The He family enjoyed the meal quite happily. After finishing the meal, Mrs. He personally escorted them out, watching them with kind eyes until they were no longer visible.

Chu Yuanzhi went back to the machine tool factory first. He had to go back to get his clothes and then go back to the hospital.

He Jihong looked miserable, and his heart was still blocked. Mrs. He squinted her eyes and said coldly: "Don't always keep such a face. Xiao Chu will go home soon. You should have a better attitude towards others. Xiao Chu won't point fingers now." Our He family is here, you have to be aware of current affairs!"

"Mom, he has no conscience!"

He Jihong was so wronged. She pulled Chu Yuanzhi out of the mud pit, arranged a job for him, and helped the man raise his daughter. How could she be sorry for this man?

Mrs. He sneered, "Do you have any conscience with men? Are you only eighteen years old? Go home, have a good time with Xiao Chu, and be polite to Chu Qiao!"


He Jihong swallowed her bitter tears. No matter how unwilling she was, she had no choice but to accept her fate. Now that Chu Qiao was protected by Gu Ye, her back was very stiff. She even had to help her nephew with his work, ha... Her mother was right, man She is indeed the most heartless, she is so stupid!

Xu Bilian came out and left without even saying hello. Mrs. He didn't stop her either. Her eyes turned cold. This idiot can't stay in Shanghai anymore. He should be transferred to other provinces as soon as possible. Transferring from Shanghai to other provinces is easy. She just needs to make a phone call. .

Chu Qiao and the others returned home. It was still early. Chu Yuanzhi packed up a change of clothes and toiletries, and reluctantly said goodbye to Dabao and Xiaobao.

"Grandpa, can you not go back? No one asked me if I can't do my homework." Dabao grabbed Chu Yuanzhi's hand and refused to let go.

"Grandpa, no one can read my big words."

Xiaobao grabbed Chu Yuanzhi's other hand with an attached expression. The dependence of the two children made Chu Yuanzhi even more reluctant to let go. He had never felt that he would be so needed. It turned out that he was not a dispensable loser, but also useful. Yes.

"Grandpa is going home and will visit you often in the future. You should study hard, don't be naughty and make trouble, and listen to the teacher and aunt."

Chu Yuanzhi gently stroked the round heads of the two children. His eyes were red and his heart was very sour.

If possible, he really wanted to take the two children home.

"It's time to go. It's not like we're saying goodbye forever. If you want to see your little one, please come over and see me!"

Chu Qiao urged angrily, making it so lingering. It was only a twenty-minute ride from the machine tool factory to the hospital, and he could come back to see the child at any time. As for this?

Chu Yuanzhi sighed and hugged Dabao and Xiaobao respectively, "Grandpa is gone!"

"Goodbye Grandpa!"

Dabao Xiaobao waved his hand and sent Chu Yuanzhi downstairs. Chu Qiao also gave a few words of advice, "When you get back, keep your back straight. With your son-in-law supporting you, don't be afraid of that woman, remember?"

"Hey, don't be afraid!"

Chu Yuanzhi nodded, he must not be afraid. His son-in-law is so powerful that even his mother-in-law has to ask him to do things.

Chu Qiao was then satisfied and urged: "Go back!"

Chu Yuanzhi rode on the car and walked back three times until he could no longer be seen. Dabao and Xiaobao sighed leisurely, with a sad face and red eyes, which made Chu Qiao happy.

It had only been a few days, but these two children had developed such a deep relationship with their coward father.

"Grandpa will come again in the future, go home!"

Chu Qiao rubbed the child's head and walked in front to go home. Dabao and Xiaobao kept following behind and asked when grandpa would come. Chu Qiao became impatient and said, "Wait until you get a hundred points in the exam." , grandpa is back!"

Dabao kept it in mind and secretly made up his mind to get 100% in the next exam.

When going to bed at night, Gu Ye couldn't help but ask: "Why do you want He Shenghui to join the machine tool factory?"

The wages at the machine tool factory were higher than those at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and the benefits were better. He didn't think his wife would want He Shenghui to live a good life.

"He Shenghui is not a good person. He is placed under the nose of the machine tool factory. He does not dare to mess around. Besides, there is no future as a warehouse keeper. The Industrial and Commercial Bureau is a good organization and cannot take advantage of this guy."

Gu Ye still didn't understand. His wife was telling the truth. How could the Industrial and Commercial Bureau be a good company?

Chu Qiao pursed her lips and said with a smile: "I bet you that in another twenty years, the industrial, commercial, and taxation units will become such good units that you won't be able to get in even if you squeeze your head out, and the machine tool factory will not be able to compare with them."

When she had an accident in her previous life, there was a craze for civil service examinations across the country. Units such as the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Taxation Bureau, Public Security Bureau, Procuratorate and Law were all golden jobs. The recruitment ratio was thousands to one. The competition was very fierce, but many people still rushed to sign up.

However, machine tool factories, which used to be iron rice bowls, have turned into mud rice bowls. The profits are not good, and wages may not be paid. They are incomparable with civil servants.

Gu Ye was dubious. The machine tool factory was now a good place that everyone wanted to work in. His wife actually said that it would not be as good as the Industrial and Commercial Bureau in the future?

How can it be?

"Qiaoqiao, how did you know?" Gu Ye's eyes turned dark.

In fact, he had noticed something was wrong with Chu Qiao a long time ago. Tang Yaozu was not only suspicious, he was even more suspicious.

Chu Qiao used to live in the countryside. She had a domineering and vicious aunt and an honest and cowardly uncle. It was impossible to raise Chu Qiao carefully. It would be good if she could have enough food. So where did Chu Qiao learn her talents?

Qiaoqiao told Old Tang that she was taught by a music teacher, but Gu Ye didn't quite believe it. Music teachers in rural areas didn't have much talent themselves, and maybe didn't even know musical notation. How could they teach Qiaoqiao?

There is also Qiaoqiao’s exquisite cooking skills, and she knows dishes from many places. Her skills at Bai An are even more amazing. Not many southerners can do Bai An well. Some professional chefs can’t do it. Where did Qiao Qiao learn it?

There is absolutely no way it was He Jihong who taught it, this old woman doesn’t even know how to do it herself.

Chu Qiao's obsession with the house also made Gu Ye suspicious.

Chu Qiao's heart skipped a beat. She didn't dare to look Gu Ye in the eye, and she was so confused. What was she going to say?

She definitely couldn't talk about rebirth. She didn't want to scare Gu Ye. After thinking about it, Chu Qiao had an idea and said, "I...I actually dreamed about it, do you believe it?"

Gu Ye looked stunned, Huang Liang had a dream?

Chu Qiao swallowed her saliva and continued: "In July, I had a stroke, a high fever, and almost died. When I was in a daze, I had a long dream, just like watching a movie. I have met many people and many things. I have lived my whole life in dreams and learned a lot of things. You will not believe it, but I really learned them in dreams."

In fact, Chu Qiao herself couldn't tell whether she was reborn or had a long dream.

Just think her current life was a dream.

Gu Ye's expression became solemn, "Did you also learn how to cook in a dream?"

"Well, that dream was very long. I learned a lot, and I also knew a lot of things. For example, the machine tool factory will go bankrupt, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau will become a good unit, and the houses in Shanghai will become more and more expensive. Just us The ten bungalows she bought will be worth tens of millions in the future." Chu Qiao whispered, looking a little aggrieved. She didn't want Gu Ye to think she was a monster.

Gu Ye felt weak and was very upset. He shouldn't have doubted his wife. It was normal to have dreams. In ancient times, there was a dream.

His wife is a little fairy, maybe God gave her instructions to make his wife rich!

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