weiguo's smile is brighter than the sun. He has a sweet mouth and is very popular. He started a company with Chu Peng in his previous life. Chu Peng was in charge of planning and planning. Tang Weiguo handed everything over to Tang Weiguo. The two cooperated seamlessly, and the company became very big. , but in the previous life Chu Peng was basically abroad and rarely went home. He was a little cold, even to his own mother He Jihong.

Chu Qiao liked Tang Weiguo's personality, he was cheerful and sunny, and he was also handsome. Although he was the last one, the teachers liked him very much, and Tang Weiguo in his previous life was still promising.

She used to like to read all kinds of books when she had nothing to do at home. The book said that people with high emotional intelligence,

It is easier to succeed than a person with a high IQ. This sentence is very suitable for Tang Weiguo.

"Be careful it's hot."

Chu Qiao reminded her, she was in a good mood, her brows were crooked with a smile, Tang Weiguo couldn't help being dazed, the soup in his hand was about to spill.


Chu Peng coughed heavily, Tang Weiguo's face became hot, he didn't dare to look at it anymore, but he was thinking in his heart, this look is too disastrous for the country and the people, no wonder the emperor in ancient times was so fascinated that he couldn't even go to court. Forget, if the favorite concubine Chu Qiao is like this, if he is the emperor, he will go to the bullshit court, abdicate directly and give way to the virtuous, and it would be great to be drunk and die with the beauty in his arms.

Chu Yuanzhi came out of the room, and when he saw the sumptuous dishes on the table, he immediately praised: "This dish is really well-cooked, with all the flavors and aromas. The dishes in big hotels are also at this level."

The stern-faced He Jihong relaxed a little, and smiled a little more. She just likes Chu Yuanzhi's sweet talk and beauty. Otherwise, even if she is a second marriage, she would not marry Chu Yuanzhi. A wimpy man with an oil bottle in his family background.

"Weiguo eats prawns."

He Jihong used serving chopsticks to pick up prawns for Tang Weiguo, amiable and enthusiastic.

"Thank you, Aunt He."

Looking at the pointed shrimp in the bowl, Tang Weiguo felt a little dizzy. In fact, he doesn’t like shrimp very much, but for some reason, He Jihong always thinks that he likes shrimp. Every time he comes to Chu’s for dinner, He Jihong will keep picking shrimp for him , he actually wants to eat some braised pork.

Chu Peng glanced at him, took advantage of He Jihong's inattention, put all the prawns in his bowl on his plate, and shared some with Chu Qiao, Tang Weiguo heaved a sigh of relief, and happily picked up a chopsticks of braised pork to eat, the taste It's passable, but not as good as fucking good.

Chu Qiao glanced at the cheap brother in surprise, Chu Peng concentrated on peeling the shrimp, his profile was almost exactly the same as Chu Yuanzhi, but his temperament was completely different, one was cold and the other was warm.

Unable to understand the thoughts of the cheap brother, Chu Qiao didn't bother to think about it, and concentrated on eating shrimp. She doesn't like meat, but she likes to eat shrimp and crab, and she won't get tired of eating it every day. It's a pity that He Jihong doesn't like eating, so Chu Yuanzhi seldom Buy shrimp and crab.

"Weiguo eats shrimp!"

When He Jihong saw that Tang Weiguo had no shrimps on his plate, he thought he had finished eating, so he arranged for them immediately. Most of the large plate of shrimps was given to Tang Weiguo by her, and the rest of He Jihong was given to Chu Yuanzhi and his son. Of course, Chu Qiao Don't even think about it, how can such an expensive shrimp be eaten in a tow oil bottle.

"Chu Qiao...sister, help me eat some." Tang Weiguo saw that Chu Qiao liked to eat shrimp, so he took the initiative to pass the shrimp on the plate to her.


Chu Qiao never refused anyone who came, the prawns that Chu Yuanzhi bought were very fresh, tender and sweet, she could eat a big plate by herself.

"Why doesn't Weiguo eat shrimp? Isn't it delicious?" He Jihong was very dissatisfied, but he couldn't vent his anger on Tang Weiguo, so he could only secretly stare at Chuqiao.

Tang Weiguo was about to say that he didn't like shrimp, but his foot was kicked hard, and it hurt so much that he had to change his words, "It's delicious, the shrimp made by my aunt is extremely delicious, but I just ate too much watermelon and I'm a little full gone."

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