"Don't touch my head. Please correct me again. I am a bachelor. Being single is passive. I actively chose to be single!"

Chu Peng slapped off the stupid sister's paw. He hated having his head touched and hated the word "bachelor". He didn't know who coined it. He always thought "bachelor" was a derogatory term.

"Dad, Xiaopeng said he would never get married. I'm afraid you may never have the chance to be a grandfather in this life!"

Seeing the bright red marks on her paws, Chu Qiao became angry and complained to Chu Yuanzhi, who had just returned from a walk. Her father had quarreled with Chu Peng countless times in his previous life because of his marriage. Chu Yuanzhi scolded his son for being unfilial, because there are three types of unfilial piety. , it is great to have no descendants.

Chu Peng retorted that he had already obtained a postdoctoral degree and was very filial. He also said that Chu Yuanzhi was pedantic, narrow-minded, and unkind. Why must he have children? All children on earth and aliens are cute. , they can all be the grandsons of Chu Yuanzhi.

Anyway, this kid kept making all kinds of crooked ideas. Every time he had a quarrel, Chu Yuanzhi would be choked until he almost burst a blood vessel, and there was nothing he could do to his son.

Chu Yuanzhi's beauty suddenly turned pale. What he valued most was the incense of the Chu family. After the direct family branch went overseas, there was no news for decades and no one knew whether they were alive or dead. If they were all destroyed, only the Chu family would be left. Now that he is a member, his son has the heavy responsibility of carrying on the family line.

How can I be a bachelor?

This is unfaithful, unfilial, and rebellious behavior.

"Xiaopeng, why don't you want to get married? This kind of thinking is unacceptable. At the most serious level, human beings need to reproduce and society needs to be continued, and new generations need to be injected into it. At the most small level, you are too lonely by yourself, and you will be alone after you get married. With companionship, we can live a life of mutual help.”

Chu Yuanzhi began a long speech, educating his son diligently. In fact, he had already noticed something was wrong with his son. The child was too cold and had no interest in anything else except studying. He didn't have many friends. The one he usually interacted with was Tang Weiguo.

Chu Peng interrupted impatiently and said in a cold voice: "The reproduction of human beings has nothing to do with me. If it perishes, another new species will appear, just like us humans replaced the dinosaurs. Only those with fragile hearts can live alone." I feel lonely, and I think that getting married is not about having a partner, but about having enemies, just like you and my mother, living like a fool!"

Chu Yuanzhi's face became embarrassed and he explained dryly, "It's normal for couples to quarrel, and their tongues and teeth will bump. This is life. Xiaopeng, you will understand when you grow up."

"No need to understand."

Chu Peng didn't give his father any face. He had no expectations for marriage, and he didn't want to spend the money he earned on another unrelated woman. Just thinking about this possibility made his heart hurt.

Chu Yuanzhi opened his mouth with a helpless expression. How could his son become like this?

He is only 17 years old, but he has seen through the world of mortals. What has his son experienced?

Has Xiaopeng been hurt emotionally?

Chu Yuanzhi became even more worried and looked at Chu Peng with pity. He turned around and asked the kid Tang Weiguo if Xiaopeng had ever had a relationship in school and if he had been dumped by a girl.

Chu Qiao shook her head. She didn't care whether she was incense or not. The Chu family didn't have a throne to inherit. It didn't matter if Chu Peng didn't get married. She had personal freedom. However, she still hoped that the dog brother could find a fierce tigress. If you treat this kid so docilely, he will never be able to stand up again for the rest of his life.

I hope there will be changes in this life, and she will work hard to find a powerful wife for Brother Gou, hehe!

Chu Qiao went to the corridor to make breakfast, or rice balls. The weather was hot, rice balls were easy to carry, and both Gu Ye and Chu Peng liked to eat them.

She steamed some more rice, which was quite edible for both of them, fried some eggs, some luncheon meat, and fried some shredded pickled pork to make rice balls later.

