"Gu Ye, move out!" Chu Qiao's tone became serious, with some warning.

But this guy squeezed in again, looking very arrogant. Chu Qiao couldn't help but get angry. Only then did she understand why He Jihong said that this guy was a demon king. He was such a rogue.

Gu Ye was actually angry with her and didn't want to do anything. He planned to go to bed later. Things like candles and flowers in the wedding room must be done willingly by the wife, so that would be interesting.

Seeing Chu Qiao's stern face, bright eyes, and bright red cheeks, Gu Ye stared straight at him. His wife looked really good when she was angry, so he should let her be angry again.

So, he squeezed in again. Chu Qiao was already pressed against the wall, and her anger reached the extreme.

"Qiaoqiao, you are so kind..."

Before he could say the word 'look', Gu Ye felt a strong force that strangled his destiny's waist, and then his body suddenly hung in the air, and his whole body fluttered in the air in a shameful posture.

Chu Qiao lifted the guy's belt with one hand, stood up, moved Gu Ye out of the bed, and let him swim breaststroke in the air, just like the dog brother did before.

"You can't hear good words, can you? I asked you to move away and didn't hear me? Three pounds of chicken feathers grew in my ears? Are you still pushing them in? I didn't give you some color to see, and you thought I was easy to bully, huh!"

Chu Qiao easily carried the person, effortlessly, and still had the energy to teach the guy a lesson.

"Qiaoqiao put me down!"

Gu Ye fluttered a few times, but couldn't break away, but he didn't feel ashamed. He thought it was the fun between husband and wife, and there was nothing shameful about it, but he hoped that he would be the stronger one, which would be more interesting.

"Don't let go!"

Chu Qiao raised her head and refused to let go, anxious to death.

"You really don't want to let go?"

"Hold on, go down by yourself if you can!"

Chu Qiao deliberately provoked them, and the two of them were so quarrelsome that they didn't even hear Chu Peng's questions outside.

Chu Peng asked several times, but when there was no response, he loudly said: "I'm in!"

He really wanted to watch the stupid brother-in-law breaststroke. He was sure with his first place position that the stupid brother-in-law was definitely flopping like a toad now.

"Qiaoqiao, will there be any reward if I go down by myself?"

Gu Ye fluttered and laughed at the same time. He smiled in a ruffian manner and showed his big white teeth, looking very shameless.

"You go down first and then talk!"

Chu Qiao rolled her eyes and snorted arrogantly. She was extremely confident in her own strength. How could Gu Ye be able to get down now that she was hugging him around the waist?

But she forgot that there is a move in traditional Chinese martial arts called "Four Liangs of Thousand Catties". Being strong does not mean you are invincible.

Gu Ye's smile became even more ruthless, "I'll take it as your promise. I'll decide the reward."

Chu Qiao rolled her eyes again and ignored him, but soon she noticed something was wrong. Gu Ye, who was restrained by her, suddenly straightened up in the air. He was originally facing down, but now he turned over. Taking the initiative, before Chu Qiao could react, she was pressed onto the bed. Her body was so hot that Gu Ye pressed her down tightly like a wild animal, unable to move.

"let me go……"

Chu Qiao was ashamed and angry, but her limbs were locked and her strength was useless. Gu Ye ate her to death.

"I suppressed based on my ability, why should I let go? Qiaoqiao, I'm going to get a reward!"

Gu Ye smiled like a big gangster and slowly moved his face closer. The hot breath he exhaled made Chu Qiao flustered and her mind gradually went blank. She moved her eyes away, not daring to look into the eyes of the man next to her. Those deep eyes were like the stars in the sea. Normally, it would make her flustered and she would not dare to respond.

Because she doesn't love Gu Ye that much yet, and she doesn't deserve to accept such deep love from Gu Ye.


Gu Ye's voice was low and hoarse, and his eyes were deeper. Their lips were less than one centimeter apart. As long as they got closer, they could kiss.

Chu Qiao didn't say a word. She was about to faint and her breathing became rapid. Although it wasn't the first time she kissed Gu Ye, she was very nervous this time. She had no psychological baggage with the previous kisses because she felt that the other person was not good enough, so she kissed her. Nothing.

Now she was a little afraid, afraid that the fire of Gu Ye's life would be ignited and it would get out of control. How would she put out the fire?

She's not ready yet!

One was so flustered and the other was confused that he didn't even hear Chu Peng's voice outside. The room became quiet. Chu Peng called a few more times, but there was still no movement. Instead, he heard the stupid sister's panicked call. He was a little nervous. Okay, is it the stupid brother-in-law bullying the stupid sister?

How unreasonable!

Chu Peng's face darkened, he pulled open the door curtain and saw a scene that showed no shame. The stupid brother-in-law looked like he had no bones, pressing on the stupid sister, shamelessly sticking his mouth on the stupid sister's face. It was so shameful. .

Although he was a simple chicken, he had never eaten pork and had seen pigs running away. Chu Peng immediately turned around urgently, his handsome face dyed purple, and said in a cold voice: "Excuse me!"

Then he fled, as fast as he could fly. After a while, he turned back and closed the door curtain thoughtfully, and there was no movement after that.

Chu Peng sat on the bed, his heart beating like a drum. It was so embarrassing. How could he be stupid enough to pull the curtain of his stupid sister's room?

Luckily they were all wearing clothes, otherwise he would have had nightmares at night.

Taking a long breath, Chu Peng felt a little calmer. He saw Dabao and Xiaobao sleeping soundly on their backs, and felt envious. If he had gone to bed early, the embarrassing thing wouldn't have happened.

In the room, Chu Qiao's face was flushed with shame, and the dog brothers all saw it. It was so embarrassing.

"Let go!" Chu Qiao gritted her teeth and warned in a low voice.

She could feel the obvious change in this scoundrel, which was so embarrassing.

Gu Ye didn't feel anything at all. He was thick-skinned. Such a small scene wouldn't embarrass him. Moreover, kissing and hugging between husband and wife was normal. His brother-in-law didn't care if he saw it. He just treated it as learning extracurricular knowledge.

"Hold on, I haven't gotten the reward yet."

Gu Yexiang shamelessly came closer and captured the delicious cherry lips with ease. Different from the previous kisses, this kiss was particularly lingering. Several minutes passed, and he didn't let go. The more they kissed, the closer they got. Feeling excited.

Chu Qiao was so dizzy that she could no longer think clearly and allowed this guy to 'act randomly'.

Several minutes passed before Gu Ye let go. It wasn't that his lung capacity was low, but that he could no longer control his body. Chu Qiao was not willing to do anything serious yet, so he had to stop.

Passionately kissing Chu Qiao's face carefully, Gu Ye's voice became hoarse and filled with resentment, "What a annoying little goblin. God sent you here specifically to treat me!"

Gu Ye was afraid of no one, not even the Emperor. He had been domineering since he was a child, but he fell into trouble with Chu Qiao. He was so embarrassed that he had no temper at all and could only be obedient. ,

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