After Chu Qiao was dragged home, she went back to her own room and didn't cry anymore. She had to take a nap and was very tired from arguing.

In the living room, He Jihong had a dark face, Chu Yuanzhi couldn't help laughing and saying good things, but He Jihong ignored him, and his face became darker and darker.

"She doesn't look down on such a good object as Gu Jianshe. She wants to marry the emperor? Hmph, she's 21, and she doesn't have a job. She depends on the house every day to eat leisurely? Chu Yuanzhi, how much salary do you earn?"

He Jihong didn't bother to pretend to be virtuous anymore, so she simply opened the skylight and said something bright. At first, her mother asked her to pretend to be virtuous. She could not only get a free nanny, but also earn a betrothal gift, and she could also get a good reputation. .

Moreover, Chu Qiao is also honest. Her stepmother is not hard, but she is very comfortable. He Jihong is also happy to pretend, but now that Chu Qiao doesn't cooperate, she can't pretend anymore. She is not gentle and kind.

"Then let her move out and live, so that you won't be upset." Chu Peng said coldly, his brows becoming impatient.

He Jihong was stunned, a little flustered, she was afraid of her son, after all, she was relying on her old age.

"Xiaopeng, you don't know..."

He Jihong wanted to explain, but Chu Peng interrupted her, "Since you see her angry, let her move out, and the house can be clean."

"Mom doesn't mean that. It's like moving out."

Of course He Jihong was not happy. How could she still earn the betrothal money when she moved out, she had been raised for five years in vain.

"Then stop arguing and let others see jokes!"

Chu Peng's expression became colder, his eyes were mocking, and He Jihong's heart was even more panicked. He wanted to explain a few words for himself, but Chu Peng entered the room and Chu Qiao was not there, so he stared at Chu Yuanzhi with a sullen face. Enter the bedroom, slam the door shut.

Chu Yuanzhi smiled helplessly, and packed up the porcelain meals on the ground. It was a really rough day, and he really had to marry Chu Qiao, otherwise he would be wronged if he stayed at home.

Chu Qiao in the room heard clearly and sneered silently. She must not be able to stay in this house. He Jihong regarded her as a thorn in her eyes, and now her face has been torn apart.

She couldn't go back to the countryside, and her uncle and aunt were even more embarrassed when they saw the money. They didn't know what man they would sell her to.

The best way is to move her hukou to the city and set up a separate family, so that she can live independently, and no one can threaten her with the hukou in her own hands.

But now she has no money and can't afford to buy a house. She has to find a way to make money in a short time. She can make snacks, medicated meals, play the piano and guzheng, and knows a little about flower arrangement and tea ceremony.

In her previous life, her rich wife was not for nothing. She learned the piano when she accompanies Gu Jianshe's two beastly sons to practice the piano. The two little beasts didn't learn it, but she learned it well. The piano teacher also said that she was talented in music. I also got some interest, so I signed up for a guzheng class. I learned pretty well, and I can fool people.

Flower arranging and tea ceremony are also learned when she has nothing to do, and they are all elegant things.

The best thing is to make snacks and medicinal meals. It is reliable that earning money is a bit slow. Selling food can't make a lot of money in a short time.

There is one more thing I am worried about. Chu Yuanzhi's property was confiscated a few years ago. Although it is not much, it is not too small. It will be returned in a few days. There are two properties, one is a bungalow with a yard. , The location is very good and the area is very large. It is a bit shabby now, but it will be worth a lot of money in the future.

There is also a three-story house with a smaller area and a good location. These two properties belonged to Chu Yuanzhi. In his previous life, he wanted to give one to each of his children. The house was given to Chu Peng and the bungalow to Chu Qiao.

But in her previous life, Chu Qiao's hukou was not in Lucheng. She had a rural hukou, but at this time, there was a policy that rural hukou could not be registered with real estate in the city, because it could not be transferred. (The specifics of this policy cannot be found.

I have consulted some elders, it seems that there is such a thing, but I am not 100% sure, this book is set as the background of this policy)

Chu Yuanzhi wanted to move his daughter's hukou to his home, but He Jihong disagreed and refused in every possible way. Finally, he coaxed Chu Yuanzhi to give the bungalow to his daughter Xu Bilian, and the house was transferred to Xu Bilian's name.

Because of this, Chu Yuanzhi felt guilty and gave Chu Qiao the medicated recipe that He Jihong looked down upon, and the bungalow caught up with the demolition before Chu Qiao died, and Xu Bilian lost a lot of money. , and got several resettlement houses, always running to show off in front of her.

This house is a thorn in Chu Qiao's heart. In this life, she must get the house, and Xu Bilian can't be cheap anymore.

Chu Qiao recalled that the return of the property should be in October, and the time was very urgent. She had to hurry up to earn money to buy a house and move her hukou, but how to earn money?

She sighed heavily, Chu Qiao died of worry, she was not a particularly smart person, even if she was reborn, her brain did not become smarter, she could not study well, barely graduated from high school, and could not pass the university entrance examination.

I read some rebirth novels in my previous life, the heroine became omnipotent after being reborn, went to a famous university, and started a company to make money. Lord, and the most outstanding, earnest, and most handsome one is the heroine's husband, who leads a happy life without shame and shame after marriage.

By the way, the heroine in the novel not only learns to earn money, but also has a good baby. Twins are standard, three or four are also very common. It is easier than eating. She is useless like her, and she still loses one baby. Death, alas!

Chu Qiao sighed again, other people's rebirth is so awesome, how could she be so miserable, she doesn't know how to make money if she wants to break her head?

Let's go out for a walk in the afternoon and see if you can find a way to make money. If you can't do it, you can only set up a stall to sell snacks. But first, you have to buy some stuff, and you have to rent a room. Chu Qiao couldn't help laughing bitterly, she is now penniless. , I don't even have the money to rent a house.

In the next room, Chu Yuanzhi and his wife were talking, but He Jihong was still angry and sat on the bed with a sullen face. Chu Yuanzhi smiled and said a lot of sweet words. He Jihong's face softened a little, and he rolled his eyes at him and said angrily: "I All the good intentions were taken by your father and daughter as a donkey and lungs. Hmph, your daughter is usually quiet, but she bit me at a critical moment, and said in front of the neighbors that I forced her to be a stepmother. When she goes to work tomorrow, there will definitely be someone. Saying I'm a vicious stepmother, what face do I have?"

"Who dares to say that I scold him to death, wife, you are the most virtuous and generous, don't have the same knowledge as that kid Qiaoqiao, she won't speak when she's in a hurry, don't be angry, if you are angry, you will have one more crow's feet. "

Chu Yuanzhi held the palm fan and fanned it vigorously, and was attentive and ready to come. He Jihong panicked and looked in the mirror when he heard the crow's feet. His face, which had been well maintained, was now oily and yellow, compared with the beautiful Chu Yuanzhi next to him. Like a generation away.

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