For breakfast, she prepared fried noodles and mung bean porridge. She rolled the noodles by herself and blanched them in water. The side dishes were mung bean sprouts, shredded pork, shredded carrots, and green vegetables. After frying, they turned red, green, and yellow. , beautiful and delicious.

"Xiao Chu, your fried noodles are really good." Xuan Hongxia came over with a bowl of noodles and said with a smile.

Under the influence of Chu Qiao, Xuan Hongxia also changed the unchanging pattern of making rice for breakfast, and started to come up with new tricks, such as frying rice cakes, cooking noodles, or spreading pancakes, all of which she learned from Chu Qiao.

Today Xuan Hongxia cooked noodles with shredded pork and pickled cabbage. The noodles were cooked with pickled red cabbage and meat. It tasted very delicious. Both her husband and children loved it. They ate a lot more than usual. Xuan Hongxia was also very successful. Sensational.

Chu Qiao picked up a large piece of fried noodles with chopsticks and put them in Xuan Hongxia's bowl. "When making fried noodles, the noodles must be chewy and not soft. It's best to roll the noodles yourself."

"I can't roll it well. It's too troublesome to knead the dough. It comes out either too hard or too watery. Xiao Chu, why are you so good at making pasta? You're just like the northerners."

Xuan Hongxia took a bite of the fried noodles, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she was full of praise, "It's so delicious, Xiao Chu, how to roll this noodles, please teach me later, it's much more delicious than dried noodles."

"This is simple. I'll teach you it later and you'll know how to do it."

Chu Qiao readily agreed, put the fried noodles on several large plates, put the rest in the basin, and started to clean up the stove, so that she could start eating when Gu Ye came back.

Just as he was chanting, Gu Ye flashed out from the stairs, followed by Brother Dabao, all dripping with sweat.

"Qiaoqiao, here you go!"

Gu Ye picked a handful of pink and white wild roses in his hand. He saw them on the way to morning exercise. Tang Weiguo said that women like romance. The gifts are not expensive, but the thoughts are the most important. Women also like it even if it is a bouquet of wild flowers on the roadside. .

The petals of the wild rose were still stained with dew, and they were so delicate and beautiful. Chu Qiao took the flower in surprise and took a sniff. It was the fresh fragrance of nature. She liked it so much.

"Section Chief Gu is so romantic. He went for a run in the morning and picked flowers for my wife. It's not like what I did at home. He didn't even give me a flower when he hooked up with me. Oh, it makes me sad just thinking about it."

There were many housewives making breakfast in the corridor. When they saw Gu Ye delivering flowers, they couldn't help but feel sour. It was too much to stimulate them with a show of affection so early in the morning.

"It's the same with the one at my house. I didn't even send fake flowers. Section Chief Gu understands the mood. Didn't such beautiful flowers reach Xiao Chu's heart?" someone asked jokingly.

Chu Qiao blushed like a persimmon. She was so ashamed that she went into the house and went to find a glass bottle to raise it. When she heard the sour sound outside, her heart felt sweeter than drinking honey, and she kept smiling.

"Just worthless wild flowers."

Chu Peng reminded her coldly that it was too unreserved for the stupid sister to be so happy with a bouquet of broken wild flowers.

Chu Qiao rolled her eyes, "As long as the flower is beautiful, it doesn't matter if it's wild or not. The most important thing is the intention inside the flower. You don't understand anything!"

Chu Peng snorted coldly. He didn't need to understand these things, and he couldn't make money.

After Gu Ye and Dabao and Xiaobao took a bath, they started to have breakfast. Gu Ye ate big fried noodles. He liked to eat pasta, maybe because Mr. Gu's ancestral home was in the north, and the old man also liked to eat pasta.

"Are you still going to Mao Laolai's place today?" Chu Qiao asked.

"Go, I'll go every day."

Gu Ye gritted his teeth and swallowed a big mouthful of fried noodles. He had to come back with 380,000 yuan, and he didn't believe that he couldn't deal with such a bad old man.

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